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Thread: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

  1. #16

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    I'd also like to say that I don't like A-rod a lot at all, but I'm impressed by his character here. His decision NOT to go on ESPN sobbing and making excuses is something to respect.

    I hope many others follow his lead. He showed character with his stoicism and his determination not to let down his teammates, friends, and fans.
    I hate the Yankees. I hate the Cubs. I hate Yankees fans, Cubs fans, New York Rangers Fans, and the Red Wings. I hate cold weather, cowards, foreign cars, my neighbors, your neighbors, 3 dollar-a-gallon gasoline, free tv and Tim McCarver.

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  2. #17
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    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by ChiTownSox77 View Post
    Funny, given that Trump's biggest athletic achievement in life has been moving a pencil and firing people for entertainment on television. He's made it 'cool' to want to fire people and make their lives difficult. How is that entertaining? How is that 'cool'? If you are entertained by watching someone's life go into a tailspin by witnessing their failure to maintain employment....
    Whoa, Nelly! Lighten up a bit. That show is pure entertainment; those aren't real jobs people are losing. Everyone of the contestants, yes contestants, is successful prior to going on that show and will be afterwards. It's just a TV show, not real life.

    As far as Trump goes, I think the guy is a tool. But he was asked his opinion, and he gave it. Is he a credible source? Of course not. I think the true idiot here is the reporter.

  3. #18

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Yeah, well, it's making it fashionable to:

    A. Want to be a celebrity for no other reason than to have people say, "hey, I know that face". No substance, just want lots of people to like you.

    B. Making it cool to be the bigshot, controlling everything with everyone's job at your whim. He takes painfully joyful delight in his smug 'you're fired'. He's even tried to copright it, like he invented the phrase.

    The whole show is just a big orgy of wannabe-celebrities falling over each other to be known less for talent than for having their face on a box that people have in their living rooms. There's more to life than being a ladder climber. Selling your self-respect out in order to kiss the boss' ass on television, putting up with his sometimes ridiculous demands (like p poppa diddy whatever the hell he's called this month daddy diddy) just to make a buck and have an E! entertainment interview half-hour special is sick. It's the Paris Hilton-Real World-Fear Factor asinine programming that attracts people just because they look attractive and want desperately for a lot of people to like them, regardless of the reason for that fame.

    Celebrity is absolutely without redemptive qualities. Being known for something tangible and respectable (like, oh, helping people) is what being 'great' is all about. You don't and can't chase greatness; you just do what is right and greatness follows you.
    I hate the Yankees. I hate the Cubs. I hate Yankees fans, Cubs fans, New York Rangers Fans, and the Red Wings. I hate cold weather, cowards, foreign cars, my neighbors, your neighbors, 3 dollar-a-gallon gasoline, free tv and Tim McCarver.

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  4. #19

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Big fucking deal. Bret Favre's dad dies and he went out and threw for like 400 yards that next day. ROger Clemens Mom just died did he implode? Sports make you forget things when youre in the act of doing sometihng athletic you forget things. You focus on the task at hand such as hitting a baseball.

    Don't get me wrong here I feel for the guy for losing his Uncle but that can't be used as an excuse for poor performance. I highly doubt that he was thinking about all the wonderful memories he had with his uncle as he was digging into the battters box. He didn't perform 'nuff said case closed.
    "These guys need to make a descision right now, are they gonna be winners? Or are they gonna be like Alex Rodriguez?" -Dickie V during Pitt vs. Uconn

  5. #20
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    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    What can I say? Narcissism isn't a new human disorder, and the desire to be famous is pure narcissism.

    EDIT: The point I mean to convey is that the desire to get recognized has been around a long time, and TV isn't to blame.

    This was in response to ChiTown, not Sizzlin.

  6. #21

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by One Red Seat View Post
    What can I say? Narcissism isn't a new human disorder, and the desire to be famous is pure narcissism.

    EDIT: The point I mean to convey is that the desire to get recognized has been around a long time, and TV isn't to blame.

    This was in response to ChiTown, not Sizzlin.
    Well put. Understood.
    I hate the Yankees. I hate the Cubs. I hate Yankees fans, Cubs fans, New York Rangers Fans, and the Red Wings. I hate cold weather, cowards, foreign cars, my neighbors, your neighbors, 3 dollar-a-gallon gasoline, free tv and Tim McCarver.

