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Thread: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest

  1. #31

    Re: NFL Weekly Picks Contest - Week 2

    I know Nicky.

  2. #32
    Custom Title Sox Fan on Cape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: NFL Weekly Picks Contest - Week 2

    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox34;289920;
    I was never banned by YesZir. I told him to ban me because I didn't want any part in it anymore...and thats b.s that you suddenly declare that I won't be able to win the prize in the Fantasy baseball league when it was never previously stated and I'm about to win it. I've learned my lesson. Give me a break...

    You are just jealous that I recently sent your team packing in the fantasy baseball playoffs and now you're randomly bringing up an incident from 18 months ago where I dropped a few players and it took like 25 seconds to correct. Pppplease.
    Let's see, "I was never banned by YesZir. I told him to ban me because I didn't want any part in it anymore...". I stated you got banned by Yeszir, your own statement says you were. You were getting grief from the board because you were acting like an immature jerk. ( nice edit after the fact ).

    Oh, Fantasy League # 2, I was already in League #1 which is a superior league in terms of players and prizes. I joined only because He Hate Me was stuck with an odd number and would have had to drop someone to make it even. Then I donated the prize money just to make it interesting. BTW, I joined Talksox League # 2 06' last year because SOTK's was one short. That was my first year ever playing any fantasy league of any sport. I finished 2 going into the play-offs and third overall. I found it fun and gave me something else to share with my son. With six weeks or so to go, my team ( league #2 07' ) was in last place. I could have easily paid no attention and lost most, if not all of my remaining games. Of course I didn't. The reason ( which you have no concept of ) is that I made a commitment to the other members of the league. I made the play-offs, no big deal. All it indicated was I played equally hard against all opponents. Which the right thing to do.

    You were banned from prizes in last years fantasy league ( any those members can attest to ). This ban continued. You were allowed to play for fun, again no prizes. You have never collected a prize since your misdeed. You statement of facts are erroneous. If anyone wants to look any of them up. For instance how was it 18 months ago, when the "incident" ended a year ago.

    So you have the audacity to accuse / infer that this is all about you beating me by 1 point. What it really demonstrates is your childish thought process. As soon as you enter the weekly contest you were in reminded of your ineligibility. I did this to avoid the very thing that you've been doing, whining, whining, and whining. You knew all along that you were banned from prizes. Somehow you seem to forget facts, and paint the picture of you as poor innocent victim. The reality is that last year RedRuffing15 would sometimes play for cash and sometimes for fun. Latter in the year we both realized that it wasn't fair for him to take a number out the Monday Night Football selections ( as this is the tie breaker and there is a limited amount of prime choices ). That is the sole reason that you were immediately reminded, so that you wouldn't do what you are doing. Of course, you didn't read this in the threads because you quit playing. Another instance of if you can't win, then you're either going to quit or try and cause problems for someone else.

    Whether you can face reality or not is not my problem. I'm tired of your whining posts, PM's, and insinuations. Maybe your whining and nagging works with your parents, but it doesn't work with me. All you have done is clog up a fun thread with your accusations and other irrelevant posts because you're not willing to face facts. You have accomplished nothing, except to further my resolve.

    So I will state it as clearly as I can :

    You have been and will be banned from any and all contests that I either run or supply prizes for.

    To Yeszir, SOTK's, or any other qualified Mod, please move this foolishness from this thread ( or as much as you can ) to "Fights and Crap" where it belongs.

  3. #33
    Super Moderator
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    Jul 2004

    Re: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest


  5. #35

    Re: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest

    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox34;290221;
    Guess who doesn't care?
    obviously you do

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest

    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox34;290221;
    Guess who doesn't care?
    Then what the hell have I been reading in this thread?
    ""There are no asterisks in this life, only scoreboards... and ours is currently reading 'fucked'." -- Ari Gold, Entourage

  7. #37

    Re: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest

    I wish I knew big words I could have used against Yankshater

  8. #38

    Re: BoSox34's rant for eligibility in NFL picks contest

    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox34;290221;
    Guess who doesn't care?
    If you didn't care you wouldnt have responded as many times as you did.
    I don't ever wanna see the Red and Blues again. :blink:

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