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Thread: 5/15 Tampa @ Boston 7:10 pm

  1. #16
    Deity vegasbob's Avatar
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    Red Sox bottom 1st was almost unrecognizable, except for Raffy's K. Duran uses the Lf wall for an opening double, Abrue moves him up on a flyball, Wong gets the sac fly on a long flyout. Good situational hitting

  2. #17
    Deity vegasbob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jad View Post
    For the inane comment file: Rays announcer after Duran doubles off the wall, then scores on two consecutive 380-400 ft fly balls: "Red Sox playing small ball ..."
    The guy was referring to his own crotch

  3. #18
    Deity vegasbob's Avatar
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    Rafaela with a nice pick up and throw on a slow bouncer from SS. Houck handles the Rays through 3.

  4. #19
    FO may want to extend Abreu before they can't afford him.

  5. #20
    How anemic is the SOX offense? Well, Casas is still 2nd on the team in HR's with 6.

  6. #21
    MLB chUMPS. They're never accountable no matter how shitty a job they do.

  7. #22
    I'm a firm believer that a foul tip off the chUMPIRE'S mask sometimes improves his vision.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxbialystock View Post
    I think hitting with men on base is in fact a skillset because I believe good pitchers throw better when they are are in trouble, defined as either men on base or men in scoring position.
    We just saw a good example of what I meant by the above.

    With no one on in his previous at bat, Abreu hit a dinger. This time, with the bases full and the pitcher very intent on getting Abreu out, he K'd in 3 pitches--two of them swung on when well outside the zone. This was not good luck for the pitcher nor bad luck for Abreu, it was a pitcher doing his job and a young hitter folding like a cheap tent.
    Last edited by Maxbialystock; 05-15-2024 at 07:52 PM.

  9. #24
    Houck is a perfect example of how misleading a W/L record can be.

  10. #25
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    Horrible job by Weissert. Horrible.

  11. #26
    Giving Wong an error on that throw is ridiculous. When Devers strikes out, is another batter given credit for Devers' K?
    Last edited by SPLENDIDSPLINTER; 05-15-2024 at 07:59 PM.

  12. #27
    So many solos.

  13. #28
    O'Neill is a mistake hitter.

  14. #29
    At least Houck won't be credited with the loss.

  15. #30
    Deity moonslav59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPLENDIDSPLINTER View Post
    Houck is a perfect example of how misleading a W/L record can be.
    Even team record in GSd is deceiving
    When you say it's gonna happen now
    When exactly do you mean?

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