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Thread: Classy Curt Schilling

  1. #61
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    I wonder what the reaction would be if a Red Sox player got hit instead
    Hit batsman take first base.

  2. #62

    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by He Hate Me View Post
    Have you ever been beaned before?
    Obviously he hasn't. As someone who played baseball for 13 years I can say that I've been beaned twice. One actually hit me in the face when I was only 8, and another turned a helemet into 20 pieces when I was 17. Trust me getting hit in the head is anything but a nonevent no matter how hard you're hit. Like I said before I have no problem with Curt's comments, but to say getting hit in the head is no big deal is wrong, and pretty dumb.

  3. #63
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by MC Hammer View Post
    Obviously he hasn't. As someone who played baseball for 13 years I can say that I've been beaned twice. One actually hit me in the face when I was only 8, and another turned a helemet into 20 pieces when I was 17. Trust me getting hit in the head is anything but a nonevent no matter how hard you're hit. Like I said before I have no problem with Curt's comments, but to say getting hit in the head is no big deal is wrong, and pretty dumb.
    In that instant where you realize that the ball might hit you in the head it is scary as hell. Being hit in the head can run the gamut from a life-threatening injury to barely a tick where the batter stays in the game. The Duffy HBP was not a tick, but it was a glancing blow. In a ST game it was enough to take him out of the game for precautionary reasons, but it was a glancing blow. He was moving away from the ball as it hit him and it did not him flush at all. It was a non-event, except for the possible retaliation when the Pirates face the Sox again. I don't know why we let the Yankee fans on these Boards stir us up over a non-issue. There was clearly no intent to head-hunt. There was no horrific injury. It is just part of the game. If you play the game long enough, it is likely to happen to you, or at the very least a near miss, which is every bit as frightening to the batter. Was Curt supposed to express concern or something? Forget about that. Pitchers that use intimidation as part of their repertoire will never express remorse or concern. If they drill you intentionally or by accident, they ask for a new ball and rub it up for the next batter. That's just the way it is.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  4. #64
    Power, Pride, Pinstripes
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    In that instant where you realize that the ball might hit you in the head it is scary as hell. Being hit in the head can run the gamut from a life-threatening injury to barely a tick where the batter stays in the game. The Duffy HBP was not a tick, but it was a glancing blow. In a ST game it was enough to take him out of the game for precautionary reasons, but it was a glancing blow. He was moving away from the ball as it hit him and it did not him flush at all. It was a non-event, except for the possible retaliation when the Pirates face the Sox again. I don't know why we let the Yankee fans on these Boards stir us up over a non-issue. There was clearly no intent to head-hunt. There was no horrific injury. It is just part of the game. If you play the game long enough, it is likely to happen to you, or at the very least a near miss, which is every bit as frightening to the batter. Was Curt supposed to express concern or something? Forget about that. Pitchers that use intimidation as part of their repertoire will never express remorse or concern. If they drill you intentionally or by accident, they ask for a new ball and rub it up for the next batter. That's just the way it is.
    You've demonstrated:

    1) that you've never been beaned, and probably never played an actual organized league game other than sitting around with friends and BSing about how you would've hit that HR further than Kirk Gibson or how you woulda pitched differently to Bernie in the 8th.

    if you ever did actually pick up a glove and played with real live people, then I'd be shocked if it was for anything other than a pinch runner or defensive purposes. Any one who steps into the batter's box knows that there's a chance they'll get hit, it's accepted as part of the game. What they don't need to hear is about how they shoulda gotten outta the way. That doesn't intimidate anyone, it simply makes people think he's a classless person who has no concept of sportsmanship. That's not the same as intimidation.

    Look at it this way, I'm intimidated by Manny and Ortiz, but do I think they're classless? NO. You can be intimidating without making yourself look like a complete jerk.

    2) the lack of a basic ability to read. Noone said Curt should express concern other than "yeah I hit him, it happens", just that there was no need to say "he shoulda gotten outta the way"

  5. #65
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by He Hate Me View Post
    You've demonstrated:

    1) that you've never been beaned, and probably never played an actual organized league game other than sitting around with friends and BSing about how you would've hit that HR further than Kirk Gibson or how you woulda pitched differently to Bernie in the 8th.

    if you ever did actually pick up a glove and played with real live people, then I'd be shocked if it was for anything other than a pinch runner or defensive purposes. Any one who steps into the batter's box knows that there's a chance they'll get hit, it's accepted as part of the game. What they don't need to hear is about how they shoulda gotten outta the way. That doesn't intimidate anyone, it simply makes people think he's a classless person who has no concept of sportsmanship. That's not the same as intimidation.

    Look at it this way, I'm intimidated by Manny and Ortiz, but do I think they're classless? NO. You can be intimidating without making yourself look like a complete jerk.

