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Thread: Front page NY papers today?

  1. #31
    Fenway Resident
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    yeah thats our gay jeter, haha, honestly what does it look like hes trying to do?

  2. #32

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
    Just because it's a rivalry doesn't mean you need to make retarded arguments.

  3. #33

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    Giambi makes me fucking sick.

  4. #34

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    Honestly what is wrong with him? He's playing so good lately lol.

  5. #35

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    He probably started taking steroids again, I wouldnt put it past him. Just the fact that he used to take steroids and CHEAT THE GAME is what makes me sick everytime I hear the guys name. I dont care who you are, if you take steroids and cheat the game, I am going to hate you, even if you are a red sox player.

  6. #36

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    I have no defense for him taking steroids, and yes cheating. However, I do give him a hell of a lot more credit than Bonds because he didn't back off at the trial. He admitted he did wrong and has worked to get past it. Hold it against him if you want, but he's done almost all he can logically do to get past it. He's not going to give back money, but he's confessed and apologized. What more do you want?

    The United States is the land of second chances, something you don't often hear from a guy who scored a 96% on the Republican test.
    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
    Just because it's a rivalry doesn't mean you need to make retarded arguments.

  7. #37

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    I respect him admitting it, but my ideas about him will never change bacause of what he did.

  8. #38
    Super Moderator
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    I'm with YanksHater on him. I will always view him as a cheater and hate him, but respect what he did. You can respect someone but hate their guts at the same time.

  9. #39
    This is my rifle....
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    Quote Originally Posted by ARod2212
    I have no defense for him taking steroids, and yes cheating. However, I do give him a hell of a lot more credit than Bonds because he didn't back off at the trial. He admitted he did wrong and has worked to get past it. Hold it against him if you want, but he's done almost all he can logically do to get past it. He's not going to give back money, but he's confessed and apologized. What more do you want?

    The United States is the land of second chances, something you don't often hear from a guy who scored a 96% on the Republican test.
    I confess, I killed your mother. Forgive me? I know it seems like apples and oranges, but wrong is wrong.

  10. #40

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tek_me_out_to_the.....
    I confess, I killed your mother. Forgive me? I know it seems like apples and oranges, but wrong is wrong.
    More like, the 12 of us killed your mother, but I am the only one who is willing to confess. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'm going to try my best to become a better person after this terrible act.

    The message is similar, but its not nearly that drastic. Still, he cheated and there is every reason as to why he deserves the antagonizing he gets.
    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
    Just because it's a rivalry doesn't mean you need to make retarded arguments.

  11. #41

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
    Just because it's a rivalry doesn't mean you need to make retarded arguments.

  12. #42
    Jeter Jeter peter eater RedSoxRooter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    Steroids is still front page news in NY? :lol:

  13. #43

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    I guess it has to be, I mean.... not much else is going right for those pathetic bastards. Where's the front page about Jeter not making the All-Star team? That's right.... Jeter could hit .100 and the papers wouldn't give a rats ass because he's the "captain".

  14. #44

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sox fan in Tex
    I guess it has to be, I mean.... not much else is going right for those pathetic bastards. Where's the front page about Jeter not making the All-Star team? That's right.... Jeter could hit .100 and the papers wouldn't give a rats ass because he's the "captain".
    That was one of the worst posts I've ever seen. Look at Jeter's stats.

    The All Star Game is meaningless, and the Yankees are far better off with Jeter and Matsui staying home. It isn't on the front page because Yankee fans really don't give a shit about them not playing, hence it isn't big news.

    Nevermind the fact that Giambi is producing now, with a .276 average to go with his .424 OBP. Like OMG hE Tuk SteRoidZ, that negates anything he does for the rest of his career.

    9-11-01 FDNYPD We will not forget.
    Just because it's a rivalry doesn't mean you need to make retarded arguments.

  15. #45

    Re: Front page NY papers today?

    The All Star Game is meaningless, and the Yankees are far better off with Jeter and Matsui staying home. It isn't on the front page because Yankee fans really don't give a shit about them not playing, hence it isn't big news.
    So I guess Jeter being a 9 time All-Star doesn't matter either. I'm looking at his '04 and '05 stats and here are my comments: What captain?

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