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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Yeah, but it's the truth.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Sox fan in Tex View Post
    Oh bravo New York Yankees. Way to deplete the rest of your farm system so you can rent a guy and overpay him for two months while still finishing second to the Red Sox. $4.4 million the rest of the season and $15 million in 2007? A right fielder who has hit .277 with eight homers up to this point shouldn't be making that type of money. Wasn't C.J. Henry, a shortstop sent away in the deal, your first round pick from a few years ago? If your goal is to upgrade your team for one year, your probably did that. Over the long hall, New York is in trouble. Way to think it through, Cashman. Our GM knows what he is doing.
    you are on CRACK. the yankees are ONE of the most underrated teams in baseball. abreu is a solid player, his .280 average isn't much but his .400+ OBP is something to be scared of. a .400 clip guy in front of arod and giambi and behind damon and jeter, are you kidding me, how is that a bad move. don't forget when abreu signed his contract either, everyone was being paid big money like he was. have you not forgotten that manny is making 20 mill a season, a-rod 25? his obp is .002 below manny and .044 above a-rods. the guy is a great ballplayer, don't take it away from him because he's on the yankees.

    if you're going to hate then hate the uniform, not the person.

    cashman is doing a decent job. he's not on a budget like the sox. GS puts everything he has into the yankees, i actually admire that. he's not worried about the farm system, not every team is a moneyball team. when sheffield isn't resigned they'll get draft picks, the same with bernie if he resigns elsewhere, the same with giambi, posada, johnson, pavano and wright. (IF they sign elsewhere via FA).

    i'm as big of a sox fan as there can be, in my short 2 + decades of life i've loved the sox. but loving the sox DOES NOT mean hating the yankees. this rivalry has been blown out of the sky because of college bandwagon kids. it's fun, it's fine, but realize that the yankees are actually a great organization and a great baseball team. it feels MUCH better when you beat a team you respect than it does when you beat a team that you think sucks monkey balls.

    Most dominant pitcher
    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows
    The A's are going to finish dead last this year in the AL West.
    They won't win the AL West for the next 3 years, the Angels will definaltly be on top of them.
    If you are stupid, I will make fun of you. :harhar:

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Sox fan in Tex View Post
    It's fantastic that you guys think adding a .275 hitter with NO POWER is going to drastically improve your team. Way to throw away four young draft picks, to pick up an overrated player for half a year. Another fantastic move by the Yankees. Hope you guys make the playoffs. :lol:
    lacking HR does not mean you have NO power. his career .500 SLG% begs to differ. the 4 young draft picks were not going to be anything special anyways. you better hope they don't make the playoffs. why would you EVER want to face a team like the yankees in the playoffs? we are pretty much equals with them, coin toss if you ask me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sox fan in Tex View Post
    P.S. Abreu hits .228 at Fenway. Hopefully he keeps up those numbers for five important games this month. :lol:
    shut your trap.

    abreu has a career 1.000 ops against boston. he doesn't play as well on the road at an unfamiliar stadium against pitchers he probably hasn't seen in his career or in a couple seasons, of COURSE he isn't going to be great. use your brain when you speak.

    btw, he hits a .313 clip at yankee stadium and his OPS is almost 1.000.


    abreu is one hell of a player. you diss because he's on the yankees. you base all your posts on hate and the fact that you want to think everything the yankees do suck. take away the bias and open your eyes.

    money doesn't matter for yankees: your 15 mill next season goes down the drain
    you gave up 4 specs: they'll get FOUR when lidle and abreu leave as FA's
    you gave up 4 specs: they were not going to become perenial all stars anyways, some of them might NEVER crack the bigs.

    it was a good move by the yankees.

    Most dominant pitcher
    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows
    The A's are going to finish dead last this year in the AL West.
    They won't win the AL West for the next 3 years, the Angels will definaltly be on top of them.
    If you are stupid, I will make fun of you. :harhar:

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ahhchon View Post
    you are on CRACK. the yankees are ONE of the most underrated teams in baseball. abreu is a solid player, his .280 average isn't much but his .400+ OBP is something to be scared of. a .400 clip guy in front of arod and giambi and behind damon and jeter, are you kidding me, how is that a bad move. don't forget when abreu signed his contract either, everyone was being paid big money like he was. have you not forgotten that manny is making 20 mill a season, a-rod 25? his obp is .002 below manny and .044 above a-rods. the guy is a great ballplayer, don't take it away from him because he's on the yankees.

    if you're going to hate then hate the uniform, not the person.

    cashman is doing a decent job. he's not on a budget like the sox. GS puts everything he has into the yankees, i actually admire that. he's not worried about the farm system, not every team is a moneyball team. when sheffield isn't resigned they'll get draft picks, the same with bernie if he resigns elsewhere, the same with giambi, posada, johnson, pavano and wright. (IF they sign elsewhere via FA).

    i'm as big of a sox fan as there can be, in my short 2 + decades of life i've loved the sox. but loving the sox DOES NOT mean hating the yankees. this rivalry has been blown out of the sky because of college bandwagon kids. it's fun, it's fine, but realize that the yankees are actually a great organization and a great baseball team. it feels MUCH better when you beat a team you respect than it does when you beat a team that you think sucks monkey balls.

