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Thread: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

  1. #16
    Evil Emperor
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    I think its ridiculous that this is going on. Though I wouldnt be surprised if Tejada has had something to do with steroids this is so stupid of Palmeiro. He keeps on with this making it a bigger and bigger deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexandertheGreat13
    Sadly for Raffy that wont happen and he will be the first 500 HR player not in the HOF.
    sadly? I hope he doesnt get in.

  2. #17

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Please raffy, we don't need another Canseco in this world.
    "Right now, somewhere in New York, an eight-year-old kid is wondering if the Yankees will win a championship in his lifetime" - (Updated version of) Bill Simmons

  3. #18
    Fenway Resident
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    haha thats all for you Raffy. Orioles have told him to not come back to rejoin the team, his time is done with them.
    "See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?"

  4. #19

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 to 6
    I think its ridiculous that this is going on. Though I wouldnt be surprised if Tejada has had something to do with steroids this is so stupid of Palmeiro. He keeps on with this making it a bigger and bigger deal.

    sadly? I hope he doesnt get in.
    I said sadly for Raffy. Not that I feel bad for him or that I feel he should be in.
    Gabe Kapler is full of heart and determination:

  5. #20
    Evil Emperor
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    is anybody surprised though that the guys he named was Tejada? C'mon now, Tejada hasnt exactly been squeaky-clean throughout this whole steroid scandal. (he DID play in Oakland for a long time, which is close to Balco. And Canseco did raise suspicions about Tejada in the book.)

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 to 6
    is anybody surprised though that the guys he named was Tejada? C'mon now, Tejada hasnt exactly been squeaky-clean throughout this whole steroid scandal. (he DID play in Oakland for a long time, which is close to Balco. And Canseco did raise suspicions about Tejada in the book.)
    Are you accusing Tejada? Before you say 'no'... the answer is 'yes, you are.' The way you've acted in the Giambi thread... I would think that you're above that.

  7. #22
    This is my rifle....
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by See Red
    Are you accusing Tejada? Before you say 'no'... the answer is 'yes, you are.' The way you've acted in the Giambi thread... I would think that you're above that.
    He talks out of both sides of his mouth. One opinion for Yankees, and another completely contrary opinion for any members of the Yankees foe's. Don't waste your time, because even when you call him out on it, he ignores the challenge and continues with more of the same.

  8. #23
    Evil Emperor
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    May 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by See Red
    Are you accusing Tejada? Before you say 'no'... the answer is 'yes, you are.' The way you've acted in the Giambi thread... I would think that you're above that.
    no, i wasnt accusing tejada, I was simply voicing my suspicion, we are all entitled to have suspicions, even you guys who suspect Giambi. The difference though is that I dont go on Tejada-accusing binges. You guys have a thread accusing Giambi, I just have a personal suspicion that I keep to myself. Im not coming right out and saying that he is using, it is just a suspicion. For all I know he could be clean, but there has been some things surrounding him in this scandal (Canseco book). But i refuse to say that hes using until he tests positive.

    Quote Originally Posted by One Red Seat
    He talks out of both sides of his mouth. One opinion for Yankees, and another completely contrary opinion for any members of the Yankees foe's. Don't waste your time, because even when you call him out on it, he ignores the challenge and continues with more of the same.
    see above...we're all entitled to be suspicious.

  9. #24
    Fenway Resident
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    see above...we're all entitled to be suspicious.
    but yet you get on us when we call giambi and sheffield juiced
    "See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?"

  10. #25
    Evil Emperor
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    May 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by riverside sluggers
    but yet you get on us when we call giambi and sheffield juiced
    do I really have to post this again?

    for the 3rd time..because you guys insist they are juiced, I clearly stated that my thing with Tejada is just SUSPICION, I dont go around the board telling everybody how juiced he is. I keep my suspicions to myself. Shit, I hope hes not juiced, hes a great player and is great in Baltimore. You guys on the other hand would love to see Giambi and Sheffield test positive

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    As far as im concerned Palmero can stay at home where the Orioles told him to go. I think the O's are better off without him. I don't see why Palmerio has to blame someone just confess to what you did and face the consequences.
    1903,1912,1915,1916,2004,2007 World Series Champions

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 to 6
    do I really have to post this again?

    for the 3rd time..because you guys insist they are juiced, I clearly stated that my thing with Tejada is just SUSPICION, I dont go around the board telling everybody how juiced he is. I keep my suspicions to myself. Shit, I hope hes not juiced, hes a great player and is great in Baltimore. You guys on the other hand would love to see Giambi and Sheffield test positive
    Posting your suspicion on the internet is really keeping it to yourself.

    What's the difference between you suspecting him and us suspecting Giambi?

    You gave reasons why you suspect Tejada has done steroids, we've given reasons to suspect Giambi -- yet you deny that Gaimbi could be doing them. You, sir, are a hypocrite.

  13. #28

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Do we need to make an "Official Tejada Might Be on 'Roids Thread"???
    LMAO :lol:
    I don't ever wanna see the Red and Blues again. :blink:

  14. #29
    Evil Emperor
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Big News: It was Miguel Tejada that Raffi has called out

    Quote Originally Posted by See Red
    Posting your suspicion on the internet is really keeping it to yourself.

    What's the difference between you suspecting him and us suspecting Giambi?

    You gave reasons why you suspect Tejada has done steroids, we've given reasons to suspect Giambi -- yet you deny that Gaimbi could be doing them. You, sir, are a hypocrite.
    the difference being that I dont have a thread accusing Tejada, I dont come out and whenever he gets a hit or something say "hes juiced". Its not an issue to me, he hasnt tested positive, so hes innocent in my eyes. The only reason I made a comment is because his name came out in the Palmeiro thing, but its not like I just dragged his name into this out of the blue. You sir, are a hypocrit.

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