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  7. #22
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    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by Sizzlin22 View Post
    Big fucking deal. Bret Favre's dad dies and he went out and threw for like 400 yards that next day. ROger Clemens Mom just died did he implode? Sports make you forget things when youre in the act of doing sometihng athletic you forget things. You focus on the task at hand such as hitting a baseball.

    Don't get me wrong here I feel for the guy for losing his Uncle but that can't be used as an excuse for poor performance. I highly doubt that he was thinking about all the wonderful memories he had with his uncle as he was digging into the battters box. He didn't perform 'nuff said case closed.
    If I were a Red Sox fan, I would hate to be lumped in with a comment as insensitive as that. He didnt use it as an excuse, nor did he tell anyone about it. Thank you though for adding in your comments. I'm sure all of us who have lost loved ones will be glad to know that we should ALWAYS respond by going back to our daily routine even though we didn't have a chance to bury them. well done.

    and BTW, if the guy was like a father to him, then I highly doubt he WASN'T thinking of him all day. Most people in that situation would be thinking about them for avery long time. Unlike you, I won't come out and asusme anything about you by saying that you probably have never lost a loved one (not relative, loved one), but you sure sound like it.

  8. #23

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by Sizzlin22 View Post
    Big fucking deal. Bret Favre's dad dies and he went out and threw for like 400 yards that next day. ROger Clemens Mom just died did he implode? Sports make you forget things when youre in the act of doing sometihng athletic you forget things. You focus on the task at hand such as hitting a baseball.
    That's the reaction I was expecting from most of you.

    Thank you everybody else.

  9. #24

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    exuses, excuses

    what was the reason for playin poorly last year?

  10. #25

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by Sizzlin22 View Post
    Big fucking deal. Bret Favre's dad dies and he went out and threw for like 400 yards that next day. ROger Clemens Mom just died did he implode? Sports make you forget things when youre in the act of doing sometihng athletic you forget things. You focus on the task at hand such as hitting a baseball.

    So? A sport is a sport, and the man had something happen to him in REAL LIFE that made an impact on him. When it comes to stuff like that, fuck a silly sport. Its a game. Something for fun. theres 24 other people on that team that could of done there job too, but didn't. I sure as hell know that if someone who was like a father to me died, i would not be able to perform as well as i used to.

  11. #26
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    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Before it's a reason -- afterwards it's an excuse.

    I feel for the guy, having lost his 'father' (basically) and all, but I think historically, the great ones rise to the occassion, afterwards. The guy just doesn't play good with a chip on his shoulder -- that's the reason he failed this year, it's the reason he's always failed in the past.

    I'm not going to use this as a crutch for A-Rod because he wouldn't, either -- and no athlete does or would.
    ""There are no asterisks in this life, only scoreboards... and ours is currently reading 'fucked'." -- Ari Gold, Entourage

  12. #27

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    I can understand that his uncle died. I think I am really close to feeling bad for him.

  13. #28

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by yankeessuck013 View Post
    exuses, excuses

    what was the reason for playin poorly last year?
    2004 Postseason- .320 Avg, 1.014 OPS, 3 HRs 8 RBI

    Umm.. what? Or is the postseason performance only counted in games your team doesn't win in?
    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
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  14. #29
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    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by ARod2212 View Post
    2004 Postseason- .320 Avg, 1.014 OPS, 3 HRs 8 RBI

    Umm.. what? Or is the postseason performance only counted in games your team doesn't win in?
    He also went 2 for 17 with 1 HR and 2 RBI's in game 4 through 7 of the ALCS
    ""There are no asterisks in this life, only scoreboards... and ours is currently reading 'fucked'." -- Ari Gold, Entourage

  15. #30

    Re: A-Rod's mom gives in his ALDS absence note

    Quote Originally Posted by See Red View Post
    He also went 2 for 17 with 1 HR and 2 RBI's in game 4 through 7 of the ALCS
    So his performance only counts if his team loses.
    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
    Just because it's a rivalry doesn't mean you need to make retarded arguments.

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