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Thread: Need some diehard fan help

  1. #1

    Need some diehard fan help

    My brother from NewMexico and I from Az went to the Sept 11th game last week and checked off another bucket list . Incredible experience and the people of Boston the best!
    Is there a fan out there that recorded the game from start to finish? I would love a copy of our game as a momento. I know all about copyright laws and this will be a personal use item. I've searched the youtubes and other sites to find nothing and NESN doesn't archive for sale.
    Thanks for your help,

  2. #2
    Leyenda Thunder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Need some diehard fan help

    I know you are new here, but this is in the wrong section. I am also sad to tell you that since August this forum hasn't particualarily given 100% of their attention to Red Sox games. Tough luck buddy.
    Quote Originally Posted by mvp 78 View Post
    I can't disagree with you

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