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Thread: Red Sox Nation Quit Panicking!

  1. #1
    Remember there is 79 more games to go.
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  2. #2
    Actually, there ARE 82 games left. 43 + 37 = 80. 162 - 80 = 82.

  3. #3
    I think we've been let down so many's in our nature to panic.

    I have to admit, I am deeply concerned about this team. It seems like they're always ready to turn the corner (which gives us hope) but have yet to do so (which makes some panic)
    "You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?"
    Chris Farley (Tommy Callahan)

  4. #4
    Triple A
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    It's hard not to criticize this team...with its many flaws (inconsistent SPs, poor hitting with RISP, atrocious defense, weak bullpen) and gigantic payroll, I expect more out of this team, especially when they charge me $20 or whatever to sit in the bleachers.

  5. #5
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    we'll see after the all-star break...if they will continue to crumble, or win as a team

  6. #6
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    our bullpen isnt that weak, but i do think our starting pitching is very inconsistent
    "In Kazhakstan we have many hobbies: disco dancing, archery, rape and table tennis..."-Borat

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  7. #7
    Triple A
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Oh c'mon, why do you think Theo keeps on trading for guys like Jimmy Anderson and Brandon Puffer (in AAA right now)?

    The only consistent threats we have out of the bullpen are Scott Williamson (who is on his 2nd trip to the DL this season) and Keith Foulke (13-16 in save opportunities). Embree and Timlin haven't come through in the clutch this season (i.e. Embree v. Alfonzo in SF and Timlin v. Sheffield in NY last week). Lenny DiNardo? He's only on the team because he's a Rule 5 player. Malaska? Yikes...Leskanic? I'm just waiting for this guy's arm to fall off.

    On a somewhat positive note, if/when BK returns he will either end up in the bullpen (where I think he belongs) or switch with DLowe. Also, Pedro Astacio's return from his injuy will allow Arroyo to settle into the LRP role, which I feel he is better suited for. Forget about Mendoza...he's as good as gone (if we can find any takers).

    I'll admit, the Sox's bullpen was great out of the gate, but they have really shown their weaknesses over the last month.

  8. #8
    Pitching is a problem. I think the Sox are waiting for DLowe to turn things around, and I'm just not sure he'll do it. I think after the latest blowup the team has finally lost a bit of patience.

    I had a lot of hope for Mendoza, but at this point don't have any expectations that we'll see him pitch again for Boston.

    I really hope Kim comes back, and comes back strong.
    "You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?"
    Chris Farley (Tommy Callahan)

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