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Thread: Yankees trade for Soriano

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by User Name? View Post
    Yanks should be tanking for better draft picks, not getting more over-the-hill players.
    That's a bit silly, no? I'm not saying I expect the Yankees to make the playoffs, but there's a good chance that by the end of the day they'll only be 2.5 games out of a playoff spot. I don't blame them for one second for trying to acquire some offense.

  2. #17
    Super, Duper Moderator Youk Of The Nation's Avatar
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    All of the Yankees' fan giveaways for the rest of the season are going to be stale hard candy and coded messages about how the nurses are stealing.
    Quote Originally Posted by YANKEESRULE View Post
    Yea got hand it to the Sox, they just could not go queitly into the night. Well, they are just post-poning the inevitable.
    - From the 2004 ALCS Game 4 Gamethread. A reminder that no game is over until the final out is recorded, and things will always get better. Misspellings unchanged as a reminder that Yankees fans are just terrible.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by yankees228 View Post
    That's a bit silly, no? I'm not saying I expect the Yankees to make the playoffs, but there's a good chance that by the end of the day they'll only be 2.5 games out of a playoff spot. I don't blame them for one second for trying to acquire some offense.
    I'd agree with you if Fat Sabby wasn't making me look like an idiot and Soriano could actually make a completely positive impact with his bat. Remember that a lot of the runs he'll add on offense, he'll subtract on defense. Then again, there's obviously a bit of wishful thinking on my part to see the Yanks suck it up as much as the Sox did last year. Not even gonna deny it.
    We miss you Mike.

  4. #19
    Except according to UZR Soriano not only grades out well this year, but he has consistently graded out well for his entire Cubs tenure. And we could make this about one pitcher, but I think the larger, and more important point is that the Yankees, as a staff, pitch well enough to be a playoff team (9th in ERA, 5th in xFIP). They just need to hit and right now that's a tall task ... but the addition of Soriano and some of the injured guys returning should help.

    Again, I'm not making the case that this team will make the playoffs, or is even likely to make the playoffs. But considering where they currently stand, acquiring a bat to help make a run is reasonable.

  5. #20
    As I've already said, anything can happen. The Yankees still have time to make a run, and equally bad teams have gotten hot and won championships. That being said, giving up a prospect, hurting their draft position and locking Vernon Wells and Alfonso Soriano in to starting spots until 2015 is counterproductive to their longterm success. Is that really worth gambling on a team that has something like a 13% chance of making the playoffs and a less than 1% chance of winning a championship? Probably not. But this is the only way the Yankees know how to operate. They don't know how to rebuild or create a team from within. And they may even believe that those lightning in a bottle deals that they did with Colon, Chavez, Freddy Garcia, etc. is a repeatable skill. When in fact they just lucked out.

  6. #21
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    You've seen Soriano you really think he's a good OF? Don't get me wrong, i like UZR, but it's not perfect, and he currently sports a sub .300 OBP.....ewwww. As for the rest of your post, it's "just one pitcher" but he's the ace of that staff, and Kuroda and Petitte are older pitchers who could realistically break down at any moment. The cards are kinda stacked against the Yanks. Stranger things have happened but it looks really implausible that the Yanks make the post-season.
    We miss you Mike.

  7. #22
    Both UZR and the eye test suggest Soriano's gotten a lot better defensively than he was with the Yankees. And Kuroda's had a pretty strong record of durability, despite his age. But I agree with the rest of what you said.

  8. #23
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    He never played the OF when he was with the Yankees. He got moved there when he got traded to the Nationals.
    We miss you Mike.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by User Name? View Post
    You've seen Soriano you really think he's a good OF? Don't get me wrong, i like UZR, but it's not perfect, and he currently sports a sub .300 OBP.....ewwww. As for the rest of your post, it's "just one pitcher" but he's the ace of that staff, and Kuroda and Petitte are older pitchers who could realistically break down at any moment. The cards are kinda stacked against the Yanks. Stranger things have happened but it looks really implausible that the Yanks make the post-season.
    I do think Soriano is a pretty good outfielder, even by the eye test. As for UZR, it's not perfect, but I think it can be trusted when the sample size is so large.

    As for the rest of your point, I agree with it. But remember, the position I'm arguing against isn't "the Yankees probably aren't going to make the playoffs" it's "the Yankees should completely give up on trying to make the playoffs". That's the part that seems silly.

  10. #25
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    It'd be awesome though.
    We miss you Mike.

  11. #26
    I don't like the idea of acquiring Soriano, but I'll wait to see the specifics. If they can get Soriano for free in 2014 and don't have to give up a big arm, then I'll be happy. I've heard Chase Whitley's name going around. The guy would make an immediate impact in Chicago and will likely be a solid long term reliever, but that's a price in willing to pay for an upgrade. I'm just not sure Sori is that much of an upgrade

  12. #27
    All-Star Divinity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksonianmarch View Post
    I'm just not sure Sori is that much of an upgrade
    He's definitely a noticeable upgrade, since June he's hit more home run's than the entire Yankees lineup combined (8 vs 10)

    Also I have a feeling A-Rod is getting either a 50/100 ban within the next week or two.

  13. #28
    Your pal, Pal Palodios's Avatar
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    The word is that the Cubs are "paying more than half" of his salary. If the Yankees end up having to pay 10 of the remaining 24 and give up junk, I'd still say that's exactly the kind of move they should be making, given that they want to contend this year.

    That being said, they're in a lose-lose situation. Even if they decide to tank it, and get prospects for their best players... their attendance is tanking fast already. Their organization is popular because they're winners... if they have a shit team, their fans will look for other teams to root for quickly.

  14. #29
    The rumor is that the Cubs will be getting Corey Black in return. 21 year old, projectable righty who's already hit triple digits with his fastball. Needs polishing, he's only recently converted to pitching fulltime. Not a top prospect but he's not exactly the kind of non-prospect you'd want to give up on a deal like this either. The Yankees liked him so much they invited him to major league camp in Spring Training.

  15. #30
    Soriano's an upgrade, but why trade a projectable young righthander for a 13% chance of making the playoffs? The Yankees may only be a few games out of the second wild card spot, but they also have a run differential of -4 and have gone 24-29 since May 26th. This move might save them some money on the luxury tax next year, but having Soriano and Wells on the team limits the Yankees options of how they can attempt to improve. If Soriano improves the Yankees by a win, and that moves them back in the draft, remember this move next year when the team ahead of them takes prospect you guys wanted.

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