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Thread: Relay for Life - Help Fight Cancer

  1. #1

    Relay for Life - Help Fight Cancer

    Hello tonight... My family has been struck by cancer just like many of your families. My father is a cancer survivor and my mother died of cancer a little longer than 2 years ago. Since her death we've taken part in the American Cancer Societys - Relay for Life. The idea of the Relay for Life is that our team will walk around a track for 24 total hours. During this time there are over 100 other teams doing the same thing. If you'd like to help us fight cancer please visit my Relay for Life webpage. Even a small amount of money helps. The great part is you can send me a check or donate using your credit card. PLEASE WE NEED YOUR HELP!
    Johnathan "Mr. T" Papelbon is the man!

  2. #2

    Re: Relay for Life - Help Fight Cancer

    Alot of people from this site where really great last year donating money. I just wanted to say thank you for last year and an early thank you for this year.
    Johnathan "Mr. T" Papelbon is the man!

  3. #3

    Re: Relay for Life - Help Fight Cancer

    Even $1.00 from each of you would be huge. Please visit my fundraising page for more info!
    Johnathan "Mr. T" Papelbon is the man!

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