To be fair to all members of talksox, I am going to announce the time that teams can be picked. On Friday, September 24th at six (6) o'clock PM, you can post in this thread saying what team you want, with a few conditions.

For running the league, Noah automatically gets possession of the cubs.

The Red Sox, since this is a Red Sox fan site, will be chosen by a random drawing. Post in the "I want the Red Sox" thread to be entered. If you enter in that thread, you should still pick a team here, because you may not get it. If you pick a team here and win the sox, you can choose which team you want and the other will be open for the taking.

Trading and such can start immediately, but the first games will not be simmed until the REAL red sox season is over, whenever that may be. I will be posting a team list shortly that I will update so we know what teams are available. Again, team requests before Friday at 6 will NOT be honored.

New York AL-
Boston- RedSox24 aim:TruckTer69
Tampa Bay-
Toronto- soxfan#1
Minnesotta-radgeta aim:radgeta
Chicago AL-Yankees Suck ben5515
Cleveland- yagmaster aim:nomar850
Destroit-chuebacca25 chuebacca25
Kansas City-Gertie aim:rentsregkire
Oakland-stocker323 aim:devildots51101
Texas-Youkilis Rules aim:redsock212
New York NL-Bonds*
Montreal- RedSox4538
St. Louis-yankshater213 aim:YanksHater213
Chicago NL-Noah
Houston-ACL Bosox
Cincinnati-papi4prez aim:sylvy721
Milwaukee- wakkknuckle04aimWitz1020
Los Angeles- yankeessuck013
San Franciso-Element1151 aim:Element1151
San Diego-elsrbueno
Arizona-CrespoBlows aim:amartin7889