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Thread: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

  1. #76

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
    The fact is we didn't last night. The offense wa embarassing, defense and managing was questionable, but if the ump doesn't blow that call the game is tied and anything could have happened. I'm not saying we lost solely because of that, but it certainly played a major role in the game's outcome. To say it didn't would be downright foolish.

    and i suppose the yanks should be 10-0 too

  2. #77

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Umm... no.

    The point was that the Yankees could have won last night's game, but a bad call hurt them. That point is valid.

  3. #78
    Evil Emperor
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    May 2005

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderTheGreat13 View Post
    To be honest I didnt have a problem with Torre not bunting Bernie. Bernie has been swing the bat well of late and we were down by more then 1 run so why play for 1 run? I hate giving away outs anyway.
    I agree. Not a problem for me.

  4. #79

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    well my point is ,everytime i look at a game threat for the yanks they blame it on the umps

  5. #80
    Evil Emperor
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    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    Umm... no.

    The point was that the Yankees could have won last night's game, but a bad call hurt them. That point is valid.
    Crespo, are you really from South Africa? :lol:
    ..dont mean to get off topic, but I just noticed that. Thats cool.

  6. #81
    Evil Emperor
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    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by redsoxrules View Post
    well my point is ,everytime i look at a game threat for the yanks they blame it on the umps
    We dont blame the losses on the umps. But when an ump makes a bad call we're of coarse gonna call them out on it, as anyone would.

  7. #82

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by redsoxrules View Post
    well my point is ,everytime i look at a game threat for the yanks they blame it on the umps
    I'd say your point was too general, and probably an obvious exaggeration, but you'd probably fail to comprehend where I was coming from.

  8. #83

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 to 6 View Post
    Crespo, are you really from South Africa? :lol:
    ..dont mean to get off topic, but I just noticed that. Thats cool.
    Half-Black, Half-African.

    All woman.

    No, seriously. I really don't live in South Africa, I really do though.

    I actually live in Florida. I don't why I put South Africa.

  9. #84

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by redsoxrules View Post
    well my point is ,everytime i look at a game threat for the yanks they blame it on the umps
    That's not true. This is the first time I'm putting some of the blame on an ump this season, and I don't think you'll find another example of anybody else doing it so far neither.
    When we are born, we cry, that we are come
    To this great stage of fools.

  10. #85

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    the yanks are flatter than a gymnasts tits
    tonite they send the ultimate suck bag jarret wright out against santana??

    they'll need more than 1 i suspect to beat this guy

    how can you blame a single call on a 4 run loss??

    a yanks fan calling out the umpires??
    you can feel their apprehension about to turn to nausea

  11. #86
    Evil Emperor
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    May 2005

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Crunchy View Post
    the yanks are flatter than a gymnasts tits
    tonite they send the ultimate suck bag jarret wright out against santana??

    they'll need more than 1 i suspect to beat this guy

    how can you blame a single call on a 4 run loss??

    a yanks fan calling out the umpires??
    you can feel their apprehension about to turn to nausea
    MOMENTUM!!!!! If the right call had been made, it would have been tied and then who knows where the momentum and adrenaline take us. The fcat that we were down late drained us emotionally and then we gave up the other runs. I know its not a great excuse, but its a fact of life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimist
    and I don't think you'll find another example of anybody else doing it so far neither.
    Na, we've gotten on the umps a few times this year. We just havent blamed a loss on them or something, we simply stated our frustrations when a bad call was made. Nothing huge.

  12. #87

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    I live in South Africa, you know.

  13. #88

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    My Papelballs.

  14. #89

    Re: Yankees at Twins, 4/14/06

    We would have lost anyway, but the totally blown call still bothered me.

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