Quote Originally Posted by Maxbialystock View Post
Please reread what I wrote.

2019 was a disappointment, but the real grabber was that the very expensive 2019 Sox with the biggest payroll in MLB were going to need a large infusion of cash. First and foremost, Betts was about to be a free agent and the Dodgers were willing to provide a very competitive package. Second, Price and Sale had long and expensive contracts but were no longer viable starters. Price's cumulative WAR after 2019 was 1.2. Sale's (not including this season) was 2.7. So, in addition to paying them for several more years, John Henry would need to give DD a bunch more money to replace them in the rotation.
None of that alters the fact that it was only one disappointing season. Plus you're chucking stuff in there that wasn't even known at the time, like how Price and Sale were going to perform in the future. Betts wasn't a free agent until after 2020, and nobody knew exactly how interested the Dodgers were in him until we traded him.

So you're not really arguing in good faith.