Ken Waldichuk is looking more and more like a fucking steal. Guy is unhittable. 23.2IP 10H 3ER 9BB 40K. He's lefty, throws a wicked breaking ball and tops out high 90s. I am wondering if he ends up being akin to Hader or King, multi inning weapons deployed in middle relief.

Medina has shown the same level of maddening inconsistency. Might be time to move him to the pen. Tops out at 103, slider is nasty. And they are running out of time with him as he is on his final option

Dominguez has started to hit. .272/.360/.477 last 10 games. 19 year old kid hopefully turning a corner

Anthony Garcia is interesting. 25 walks in 22 games. 6 bombs, .963 OPS, but 31K in 22 games as well.

Volpe has been struggling, although the power and speed has been coming along.

Wells has been hitting very well in High A. .944OPS 4 bombs, 8 steals.