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Thread: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

  1. #16

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by MC Hammer View Post
    Do you just randomly put things on your body? Anyone ever just hand you something and tell you to put it on, and you do without question? It's just like the Raffy situation ... cheaters lie.
    When I'm sick and I go to a doctor and he gives me pills to get better, I don't ask him about every single chemical that is in it. All I know is that it will make me feel better. And usually, because a doctor is willing to give it to you, its probably a safe bet that it is safe and legal.

    So yes, I guess I do just put random things in my body:harhar:

  2. #17

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Reasons to Hate Us View Post
    When I'm sick and I go to a doctor and he gives me pills to get better, I don't ask him about every single chemical that is in it. All I know is that it will make me feel better. And usually, because a doctor is willing to give it to you, its probably a safe bet that it is safe and legal.

    So yes, I guess I do just put random things in my body:harhar:
    You don't have to know about every chemical, but I want to know what it is. Unless I'm mistaken Sheffield did not get the Cream from a doctor, he got them from a physical trainer ... BIG DIFFERENCE.

  3. #18

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by MC Hammer View Post
    You don't have to know about every chemical, but I want to know what it is. Unless I'm mistaken Sheffield did not get the Cream from a doctor, he got them from a physical trainer ... BIG DIFFERENCE.
    Well whoever it was, if I'm in Gary's situation all I know is that he knows more about this stuff than me. And again if he is willing to give it to me I would probably assume it was legal.

  4. #19

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Reasons to Hate Us View Post
    Well whoever it was, if I'm in Gary's situation all I know is that he knows more about this stuff than me. And again if he is willing to give it to me I would probably assume it was legal.
    So if a crack head offered you crack you'd smoke it? Because he knows more about crack than you?

  5. #20

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by RedSoxRooter View Post
    Best Interest of Baseball clause. Barry could be gone in a second if Bud had some balls. And there is nothing Bonds could do about it.
    Except whine and bitch. Which probably could work.

    If you throw Bonds out, then you got to throw Giambi, and all those other players who have used steriods out of baseball.
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  6. #21

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    Except whine and bitch. Which probably could work.

    If you throw Bonds out, then you got to throw Giambi, and all those other players who have used steriods out of baseball.
    OK, and how isn't that the best thing for the game?

  7. #22

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by MC Hammer View Post
    So if a crack head offered you crack you'd smoke it? Because he knows more about crack than you.
    to quote you:

    I'm pretty sure he was a physical trainer not a crack head....BIG DIFFERENCE

  8. #23

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Reasons to Hate Us View Post
    When I'm sick and I go to a doctor and he gives me pills to get better, I don't ask him about every single chemical that is in it. All I know is that it will make me feel better. And usually, because a doctor is willing to give it to you, its probably a safe bet that it is safe and legal.

    So yes, I guess I do just put random things in my body:harhar:
    That's you, though.

    Sheffield, and Bonds are both over-controlling people. Do you seriously expect Bonds to not know what's going into his body? It's a brillant legal tacit, but common sense tells you that's probably not what happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by ORS
    I know they will. At some point in your life, you'll grow up and quit pulling stupid shit like this. Then, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, somebody else will turn 12 and start doing the same thing. It's a vicious cycle.

  9. #24
    This is my rifle....
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by MC Hammer View Post
    So if a crack head offered you crack you'd smoke it? Because he knows more about crack than you?
    HAHA! That's classic.

    The new book Game of Shadows says Sheff injected testosterone and HGH. This book appears to have impecable sources, so, as I did for Bonds, I'm going to accept it as valid. If you are a Yankee fan, and you are still playing the "he didn't knowingly take it" angle, don't you think it's time you stopped? I mean, come on.

  10. #25

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Reasons to Hate Us View Post
    to quote you:

    I'm pretty sure he was a physical trainer not a crack head....BIG DIFFERENCE
    No see your post makes it seem like you'd agree to anything as long as the person knows more about something than you.

  11. #26

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    That's you, though.
    I think it's probably most people. Even if a doctor told me what I was taking, it probably wouldn't make much sense to me anyway...

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    Sheffield, and Bonds are both over-controlling people. Do you seriously expect Bonds to not know what's going into his body? It's a brillant legal tacit, but common sense tells you that's probably not what happen.
    I guess the real question is where the fault lies if they didn't know (which I agree they probably did, I'm just saying it's possible that they didn't and very hard to prove otherwise). Is it the PT's fault for not telling/warning these guys that what they are taking is illegal, or does fault rest with Bonds and Sheff for not asking? To me it is hard to blame the players if the trainer does not tell them, because like I said earlier I think most everyone would assume something an accredited medical person gives you is legal.

  12. #27
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Dec 2005

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows View Post
    That's you, though.

    Sheffield, and Bonds are both over-controlling people. Do you seriously expect Bonds to not know what's going into his body? It's a brillant legal tacit, but common sense tells you that's probably not what happen.
    Exactly, steroids are only effective performance enhancers if they are taken regularly for an extended period. It strains credibility that they would regularly inject these substances for a prolonged period without asking what they are.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  13. #28

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Reasons to Hate Us View Post
    I think it's probably most people. Even if a doctor told me what I was taking, it probably wouldn't make much sense to me anyway...
    You're probably right, but before I take something ... especially if I am with a doctor and can ask him ... I want to know the side effects. Have you ever seen a commercial for a drug? Ever see at the end when they list the side effects? 9/10 they're worse than what they're treating.

    How about steroids.
    Side Effects: Death.

  14. #29

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Exactly, steroids are only effective performance enhancers if they are taken regularly for an extended period. It strains credibility that they would regularly inject these substances for a prolonged period without asking what they are.
    Do you have to inject them? I agree that its a stretch to think someone would inject something regularly without knowing what it was, but what if it's a cream? It would be like putting a Rx strength Aspercream or something on everyday. That wouldn't seem like a big deal to me either.

    MCHammer, if it WAS just a topical cream, would you even ask a doctor about the side effects? I probably wouldn't bother. I would have a hard time believing a cream could kill me anyway..

  15. #30

    Re: Book alleges Sheffield injected testosterone, HGH

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Reasons to Hate Us View Post
    MCHammer, if it WAS just a topical cream, would you even ask a doctor about the side effects? I probably wouldn't bother. I would have a hard time believing a cream could kill me
    Topical creams can cause pain. Ever put too much icy hot on? I'm going to find out exactly how to use it, exactly why I need it, and exactly what it's going to do no matter who it is.

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