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Thread: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

  1. #76

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Crunchy View Post
    this is the key here
    he was supporting terrorists who were killing israelis,not americans
    even if he had WMDs how would he get them here,10,000 miles away over 2 oceans??
    no navy no airforce no deliverys systems
    he couldnt touch us no matter what but guess what
    he could and did hit israel back in 91 but hes been toothless since

    my point is this
    why the fuck should american kids die for israeli security crespo??
    israel can handle themselves am i right??
    with the billions in aid and weaponry they should be able to handle their own issues.

  2. #77

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    BP, etc. could easily lower theirs and steal Exxon's customers.

    Saddam may not have a ICMB, but nuclear warheads continue to get smaller. You don't think he could develop one, and hand it off to a terrorist?

  3. #78
    Custom Title Sox Fan on Cape's Avatar
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    Jul 2005

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    This crap has gone on long enough. Mods please move to fights and crap where it belongs.

  4. #79

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    Quote Originally Posted by NateGrey View Post
    You do know that you're a dick, right?

    Just like Clay......
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  5. #80

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    You do know that you're a dick, right?

    Just like Clay......
    If those that don't agree with you are "dicks", the world would be a sausage fest ..:lol:

    BTW, can we stay on topic Crespo?

  6. #81

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    Quote Originally Posted by NateGrey View Post
    If those that don't agree with you are "dicks", the world would be a sausage fest ..:lol:
    I guess the same could be said about you, correct?

    BTW, can we stay on topic Crespo?
    Sure, starting now.
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  7. #82

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    on a sticky topic that easily offends others
    dare i suggest approaching these issues with a little more civility than the baseball forums
    after all
    this isnt a game and for the people inside places like haifa and beirut its life and death daily

    heres an idea directly from haaretz,an israeli newspaper that i read daily when the shit hits the fan over there

    and more news on joe liebermans struggle to stay in the senate

    Lamont, 52, has come closer to "fixing" the problem than Lieberman and the Democratic Party establishment ever imagined. With the primary less than a week away, a new Quinnipiac University poll shows Lamont with a solid 54-41 percent lead over Lieberman among likely Democratic voters.

    the shocking thing i see here is that 65% of the voters are going against joe and not really with lamont

    this is a direct indictment on the war in iraq and on libermans loyalty to the slaughter that continues now north of beirut

  8. #83

    Re: Israel Intensifies Attacks Against Lebanon

    And ladies.

    SEE YA, NYT endorsement for Lieberman. That they'd take out an editorial to say that I found amusing. :lol:

    Mel Gibson is the biggest Hollywood whack-job this side of Tom Cruise. Even the Onion gets a piece of that.
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