Someone please look at these numbers and tell me how Kirby Puckett gets in on the first ballotm but Donnie Baseball doesn't or that Jim Rice doesnt for how many years now???

Kirby Puckett
.318 BA, 2,304 Hits, 414 2B, 207 HR, 1,085 RBI, 450 BB, 965 SO, .837 OPS, 3,453 Total bases

Don Mattingly
.307 BA, 2,153 Hits, 442 2B, 222 HR, 1,099 RBI, 588 BB, 444 SO, .829 OPS, 3,301 Total bases

Jim Rice
.298 BA, 2,452 Hits, 373 2B, 382 HR, 1,451 RBI, 670 BB, 1,423 SO, .854 OPS, 4,129 Total bases

Honestly if Mattingly and Rice don't get in based on those stats, the Hall of Fame is a complete joke.

Anyone have any others to compare to Kirby's stats? Rice and Donnie were the first two that I knew of