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Thread: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

  1. #16

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by One Red Seat View Post
    His attempts to rile everyone get quoted a lot, so that option isn't viable. Besides, I don't have anyone on ignore, and I disagree with the concept of the ignore function on a philosophical level. Bad behavior should not be ignored, it should be addressed, and if it doesn't change, then consequences should occur -- whether it be ridicule, banning, what have you. People that act like an ass, should get called an ass.
    how did you ever survive in the Marines when you get all bothered by people all the time? They must have had a field day with you in the service.

  2. #17

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    I must be missing something here. Can someone link me to a trollish post of his?

  3. #18

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by The Monster is my Mom View Post
    how did you ever survive in the Marines when you get all bothered by people all the time? They must have had a field day with you in the service.
    you guys truly do eat your young. Wow, I better not get on anyone's bad side. :thumbsup:

  4. #19
    Custom Title Sox Fan on Cape's Avatar
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by The Monster is my Mom View Post
    how did you ever survive in the Marines when you get all bothered by people all the time? They must have had a field day with you in the service.
    Who do think you are to question a man's Military service ? You certainly weren't a Marine, and I doubt you've served in the Military. ORS is one of the top substantive posters on the site. So, don't make unfounded derogatory posts, unless you expect to get a world of shit.

  5. #20
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by The Monster is my Mom View Post
    how did you ever survive in the Marines when you get all bothered by people all the time? They must have had a field day with you in the service.
    Don't know what I did, other than call a spade a spade, to have my ability to handle the service questioned. But, since it's the topic, I fit right in. It was no problem because I'm intelligent enough to understand why things get said. Bootcamp was all about indoctrination, and if you know that it's easy let what gets said be like water on a duck's back. In the fleet, they play fuck-fuck games (meaning they fuck with you) to test your discipline, and if you understand that, you don't crack because they win.

    I'm not bothered specifically by what J_P says because I know it's worthless drivel intended to upset people. What I find bothersome is the behavior. He's being a smartass, and I'm calling him out for it -- as is done in the Marines.

  6. #21
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by yeszir View Post
    I must be missing something here. Can someone link me to a trollish post of his?
    ABREEEEEU Thread - yes that thread is in F & C, but Schilling wasn't a topic of discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Papelboner View Post
    Yesterday's Game Thread - Apparently, the Sox don't win games, the opponent bends over for them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Papelboner View Post
    1-10 vs red sox? Those numbers can actually be translated into words.

    O's: Hey red sox, please bend me over the kitchin sink and do it without lube.
    Last Sunday's Game Thread - after Papelbon's blown save.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Papelboner
    Papelbon showing his true colors? One can hope.
    Those comments aren't overboard. However, consider the context and where they were placed. Everyone is elated about winning the game yesterday, and he tries to piss in the punch bowl by saying the other team gave the game away. Everyone is a little ticked after Papelbon blows the save, and he makes a comment about hoping that is the norm. Putting those types of comments in the G/T where emotions are high is a clear indicator he's trying to get under people's skin, and it shows he has no respect for the site, unlike the other Yankee fans here (ATG13, ARod2212, Optimist, 26).

    It's your site, so if you are cool with that, then that's the way it is.

  7. #22

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Papelboner View Post
    :lol: wow what the hell.
    Gabe Kapler is full of heart and determination:

  8. #23
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    I actually found that Schilling picture to be somewhat funny, and maybe Papelbon is starting to show these "True colors", how do we know he isn't? The Orioles also hit the ball hard off of him yesterday. We can only assume that he's having trouble with different catchers, just going through a bad streak...etc, but we honestly don't know and J_P has his own opinion. No reason to ban him.

  9. #24

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by One Red Seat View Post

    It's your site, so if you are cool with that, then that's the way it is.
    I'm not saying I'm "cool" with it, just that I wasn't sure his actions so far warranted a thread calling for a ban. I'll definitely keep an eye on the situation though. Pissing in the punch is never cool.

  10. #25
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox34 View Post
    I actually found that Schilling picture to be somewhat funny, and maybe Papelbon is starting to show these "True colors", how do we know he isn't? The Orioles also hit the ball hard off of him yesterday. We can only assume that he's having trouble with different catchers, just going through a bad streak...etc, but we honestly don't know and J_P has his own opinion. No reason to ban him.
    I'm not trying to deny anyone their opinion. However, when and where he decided to share them certainly brings questions about his motive to mind.

  11. #26

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    You guys are going crazy on this mug. If he was another Clay is da Future, and posting pics like that, and going all political, then i would say yes, ban hiim now. And if he is spamming the site, i would say ban him, but he's just saying what he feels like. Leave the guy alone.
    Ain't no thiing, but a chicken wiing

  12. #27

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Okokokok, we don't have to make a huge deal out of this. Let's leave it at this: point noted, the situation will be monitored, we don't have to be at each other's throats because of one member.

  13. #28

    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by Sox Fan on Cape View Post
    Who do think you are to question a man's Military service ? You certainly weren't a Marine, and I doubt you've served in the Military. ORS is one of the top substantive posters on the site. So, don't make unfounded derogatory posts, unless you expect to get a world of shit.
    I didn't question ORS's military service. I respect him, his posts, and his service, but since he likes to call people out on things, I thought I would point out that he does seem to get bothered by other people's posts quite often.

    Also, I was in the Navy on a submarine for 6 years so don't give me the "ever served in the military" bullshit.

  14. #29
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    While his behavior hasn't been outrageous, he has added no useful content or discussion to the site. He's a hit and run artist. If he adds nothing and he is just toeing the line with his behavior so as not to get banned, ban him. He's no good. He'll never add anything useful to this site. He will just continue his prior behavior of hit and run or trolling posts. PLus he's a freakin Yankee fan. Yankee fans that don't at least give us the opportunity to abuse them with our collective superior knowledge of baseball should be banned.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  15. #30
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    Re: Jon_Papelboner Useless Posts & Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by The Monster is my Mom View Post
    I didn't question ORS's military service. I respect him, his posts, and his service, but since he likes to call people out on things, I thought I would point out that he does seem to get bothered by other people's posts quite often.

    Also, I was in the Navy on a submarine for 6 years so don't give me the "ever served in the military" bullshit.
    Oh, innocent little you. If your intent was to point out that I take offense more often than others, then just say that without questioning my ability to handle the Marines. You crossed a line and made it personnal.

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