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Thread: Soxprospects fight or whatever the hell it is...

  1. #1
    Double A
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBlue;284190;
    Scaf, thanks very much for this inside information which is not available anywhere else. You are a great asset for this board.

  2. #2
    Double A
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft is a source of second hand and third hand information. Scaf is a scout with a major league organization and has either seen these players or has spoken with other professional scouts who have. The posters (and moderators) at SoxProspects do not have this level of training and experience.

  3. #3

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    AZBlue, you are way off base. I am good friends with the guy who runs SoxProspects and he attends about 20 Red Sox minor league games a year plus minor league spring training and does a lot of his own scouting, even if he's not a pro-trained scout.

    And as for scaffolds, are you just making this stuff up? Scaffolds is NOT a scout with a major league organization. He doesn't even claim to be - he claims to be a scout with the MLB Scouting Bureau and certain people researched that point and discovered it was a lie. I don't think he's seen any of the Red Sox players play outside of Ft Myers. Do you really think a pro scout would spend this much time on message boards for another team and spend all of their time in Ft Myers watching the GCL team? Also, I've seen several occasions where scaffolds has posted stuff here second hand from

    I think you should get your facts straight before you start taking shots at people.

  4. #4

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    sox prospects is a good site. I like it. Its better than the sox site on, by far.

  5. #5
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Quote Originally Posted by abefromen;284787;
    AZBlue, you are way off base. I am good friends with the guy who runs SoxProspects and he attends about 20 Red Sox minor league games a year plus minor league spring training and does a lot of his own scouting, even if he's not a pro-trained scout.

    And as for scaffolds, are you just making this stuff up? Scaffolds is NOT a scout with a major league organization. He doesn't even claim to be - he claims to be a scout with the MLB Scouting Bureau and certain people researched that point and discovered it was a lie. I don't think he's seen any of the Red Sox players play outside of Ft Myers. Do you really think a pro scout would spend this much time on message boards for another team and spend all of their time in Ft Myers watching the GCL team? Also, I've seen several occasions where scaffolds has posted stuff here second hand from

    I think you should get your facts straight before you start taking shots at people.
    I didn't know that your stupidity went this far, soxprospect check me out under want name ASS HOLE, do you really think that i have listed my real in any of this boards, but you right they should go to soxprospect so that BOZO THE CLOWN and the rest of THE WANTS TO BE will give you some information

  6. #6

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    I didn't know that your stupidity went this far, soxprospect check me out under want name ASS HOLE, do you really think that i have listed my real in any of this boards, but you right they should go to soxprospect so that BOZO THE CLOWN and the rest of THE WANTS TO BE will give you some information
    I would also think a professional scout would conduct themselves in a more professional manner. I noticed you didn't directly refute anything I said in my post.

  7. #7
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Quote Originally Posted by abefromen;284787;
    AZBlue, you are way off base. I am good friends with the guy who runs SoxProspects and he attends about 20 Red Sox minor league games a year plus minor league spring training and does a lot of his own scouting, even if he's not a pro-trained scout.

    And as for scaffolds, are you just making this stuff up? Scaffolds is NOT a scout with a major league organization. He doesn't even claim to be - he claims to be a scout with the MLB Scouting Bureau and certain people researched that point and discovered it was a lie. I don't think he's seen any of the Red Sox players play outside of Ft Myers. Do you really think a pro scout would spend this much time on message boards for another team and spend all of their time in Ft Myers watching the GCL team? Also, I've seen several occasions where scaffolds has posted stuff here second hand from

    I think you should get your facts straight before you start taking shots at people.
    Quote Originally Posted by abefromen;284886;
    I would also think a professional scout would conduct themselves in a more professional manner. I noticed you didn't directly refute anything I said in my post.
    When somone gives respect and class I do the same back, but when someone its full of BS, crap and lies like you and Soxprospect is I don't.

  8. #8
    Double A
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    The level of maturity and reading comprehension among some people on this board is depressing.

  9. #9
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft


    he claims to be a scout with the MLB Scouting Bureau and certain people researched that point and discovered it was a lie.
    They don't even know Scaf's name.

    [referring to the top guy at SoxProspects] he attends about 20 Red Sox minor league games a year plus minor league spring training and does a lot of his own scouting, even if he's not a pro-trained scout.
    That was exactly my point.

  10. #10

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Part of your point is that that site gets a lot of info second- and third hand. I'm just pointing out the inaccuracy of that statement. It gets a lot of its info first hand, and a lot is also directly from the affiliates. You are correct that they are not pro-trained but they have never claimed to be.

    If you really believe that scaffolds is a pro scout thats your prerogative. You commented youself on his lack of maturity,
    and I'll also tell you that he sent numerous emails over the course of a few years signing one name, and apparently one of the mods called the MLB Scouting Bureau and they had never heard of anybody by that name.

  11. #11
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Quote Originally Posted by abefromen;284917;
    Part of your point is that that site gets a lot of info second- and third hand. I'm just pointing out the inaccuracy of that statement. It gets a lot of its info first hand, and a lot is also directly from the affiliates. You are correct that they are not pro-trained but they have never claimed to be.

    If you really believe that scaffolds is a pro scout thats your prerogative. You commented youself on his lack of maturity,
    and I'll also tell you that he sent numerous emails over the course of a few years signing one name, and apparently one of the mods called the MLB Scouting Bureau and they had never heard of anybody by that name.
    Man you're a joke, or better yet you're really stupid, do you really believe i would send somone at the Soxprospect an email with my real name on it, but since you're one of the ones who like to call themselves the MODS or are better known as THE WANTS TO BE, thinks that I am a fraud why do you keep using my posts on your GREAT BOARD. Honestly don't care what you or your great AH group at Soxprospects may think.

