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Thread: The official Derek Lowe thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I bet questions regarding D-Lowe will continue to pop up over the course of the season, so why not make an official thread dealing with these matters?

    [code]2004 BOS 6 6 3 3 0 0 0 32.1 45 27 18 1 16 15 5.01 1.89 .328 [/code]

    His stats are nothing to be proud of, and I fear we've lost the Lowe of yesteryear. I get the sense that a lot of people agree on this one. So, do the sox even need to make an effort to resign him? Does Boras make it a moot point?
    Ortizzle my nizzle

  2. #2
    I don't think this year can be considered an anomalie (sp?). Lowe just hasn't been on at all. He isnt worth 10 ml/year, thats for sure.

    But remember last year? He was spot on in the second half, after having an even worse first half than he's on pace for now. Again with the inconsistency, I know, but he's inconsistent!

    He also has some mental issues. It seems at times that his head isn't in the game, and he often just loses it after doing something wrong. His failure as a closer after saving 42 shows this. I doubt his bout with cancer helped either.
    Inaugural Talksox contest winner.

  3. #3
    I think that the redsox should make Varitek a priority over lowe.They should still try to keep lowe since he's a big part of the team.

  4. #4
    Double A
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    Apr 2004
    Didn't he start really shaky LAST year only to end up with 17 wins?

    If it weren't for him we wouldn't beaten the A's in the ALDS!

    Give him a couple more games before you decide, although I'd choose keeping Tek if it HAD to come down to one of the 2...
    Hopefully it won't come down to that.

    I see him finding his way soon- especially when Nomar and Trot return. B)

  5. #5
    Originally posted by jarjar@May 15 2004, 08:25 PM
    Didn't he start really shaky LAST year only to end up with 17 wins?
    Yeah, he had 17 wins because of his run support. Don't forget that his ERA was over 4.
    Baseball isn't life and death but the Red Sox are.

  6. #6
    Major Leaguer
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    May 2004
    Well he has had some bad years. His first year was hillarious, i would assure a loss whenever he came to the mound. He started like 0-9 and i remember when he got his first win. It was great
    There are only two teams you can root for in baseball, the Red Sox, and whoever is playing the Yankees

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Lowe's as good as gone, no matter how well or how poorly he pitches. If he pitches well, he'll price himself out of the Sox's range. If he pitches poorly, they're not going to want him back for the rediculous amounts of money he's asking for. Of all the potential free agents, he's the most likely to be gone.

  8. #8
    But you can't really feel too bad for the guy. He did it to himself by rejecting the offers made to him outright and asking for a ridiculous amount of money. He alienated the fans and the team by doing so, and is pitching poorly as a result of it (maybe).

    You can't say he's a terrible pitcher either though. Anyone who throws a no-hitter is a good pitcher, there's no denying it. He definitely doesn't look too good THIS year though (his last outing was decent though). I agree with Zenny, he's the biggest certainty to leave the team next year. I just hope he doesnt end up on another AL east team and shut us down.

    Personally, I see him going back to the Mariners. They need pitching, and he was one of their prospects along with Tek. Haha, we got him and Tek for Slocumb, what a deal!

  9. #9
    Haha, yes! What a steal that trade was. We got Tek, one of our most consistent producers and one of the best catchers in baseball, and Lowe, who has shown signs of brilliance. But I guess this thread is about how Lowe is not brilliant right now. He's gone, I agree with that, but he isnt as bad a pitcher as he looks right now.

    It's just his mental makeup. He doesn't have the mentality of a pitcher, starter or otherwise. He showed this 3 years ago when the whole "loooowe, looooowe..... YOU SUCK" phenomenom took place.

  10. #10
    Derek Lowe is the most talented 4-year-old I've ever seen on the mound. He still has the talent, he's just so shaky personality -ise that I don't see him ever reproducing his 2002 numbers with the Red Sox. He may be the type of player who desperately needs a smaller market like Detroit (they have money, small market right now, and isn't he from there originally?) to reach his full potential consistently, a la Jeff Weaver.

  11. #11
    Lowe needs to go on a backpacking trip through Europe so he can "find himself," then maybe we can expect a little more stability out of him. I can't figure out which Derek Lowe is going to step on the mound day to day. When the guy has his head screwed on right he throws a no-hitter, sub 3.00 ERA for the season or knocks down 40+ saves. He can't do anything wrong when he's in it. The rest of the time he's checking first and peeking to see if his ass looks big.
    You're killin' me Smalls!! -Hamilton "Ham" Porter

  12. #12
    Double A
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    He DOES check his ass alot : :lol: You pointed out something I've noticed and never thought twice about!

    I think we need to support him at least til the end of the year... what if he reads this stuff we all write? You never know!

    The team now isn't the solid crew we need to win, and pray when N + T come back the chemistry will all gel-

    I can't WAIT to see Trot "trot" into right, and we need Crespo "No-mar" ....

    Get back SOON GUYS! GO LOWE !!!! I still love you.

  13. #13
    Haha, I haven't noticed the ass thing but I'll definitely need to see it now. He seems like he can get really distracted with things (whether it be his ass or the second baseman's shoe). As grassinzimsteeth said, he can be spot on or way off.

    And jarjar, I think the players have better things to do than read fans bash them on message boards. . It would be cool, but I doubt they do. I wouldn't want to read criticism online if I were a baseball player.

  14. #14
    Some good news from
    ... the Red Sox would prefer to re-sign Pedro Martinez instead of Lowe after the season, when both are eligible for free agency. That choice is partly motivated by a belief among Red Sox officials that if Martinez hits the market, George Steinbrenner will spend anything necessary to sign him."
    We don't have to deal with him anymore, for those of you who hate him. I'd MUCH rather see Pedro resigned than Lowe. Pedro's worth the 5 mil more, even at the rate he's pitching now. He's only going to improve as the season progresses I bet.
    Inaugural Talksox contest winner.

  15. #15
    Pedro may or may not be worth his asking price. Lowe definitely isn't. That makes it kind of easy to figure out who management would prefer to make a push at to sign.

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