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Thread: De La Hoya vs Mayweather Online Feed .

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: De La Hoya vs Mayweather Online Feed .

    That Teddy Atlas quote says it perfectly, Kilo.

    Listening to people on the radio, and people talking at a party I went to last night, I think backs Crespo's point up that that fight didn't "save boxing". It simply wasn't the type of fight to do it. Unfortunately, I also hear a lot of people doubting Mayweather's abilities because he was on the defensive, which was more or less his gameplan going into the fight. Going into it I thought that the only way Mayweather could lose that fight is if he tried to go toe to toe with De La Hoya. I think a rematch would help the sport a lot, though -- might as well use De La Hoya's popularity contrasted with Mayweather being a great 'bad guy' while you can. Unfortunately, I do believe Mayweather when he says he's done.
    ""There are no asterisks in this life, only scoreboards... and ours is currently reading 'fucked'." -- Ari Gold, Entourage

  2. #32
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: De La Hoya vs Mayweather Online Feed .

    I had Mayweather all the way. I almost flipped the shit when I heard one of the refs scored in De La Hoya's favor.

    Did De La Hoya really think he could have won? I knew it was over when I saw how freaking fast Mayweather was. I mean, DLH lost to Shane Mosley because of his speed....what makes him think he'll keep up with Mayweather?

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