    Great post, I completely agree with you and I have a lot of respect for you after that post. That's the truth right there...all that "yankees suck" shit is ridiculous and just makes sox fans look like dumbasses. Look at the 26 rings..."but the yankees have all that money"....well guess how they got that money...FROM BEING WINNERS. Enjoy the rivalry but don't be retarded about it.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox34 View Post
    Great post, I completely agree with you and I have a lot of respect for you after that post. That's the truth right there...all that "yankees suck" shit is ridiculous and just makes sox fans look like dumbasses. Look at the 26 rings..."but the yankees have all that money"....well guess how they got that money...FROM BEING WINNERS. Enjoy the rivalry but don't be retarded about it.
    you are retarted if it has taken you this long to find the respect for me.


    p.s.- that's the way i joke, take it easy
    Most dominant pitcher
    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows
    The A's are going to finish dead last this year in the AL West.
    They won't win the AL West for the next 3 years, the Angels will definaltly be on top of them.
    If you are stupid, I will make fun of you. :harhar:

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    i forgot to mention that abreu steals about 30+ bases a season and does not get caught too often.

    he might not have lots of HR's but he add his SB to doubles and you'll have a guy that reaches 2nd base.

    4987 (total at bats exluding first 2 stints in ML) and 604 SB and 2B (same exclusion) and you get a guy who reaches 2b in 12% of his at bats. thats a .121 second base OBP. comepar it to a guy like manny who is at .071, 7%. 5% doesn't seem like a lot, but in baseball 5% is A LOT. it's not a tell all stat, but you get the picture. he's a very good player, i don't know how anyone could take anything away from him because he's a yankee.

    Most dominant pitcher
    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows
    The A's are going to finish dead last this year in the AL West.
    They won't win the AL West for the next 3 years, the Angels will definaltly be on top of them.
    If you are stupid, I will make fun of you. :harhar:

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by ahhchon View Post
    lacking HR does not mean you have NO power. his career .500 SLG% begs to differ. the 4 young draft picks were not going to be anything special anyways. you better hope they don't make the playoffs. why would you EVER want to face a team like the yankees in the playoffs? we are pretty much equals with them, coin toss if you ask me.

    shut your trap.

    abreu has a career 1.000 ops against boston. he doesn't play as well on the road at an unfamiliar stadium against pitchers he probably hasn't seen in his career or in a couple seasons, of COURSE he isn't going to be great. use your brain when you speak.

    btw, he hits a .313 clip at yankee stadium and his OPS is almost 1.000.


    abreu is one hell of a player. you diss because he's on the yankees. you base all your posts on hate and the fact that you want to think everything the yankees do suck. take away the bias and open your eyes.

    money doesn't matter for yankees: your 15 mill next season goes down the drain
    you gave up 4 specs: they'll get FOUR when lidle and abreu leave as FA's
    you gave up 4 specs: they were not going to become perenial all stars anyways, some of them might NEVER crack the bigs.

    it was a good move by the yankees.

    the abreu move was a great move. The addition of Lidle was just as important. They got the best position player moved and the best pitcher moved in the same trading season. And they did it by giving up last year's 1 pick who was hitting .230 in short season, a 27 yr old lefty specialist, and 2 guys in low A ball who were never even on the yankees radar. Those moves catapulted the yankees from a team in a dogfight to a team superior than the AL East. It was on theo to make adjustments, and thus far he has held still. He needs one more pitcher to counteract the yankees as I think the sox offense is equivalent to the yankees offense now. They need to add a guy to replace the fat man, as I think Johnson will be better than fat man for the rest of this season.

  8. #38


    Abreu is hitting .347/.418/.469 in 49ABs with the yankees.
    Lidle apparently was throwing up due to a stomach bug prior to his last start and still held them down. He has thrown 10IP allowed 4ER and has allowed 12 baserunners in 10IP. Not too bad. Thus far, the trade is paying off big time.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by jacksonianmarch View Post
    Abreu is hitting .347/.418/.469 in 49ABs with the yankees.
    Lidle apparently was throwing up due to a stomach bug prior to his last start and still held them down. He has thrown 10IP allowed 4ER and has allowed 12 baserunners in 10IP. Not too bad. Thus far, the trade is paying off big time.

    Held them down? 3 ER in 4 IP?

    I guess standards have been lowered.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by TheKilo View Post
    Held them down? 3 ER in 4 IP?

    I guess standards have been lowered.
    I should have said kept them in the game. He was sick, but he just did not want Pontoon to have to start, so he sacked up and gave it a shot. I like Lidle, and thought he would have been a great addition to whoever nabbed him.

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