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Thread: Clay Bucholtz

  1. #1

    Clay Bucholtz

    I doubt you're ever going to read this, or have any goodwill to anyone on this site, but you need to stop personalizing Iraq. I know that legislations can hurt people, but that happens to just about everyone. I'm sure everyone on this site over 18 can tell you about an unfair law passed in his/her town, but is harrasing people who had nothing to do with it, the way to go? You seem extremely passionate about this, maybe you could channel that into something productive. Perhaps, making a documentary like the ones you so enjoy.

    Despite what my politics are, I happen to think you are an intelligent individual. Not many people who are against the war, or against the administration can go into the depths of information like you can. However, if you worked on presentation, you probably could be a pretty good writer, or even a documentary producer. The people here want to talk about their Red Sox, they want to be distracted temporarily from things like politics. I'm assuming you're an advocate of freedom and tolerance. But you got to be tolerant of the fact that people are going to disagree with you, it's a controversial subject, but most of all you got to be tolerant of the fact that people, just don't care on this website. While OneRedSeat seems to be a worthy advesary, don't you think it would be best to have a politcial discussion, on a politcal board, and leave these people alone?
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  2. #2

    Re: Clay Bucholtz

    Exactly. I don't care about your politics man. I'm sure you're going to be reading this at some point, so it's worth mentioning. We probably have some of the same opinions, and you're entitled to your own.

    But this is a Red Sox forum. It's not a place meant to discuss conspiracies or in depth politics. These only lead to fighting, it's a well known fact. You'd still be around if you had conducted yourself in a respectable manner. The fact of the matter is that you blatantly broke forum rules and then acted as if you were a victim. You need to just deal with what happened and get over it.

  3. #3

    Re: Clay Bucholtz

    I am too lazy to look for the what is going on around here thread, but I got a happy easter email from Thats Clay and it had a pic.

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