Quote Originally Posted by Maxbialystock View Post
I would put it this simply. MLB is, for lack of a better word, balanced, and that's definitely the way the Commissioner and probably the owners want it. Almost everybody, rich or poor, has a shot. I think it's beyond question that the postseason format, now with six division winners and six wild cards, 12 out of 30 teams, has made that possible. Thus my harping on the fact that the WS last year was played between a team who finished with 90 wins and the other with 84 wins.

That said, let's not forget that just 6 years ago the Red Sox won 108 games in the regular season and beat the Yankees (100 wins) in the ALDS, 3 games to 1, the Astros (103 wins) in the ALCS, 4 games to 1, and the Dodgers (92 wins), also 4 games to 1.
Agreed, and maybe the talent being more spread out gives the impression that overall quality is down. I doubt it is, but it can not be easily proven.