    2) the lack of a basic ability to read. Noone said Curt should express concern other than "yeah I hit him, it happens", just that there was no need to say "he shoulda gotten outta the way"
    If you disagree with me, please disagree with the content of my posts. I don't recall insulting you on this thread, so back off on your personal insults. Your attempt at personaility profiling or amateur pschology or whatever insult you blathered above is way off the mark. As for playing organized ball, I have played organized baseball into my early 20's, and I have been playing softball in two or more leagues at a time for the past 25 years. I have been beaned, played with broken toes and fingers and with a separated shoulder. I don't play in old men leagues. I play in inner-city leagues where the average age of the players is in the 20's, except for my team where the Avg age is considerably older. We finish in the top two or three of our division every year, and we have won our share of championships. So spare me your condescending BS, Mr. Jock. Do you still play at a competitive level? As for Curt saying that he should have gotten out of the way, big deal. Drysdale used to go up to players on opposing teams before the game and poke them in the ribs and say "would you like one right here today." Mantle and Mays told how intimidating that was, because they knew that Drysdale would make good on it. I guess he was just a jerk too. If you have anything to say in response, please limit it to the post and refrain from the name-calling. Only jerks make personal attacks.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  6. #66
    Power, Pride, Pinstripes
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    If you disagree with me, please disagree with the content of my posts. I don't recall insulting you on this thread, so back off on your personal insults.
    So it's ok for you to call Duffy anything you want, but not ok if someone else does the same to you? I see the logic there.

    Your attempt at personaility profiling or amateur pschology or whatever insult you blathered above is way off the mark. As for playing organized ball, I have played organized baseball into my early 20's, and I have been playing softball in two or more leagues at a time for the past 25 years. I have been beaned, played with broken toes and fingers and with a separated shoulder. I don't play in old men leagues. I play in inner-city leagues where the average age of the players is in the 20's, except for my team where the Avg age is considerably older. We finish in the top two or three of our division every year, and we have won our share of championships. So spare me your condescending BS, Mr. Jock.
    You've just justified yourself to a complete stranger on the internet, I hope that made you feel better.

    Do you still play at a competitive level?
    No, I haven't for a few years. I wish I did, but unfortunately life gets in the way sometimes. Years and years of irresponsibility prevents me from doing the extracurricular things I want to do.

    Only jerks make personal attacks.
    You don't have a leg to stand on with this remark. Your M.O. from the moment you got here was to make personal attacks on anyone who disagreed with you. Plus, what do you call those remarks you made about Duffy? If you can't take it, don't dish it.

  7. #67
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by He Hate Me View Post
    So it's ok for you to call Duffy anything you want, but not ok if someone else does the same to you? I see the logic there. Your M.O. from the moment you got here was to make personal attacks on anyone who disagreed with you. Plus, what do you call those remarks you made about Duffy? If you can't take it, don't dish it.
    Why don't you make some more unsubstantiated accusations. I refrain from name-caling or personal insults until someone insults me. As for insulting Duffy, I don't really think he cares about my remarks, unless he posts here. Players, owners, writers, and announcers are fair game, because they don't post here. Posters should be refraining from personal attacks against each other. Please try to argue your points in a rational or logical manner. If you can't do that, at least try to be funny. If you can't do either, don't bother me.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  8. #68
    Power, Pride, Pinstripes
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Why don't you make some more unsubstantiated accusations. I refrain from name-caling or personal insults until someone insults me. As for insulting Duffy, I don't really think he cares about my remarks, unless he posts here. Players, owners, writers, and announcers are fair game, because they don't post here. Posters should be refraining from personal attacks against each other. Please try to argue your points in a rational or logical manner. If you can't do that, at least try to be funny. If you can't do either, don't bother me.
    I feel if you're going to make personal attacks on players or whatever, you should be prepared to deal with it when peopel do the same to you. That's how life works. If on the other hand, you don't like it when people insult you, then maybe you ought to think about that the next time you rip into someone regardless of whether they know what you're saying ot not.

  9. #69
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    You are wasting my time.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  10. #70

    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Why are we still arguing over this? This is so stupid, so a guy got hit in the head, and the pitcher thinks the other guy coulv'e gotten out of the way, not a big deal. Like I stated earlier, if Duffy was more seriously injured and Schill still said it then it's an issue, but now it's still not.
    I've been hit in the head with an 85 MPH fastball, of which I couldv'e gotten out of the way, but let me tell yeah, it didn't do much because I WAS WEARING A HELMET, that is the reason for them, and if they wouldn't have players wear them if they didn't protect against 90 mile heat.
    But whatever, this isn't an issue, it's not on SC, it's not makin headlines, it's nothin big.
    "Right now, somewhere in New York, an eight-year-old kid is wondering if the Yankees will win a championship in his lifetime" - (Updated version of) Bill Simmons

  11. #71
    This is my rifle....
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by He Hate Me View Post
    You've just justified yourself to a complete stranger on the internet, I hope that made you feel better.
    FWIW, you didn't leave him much choice when you called him a bench-warming goober.

  12. #72
    Power, Pride, Pinstripes
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    Re: Classy Curt Schilling

    Quote Originally Posted by One Red Seat View Post
    FWIW, you didn't leave him much choice when you called him a bench-warming goober.
    point taken. that was uncalled for.

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