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Thread: To Those Who Are Upset About This

  1. #1
    This is intended for those who are upset about this whole deal.

    I completely understand where this is coming from, and that you may feel like your hard work was wasted because of a few idiots who screwed up the league. It is understandable, and hopefully you'll come to forgive them with time.

    This new league, however, will be much much better. It is organized, and thorough, and has some competent leadership. You have to realize that this was really the only viable alternative. If you were a great GM before, you'll start out with a lot of respect now. If you weren't a good GM, we hope you learned your lesson.

    As for balance. Teams wont be equal, even with payrolls even and a random draft. People will need to make trades, and this will be competitive. You will see. Again, we hope you understand, and IM me if you want to talk about it in detail.

  2. #2
    We shall see. I have no problem with resetting it, but I'm still not sold on the random drafting, though. Until I see that it's definitely working, I'm participating under protest.
    I have no sig. Sue me.

  3. #3
    I get to keep Texas Rangers right?

  4. #4
    Id also like to say i was online alll day every day improving my team for countless hours. and u babies just stripped that all away. so ridiculous. i chose the rangers because they had a good young cheap infield--a future. now im gonna have maybe 1 person like that and noone will dare trade anybody good anymore. this isnt even a simm league anymore.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Correct me if I'm wrong but the poll was like 20-2 no?

    Does that make 2 people right or 20 people wrong?

    I'm sorry but I'll sacrifice the happiness of one person for the betterment of the league. That's what happened. It's innapropriate to call the rest of the league babies when your the only one complaining now.
    Politically Right Since 1986

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  6. #6
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Please note that the power rankings from our old league will be our first amateur draft order for this league
    I have a penis.

  7. #7
    to the texas owner: it really wasn't fair for u caus u only had 4 teams in ur division so i really don't think you should take credit for what you did. thats just my opinion.
    I will be your dixie chicken,
    If you'll be my Tennessee lamb,
    We can walk together
    Down in Dixieland

    i own the indians- a dyNASTY in the making

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Bonds*@Nov 16 2004, 02:12 PM
    Please note that the power rankings from our old league will be our first amateur draft order for this league
    That means I get first Pick! That is freaking sweet
    Former owner of the Talksox Phillies
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    AIM: shadoslicer

  9. #9
    pretty cheap considerign i had the best winning percentage in the league.

  10. #10
    But my team was better. MUCH better
    Former owner of the Talksox Phillies
    Fantasy owner of the Mexico City Mexicans
    Record: 0-0 0 games back
    Next opponent: Redsox05
    AIM: shadoslicer

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Originally posted by youkilis rules@Nov 16 2004, 03:56 PM
    pretty cheap considerign i had the best winning percentage in the league.
    How is this cheap again?

    If your so great you should have no problem putting together a solid team.
    Politically Right Since 1986

    Retroware TV
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