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Thread: Detriot trade block

  1. #1

    Detriot trade block

    I need ace pitching. I want one really high SP (5.0/4.5 overall)

    The better the SP the more I will give. Also I am conservative to the extent that I like to keep a low payroll. I will offer more for a great SP with a cheap contract then a big contract.

    Require a 4.5/5.0 sp with a 7 mil or lower contract to move D. Ortiz. (Don't care much for sp's with endurance 6 or below).

    I will also take RP's with high endurance (5-7) (might not offer as much)

    On the block as of now is
    Brent Abernathy/Luis Castillio (less inclined to move castillio because he is fast, but abernathy, 7 contact 8 avoiding K's the middle don't matter as much)
    -Bobby Abreau (want a decent amount)
    -All of my relievers but mike brunet
    -Maybe Jay Payton
    -Almost everyone in AAA. (utley, eh, andy tracy prob but eh)
    -Vince Sinsi will move if I can get a great enough SP
    -Garret Atkins may see the block if anyone shows me a sweet SP
    - Jon Buck
    - Justin Echols

    Other than great SP's I would like improvements everywhere. Like a nice catcher. (minimal contact of 7) A 3B better than Andy Tracy/ Vinny Castillia (with contact of 7, pref speed). And those are about it.

    I want an ACE with some support. Along with upgrades

  2. #2

    Re: Detriot trade block

    I have interest in Rincon. Talk to me on AIM.

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