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Thread: The Official YanksHater213 vs. Yankeessuck013 thread

  1. #1

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    Jesus, your going to pass me in posts after having over 1000 less than me no more than 2 months ago. Pathetic how little of a life you have.

  2. #2

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    Quote Originally Posted by YanksHater213
    Jesus, your going to pass me in posts after having over 1000 less than me no more than 2 months ago. Pathetic how little of a life you have. life isn't tennis

  3. #3

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    At least I dont sit in front of my computer all day posting on this site...

  4. #4

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    who cares, stop fuckin bitching

  5. #5

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    I just think its funny, thats all, how you go on a vacation, and you still manage to rack up over 100 posts in that time.

  6. #6

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    I wouldn't really call it a vacation, a week constitutes a vacation, not 2 days.

    and the only time I posted in thailand was at midnight-4 or 5 AM. It's not like I didn't go anywhere in the daytime.

  7. #7

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    Stocker said it best...

    devildots51101: now thats no life

  8. #8

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    coming from a guy who, I'm guessing, has never had a girlfriend in his life.

  9. #9

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    And you expect me to believe that you have one? How easy is it to go on to someones webshots and just take the pictures and use them... come on dude, its pathetic... you expect us to believe that? I mean, one day you were at her house POSTING ON THIS WEBSITE. Yeah, I believe you.

  10. #10

    Re: September 5th vs Chicago

    Alright I'm making a special thread for you guys to "settle your differences" in Fights and Crap.

  11. #11

    Re: The Official YanksHater213 vs. Yankeessuck013 thread

    i know this is none of my buisness but who cares how many posts someone posts on here

  12. #12

    Re: The Official YanksHater213 vs. Yankeessuck013 thread

    I honestly dont care, I just think its funny that he has been posting 874579984257842874398 times in the past month, and its crazy that around June, I had like 1000 more than the next closest person, now hes like going to pass me. It means nothing really to me, I just think its funny how cluttered the board is with all his posts.

  13. #13

    Re: The Official YanksHater213 vs. Yankeessuck013 thread

    if you didn't care you woudn't of brought it up and kept talking about it, so it has to mean something to you

  14. #14

    Re: The Official YanksHater213 vs. Yankeessuck013 thread

    I just think its funny, thats all. Im not really pissed, just funny. Im done arguing with you anyways, its obvious that you have little of a life by how much you post. So I'm just going to leave it at that.

  15. #15

    Re: The Official YanksHater213 vs. Yankeessuck013 thread

    you can keep saying that and it won't effect me one bit

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