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Thread: Best Video Game EVER

  1. #16

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    i dont no why but ive never played MGS for PS1, but i do have all the MGS's for PS2. They're all great games. Pumped for MGS 4 when it comes out for PS3

  2. #17
    All-Star User Name's Avatar
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    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Goldeneye or Ocarina of Time.
    West Virginia University 2014

  3. #18

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Yeah, Halo is one of mine, along with MVP 05
    "Right now, somewhere in New York, an eight-year-old kid is wondering if the Yankees will win a championship in his lifetime" - (Updated version of) Bill Simmons

  4. #19

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    mine would have to be the half-life series on PC. I love those games, so much fun. Multiplayer would be Counter-Strike, and Counter-Strike: Source, but slowly sneaking up is Battlefield 2.
    Ain't no thiing, but a chicken wiing

  5. #20

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff04! View Post
    Perfect Dark was so addicting! I played that game all day long in the winter with with friends. It was the one of the best i've ever played.
    Oh yeah man. With the farsight, and the DY357-LX's...what a game.
    I don't ever wanna see the Red and Blues again. :blink:

  6. #21

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    I dont think I ever had more fun with a game than I did with Goldeneye.

  7. #22

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Mario Kart 64 hands down.

  8. #23

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderTheGreat13 View Post
    I loved how you could shock someone untill they burst into flames. Man I'm sick.
    I liked how you could stand in the street and shock someone on top of a building. Completely unrealistic, but fun.

  9. #24

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Half Life 2

  10. #25
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    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    goldeneye, perfect dark, ocarina of time, halo, halo 2, ken griffy jr baseball, international superstar soccer.

    Most dominant pitcher
    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows
    The A's are going to finish dead last this year in the AL West.
    They won't win the AL West for the next 3 years, the Angels will definaltly be on top of them.
    If you are stupid, I will make fun of you. :harhar:

  11. #26
    Legend SCM33's Avatar
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    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Nintendo: Contra, Paperboy, Tecmo Bowl, RBI Baseball, Bad News Baseball, SMB, Bases Loaded, Batman, Double Dragon

    SNES: Sim City, Mario Kart

    Genesis: Triple Play Baseball, EA NHL Series, Deion Sanders Prime Time Football, NFL 95,96,97, Hardball, Streets of Rage

    PLaystation: MVP Baseball, Triple Play baseball, Madden Series, NBA Live

    N64: WCW v. NWO, Goldeneye, Ken Griffey Jr. baseball

  12. #27

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by kreinbihl34 View Post
    Just want to see what people have to say. Say the name and the system it was or is on.

    Mine personal favorite. Super Mario RPG Super Nintendo.

    Had everything in it. Great story, advacing storyline, character completely drop dead funny. Challenging yet easy enough to beat. First 3D Mario game, Team battles of 3. With you choosing who you want as you advace in the game. Total of 6 people.

    Downfall. Only one player, thats it.
    I loved that game when systems were still simple.

  13. #28

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    God of War is amazing. One word to describe it, INTENSE. Anyone ever played that.?
    Ain't no thiing, but a chicken wiing

  14. #29
    Super Moderator
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    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Yes. Great game. I hear they're coming out with a sequel as well

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Best Video Game EVER

    Halo hands down

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