  12. #12

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    One of the player's parents pm'ed me after having Scaffolds checked out. She told me she was sure he is not a real scout after talking with some people within the org. and baseball. (Note: this was not Mrs. Papelbon, who has posted on the board publicly.) You guys can choose to believe this or not but it should be out there.

    You're just some guy who hangs out in Fort Myers. We've known this for a long time without saying anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by scaffolds;284973;
    do you really believe i would send somone at the Soxprospect an email with my real name on it
    Just so it's clear what he's trying to say. You emailed him. The email account had a full name on it. You signed all emails with the initials that were the same as the name on the email account. You could clear this all up very easily by emailing Mike and confirming your identity, he would protect it. That's what all the real scouts who help us out have done. Say whatever you like but I won't be responding.

  13. #13
    Double A
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBlue;284729; is a source of second hand and third hand information. Scaf is a scout with a major league organization and has either seen these players or has spoken with other professional scouts who have. The posters (and moderators) at SoxProspects do not have this level of training and experience.
    AZ, I expect someone who has been around for awhile to know better than this. No, not everyone on the site has seen many--if any of the prospects play, and the vast majority of the posters on that site are NOT scouts. But, as Abe said, none of them really claim to be.

    However, your analysis that the site is primarily based off of second and third hand information is entirely inaccurate. In addition to a lot of the regular posters having had seen many of the top prospects--whether it be live or on TV--there are a some posters who have regularly attended games (Bozo charted all the Buchholz games in Pawtucket, Cin provides excellent reports after every Lancaster home game, etc). While not everyone has great "training and experience," many of the posters are intelligent enough to be able to give solid scouting reports based on what they have seen of the players. After following and reading the site for much of the past two seasons, I can confidently say that there is a quality amount of knowledge about just nearly all of the players and prospects in the Red Sox organization from simply the information provided by the posters on that site.

    Now for scaff: First, it is hard to take someone completely seriously who constantly tries to insult other posters on a freakin' internet message board (let alone the person's poor English), but I will try my best. I am not in a position to dispute whether or not you are a professional scout, but find it odd that you are so intent on hiding your identity from people who--like yourself--enjoy and want to learn about the prospects of the Red Sox organization.

    In conclusion, I think you are an egatistical wanna be scout who takes great pleasure in people on message boards bowing down to you and the "insight" that you provide them on the Red Sox prospects. You are not only incredibly immature for someone who claims to be a "professional," but you seem to take great offense to the people who either question some of your comments, or simply choose not to take your opinions on players (or the Red Sox FO) as fact. Between that and your bias for a "certain" type of players in the farm system, I have a hard time taking ANYTHING you have to say with anything more than a tiny grain of salt.

    And I could care less what type of demeaning comment you will have in return for my post. Life is far too short to worry about what anonymous posters have to say about you on a message board.

  14. #14
    Double A
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    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    What I said was correct. Your comments are at a tangent to my post. The vast majority of posts on SoxProspects are made by people who have never seen the players about whom they are posting. That is called second hand information. Only a tiny fraction of the people who have seen the prospects have any training or experience evaluating players except as armchair fans. That is true on every fan site.

    I did not say that SoxProspects had little value. I simply thanked Scaffolds for his contributions and a few people who post frequently on SoxProspects went out of their way to attack Scaf. Scaffolds stopped posting at SoxProspects because several posters persistently attacked him (including several moderators who do not appreciate the meaning of the root word from whcih that term is derived).

    Scaf may be too quick to retaliate against anyone who he thnks has insulted him, and he definitely has a soft spot in his heart for Latin players. But, is that a legitimate basis for some people to persue a vendetta gainst him? Please. They need to grow up.

    This series of posts isn't about whether SoxProspects is interesting and has value. I think that it is a very, very interesting site. This is a tempest in a teapot created by a few people who contribute nothing of value to TalkSox and who refuse to stop stalking and insulting Scaf. They want to try to influence what happens on this site and are not satisfied with dominating the discussions at SoxProspects.

    The head guy on SoxProspects works incredibly hard and provides a great deal of interesting and valuable information to people who visit the site. He never engages in the bad behavior that is (sadly) common there. I appreciate everything that he has done. I just wish that he had more time to control some of the posters.

    I enjoy reading Scaf's posts. He provides information that I consider valuable. His opinions have greater weight with me than the ones of posters who have nothing on their resume other than high post counts on other sites.

  15. #15
    Major Leaguer
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Sox 2007 Draft

    Quote Originally Posted by AMarshal2;285112;
    One of the player's parents pm'ed me after having Scaffolds checked out. She told me she was sure he is not a real scout after talking with some people within the org. and baseball. (Note: this was not Mrs. Papelbon, who has posted on the board publicly.) You guys can choose to believe this or not but it should be out there.

    You're just some guy who hangs out in Fort Myers. We've known this for a long time without saying anything.

    Just so it's clear what he's trying to say. You emailed him. The email account had a full name on it. You signed all emails with the initials that were the same as the name on the email account. You could clear this all up very easily by emailing Mike and confirming your identity, he would protect it. That's what all the real scouts who help us out have done. Say whatever you like but I won't be responding.

    This post is like your typical post at Soxprospect, you don't have nothing to say or contribute except trying to take a shot at me, simply because I don't talk highly about your favorite players like Youkilis and Papelbon. I also understand that this is your only way to hide your lack of baseball knowledge. In regards of having Email you signed with my full name would be as Stupid as your regular posts. When someone in charge of a board that allows the CRAP that MIKE lets his so call MODERATORS doesn't earn my respect or TRUSTto withhold my INDENTITY.

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