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Thread: Clam Down....

  1. #1
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Calm Down....

    Everyone seems to be taking the league for granted. You need to clam down count your blessing of being able to play the game. I know some people hate eachother but you don't have to go on a flamewar to show it.

    Just because something doesn't go your way doesn't mean you should quit and try to ruin the league in the process. I was really up for the idea of a fantasty draft with a salary cap it's something I've never done before and its been great. I don't want to be ruined because people can't get along....

    Everyone needs to hold out their right hand whichever one has the chill pill in it. Put the chill pill in your mouth. Now swallow the chill pill.
    QUOTE (Noah @ Nov 15 2004, 09:14 PM)
    We had another meeting and decided. Rad is too cool to let go of.
    GM of the California Angels
    2004 91-74. 2005 51-30

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Clam Down....

    Amen to that.
    Politically Right Since 1986

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  3. #3

    Re: Calm Down....

    Quote Originally Posted by Radgeta
    Everyone seems to be taking the league for granted. You need to clam down count your blessing of being able to play the game. I know some people hate eachother but you don't have to go on a flamewar to show it.

    Just because something doesn't go your way doesn't mean you should quit and try to ruin the league in the process. I was really up for the idea of a fantasty draft with a salary cap it's something I've never done before and its been great. I don't want to be ruined because people can't get along....

    Everyone needs to hold out their right hand whichever one has the chill pill in it. Put the chill pill in your mouth. Now swallow the chill pill.

    This league is part of what keeps me sane waiting for the lazy-ass MLB players to get back to action.... But guess what folks? It's a freaking game. No point getting all pissy about it. Let's keep this league fun and enjoyable for all by:

    Leaving the decisions to Bonds*, yagmaster, Radgeta, Yeszir, and then not complaining about it afterward.

    Keep petty insults to a minimum (because what do they accomplish?)

    Most important: HAVE FUN. Isn't that the point of this league to begin with? Yes.
    "You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?"
    Chris Farley (Tommy Callahan)

  4. #4

    Re: Clam Down....

    i think leaguie overall is very well i dont complane alot either but the fantasty draft suck but leaguie is doin just fine now
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  5. #5
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Calm Down....

    Quote Originally Posted by Radgeta
    You need to clam down count your blessing of being able to play the game.
    I don't know if I would go that far, but you guys need to chill out, big time. It is a GAME on the INTERNET with NO MONEY AT STAKE.
    I have a penis.

  6. #6

    Re: Clam Down....

    Quote Originally Posted by Joeroafan
    i think leaguie overall is very well i dont complane alot either but the fantasty draft suck but leaguie is doin just fine now
    Once again, Samuel asks the question

  7. #7
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Clam Down.... <--- that is the question hes referring to if you haven't seen it before.
    QUOTE (Noah @ Nov 15 2004, 09:14 PM)
    We had another meeting and decided. Rad is too cool to let go of.
    GM of the California Angels
    2004 91-74. 2005 51-30

  8. #8

    Re: Clam Down....

    I blame society.

  9. #9
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Clam Down....

    I blame Canada.
    I have a penis.

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