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Thread: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

  1. #1

    A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...


    This is Alex from the band My Migrant Soul and we recently wrote a song called "The Day Johnny Damon Left Town" It's on itunes and it rocks. We wanted to write a song to commemorate that fateful day here in New England. Hope you all like it.

    - Alex from My Migrant Soul

  2. #2
    Legend SCM33's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tincan;279212;

    This is Alex from the band My Migrant Soul and we recently wrote a song called "The Day Johnny Damon Left Town" It's on itunes and it rocks. We wanted to write a song to commemorate that fateful day here in New England. Hope you all like it.

    - Alex from My Migrant Soul
    I listened to it, its pretty terrible. Myabe this qualifies as SPAM since he is advertising.....himself.

  3. #3

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Can you overnight fedex me your autograph? You don't have to include anything, just hand writing the return address on the box will do.

  4. #4

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    2007 World Series Champs
    Quote Originally Posted by rician blast;306386;
    Regardless of Ellsbury being, as you put it, the "pride enjoy" and the FO being "prowd" of Buch...

  5. #5

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    I wouldn't consider it SPAM if the song were a.) halfway decent or b.) didn't sound like it was recorded inside of a coffee can.

  6. #6

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tincan;279212;

    This is Alex from the band My Migrant Soul and we recently wrote a song called "The Day Johnny Damon Left Town" It's on itunes and it rocks. We wanted to write a song to commemorate that fateful day here in New England. Hope you all like it.

    - Alex from My Migrant Soul
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  7. #7

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows;279233;
    Fred? Is that you?

  8. #8

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Quote Originally Posted by HeadOfSoxNation;279303;
    Fred? Is that you?

    HOSN, why did you have to out me like that? This is a bigger betrayal than Benedict Arnold of the Americans in the Revolutionary War. I know all about that, because I am a teacher, and I served in both the British and American armies in 1781. The guys would call me ugly, and being the big pussy that I am, I cried. They made me a tunnel rat to look for Charlie. They said the dirt would be a huge improvement. Anyway, HOSN, if you continue to mess with me, your ass will be grass, and me the lawn mower.
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows;279309;

    HOSN, why did you have to out me like that? This is a bigger betrayal than Benedict Arnold of the Americans in the Revolutionary War. I know all about that, because I am a teacher, and I served in both the British and American armies in 1781. The guys would call me ugly, and being the big pussy that I am, I cried. They made me a tunnel rat to look for Charlie. They said the dirt would be a huge improvement. Anyway, HOSN, if you continue to mess with me, your ass will be grass, and me the lawn mower.
    Crespo, do you like ice cream? If I ever get the chance to run into you at a Red Sox game (I go to them all the time, I'm crazy about the Sox you know), I'll be glad to buy you any ice cream cone you would like. All you'll have to do is help me look for change in the back of my van...

  10. #10
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: A song about the day Johnny Damon left town...

    Kilo, I can't believe you think I ride in that van! Let me tell you, maybe back in World War II during the invasion of Serbia...wait that was the first one, uhhh... oh yes, I mean the Battle of the Bulge, MAYBE you would see me ride in that shitcan. Oh wowzers... speaking of World War 2 ... I was so quick, they called me Fast Freddy. My soul was unbreakable they called me the man of steel because I would dodge bullets without hesitation! You know, I really am the old war horse that I say I am! Rooting for the Dodgers back in the day, man, my heart aches because of those Yankees! Then I loved my D-Backs, Angels, Marlins, Red Sox and I never looked back!!!!!! There was something soooo special about that team lemme tell ya.

    Fuck you Kilo for thinking I ride in that van. Man, watch yourself or you'll be a child's bum bum and I'll be well, myself! <_< <_< <_< <_< <_< :thumbdown :thumbdown :thumbdown

    Besides, I have better things to ride that hold up much better than that shitbox! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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