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Thread: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

  1. #1
    Double A
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    Oct 2006

    Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?


    What do you think about moving Engel Beltre to obtain Gagne?

    What are the chances that this will come back to haunt the Red Sox? I guess the draft picks that Boston would receive if Gagne is not re-signed should be considered, since the Red Sox may be able to pick up two talented players in what is expected to be a strong draft.

  2. #2

    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

    I'm sure Scaff agrees with most everyone in major league baseball.

    Beltre is certainly an excellent prospect, but is still very raw. In four years he could be one of the most exciting young players in the game. But he could also be Luis Soto. When the World Series is at stake you have to give up players like this.

    Most scouts believe that if he were in the draft next year he'd be a top ten pick.

  3. #3

    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

    Quote Originally Posted by RobZombie;281261;
    I'm sure Scaff agrees with most everyone in major league baseball.

    Beltre is certainly an excellent prospect, but is still very raw. In four years he could be one of the most exciting young players in the game. But he could also be Luis Soto. When the World Series is at stake you have to give up players like this.

    Most scouts believe that if he were in the draft next year he'd be a top ten pick.
    who are these scouts that say this?
    Quote Originally Posted by W.B. Mason View Post
    Did someone order...paperclips?

  4. #4

    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?


    I assume that you want to know my source for this. I wish I could tell you that I heard it from scouts that were friends of mine and that I have inside knowledge. Unfortunately that isn't true.

    Peter Gammons does a weekly intereview on 890 AM Thursdays. What was interesting about what Texas did during this period, is that they got a bunch of guys that are very talented but several years from the big leagues (Andrus, Beltre, Ramirez). One of the pitchers he got in the Texiera trade might also fit this description.

    According to Gammons (paraphrasing):

    "It was thought that he (Rangers GM Daniels), was trading for his job. But he got three guys that are at least four years from the big leagues, but most scouts say would be in the top 10-15 picks in the draft if it were held today"

    From that I infered that the scouts that Gammons talked to thought that Beltre would be drafted in the first half of the first round if he were drafted.

  5. #5
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

    Azblue, I was surprised and dissapointed to see Beltre getting traded, he has a very high upside, with a very quick bat and +, + power potential, haven't talk to anyone who wasn't high in Beltre. I haven't been able to get a final word if the Sox signed Jose Jose, because his tools package its very similar to Beltre and if signed it may have led the Sox to trade Beltre, while its very early the 2008 draft its pitching heavy, but lack hitters.

  6. #6
    Double A
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    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

    Thanks, Scaf. That is interesting information about Jose Jose. Have you spoken to some scouts who have watched him play?

  7. #7
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

    AZBlue my pleasure, Actually Jose Jose spend a couple of days at end of Spring training at the Red Sox minor league complex working out and I was able to see first hand. He has about the same size as of Beltre and even their hitting approach its very similar, with a slight upper cut.

  8. #8
    Double A
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    Re: Scaffolds, your thoughts about trading Beltre?

    My thoughts about trading Beltre: Who cares?

    There are two major reasons why it would be beneficial to sign some of these high upside international free agents:
    1. Attempt to develop these guys and hope that one of them will pan out and become a very good-great player.
    2. To use in a trade.

    Beltre certainly has the tools the be a special player at the professional player (as was indicated by the contract he signed), but I'm not going to lose any sleep over him being dealt to the Rangers. Nor will I lose sleep if he pans out and becomes an above average major leaguer. The fact of the matter is that there is a significantly better chance that these guys flame out than actully develop.

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