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Thread: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

  1. #1

    Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    Thomas Werner exclusive
    16th Oct 2010 - Latest News

    After meeting the manager and players at Melwood this morning, NESV Chairman Thomas Werner gave an exclusive interview to

    First of all Thomas, what was it that attracted NESV to Liverpool Football Club?

    I think that Liverpool is one of the great clubs in all of sport, it's history, it's tradition, it's fans - in some ways it's similar to the fans of the Boston Red Sox in that they're loyal, they're passionate and it's our good fortune to be stewards and we hope that we will take care of this extraordinary club and provide it with the resources and the commitment to win in the near future and hopefully restore some of its lustre.

    How relieved are you that the events of the past few days are over and that we can look forward?

    I think it's been a very interesting rollercoaster but now our focus is on stabilising the club. We've been with the players this morning and the manager and we introduced ourselves, told them that we're here to be supportive, to be constructive and we have a great history in Boston of providing the resources to win and we expect to do the same.

    How special was it to visit Melwood?

    Well we actually have been at Melwood before, we came here under the radar about four or six weeks ago, but it's always a pleasure to be around players because, after all, they are the heart and soul of the club and if we can give a message to our fans it is that we're going to be very supportive and we're going to listen. We look forward to spending the next few days here talking to various stakeholders and telling them about a little bit our track record and how we're going to go about our business.

    How confident are you that you'll be able to translate the success you've had in Boston into English football and lead Liverpool to success?

    I think one message I'd like to give is I'd rather under promise and over deliver. But if you look at our track record in Boston - and the Boston Red Sox have some similarities with Liverpool - we came into a situation where the club had not won actually for 86 years and we hope to win much faster than that. It's an honour to be here, we're humbled by this and we just want to tell our fans that we're going to listen to them, we're on their side and finally it's about winning on the pitch.

    There has been such an overwhelming reaction of joy among Liverpool fans since this deal went through - how does that make you feel?

    We are quietly confident but we would like to say to our fans that we are honest, we care, we're focused, we have brought great management into Boston and we look forward to doing whatever we can to strengthen the club. We can't wait to see everybody at Anfield.

    Author: Paul Eaton

  2. #2
    Fight the Hate Dojji's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Re: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    Must feel good. Proper ownership affects every other facet of a sports club, from the advertizing to the ticket window to the players on the field, to the enthusiasm in the stands and so does improper ownership. Switching from the latter to the former can be night and day.

    You'll have to brace for potentially higher ticket prices and more commercialization of the team brand -- these people spend money, and they're going to want to recoup it. But you'll see the effects of their ownership on the club almost immediately I think, especially compared to the group that came before. I bet plans are already on the board to improve the venue, revamp the scouting, analysis and player evaluation system and shake down the front office looking for possible revenue streams.

    Not that everything will be sunshine and buttercups immediately, it took them a couple years to get Boston fully up to speed after all, but what you'll get immediately is a tangible sense that things should be moving in the right direction again and that the team is both more worth watching and more worthy of support. That's worth a couple extra pounds on the ticket price I'd imagine.
    If history tells us anything, the path to redeption for any bad baseball team is marked with a deep rotation of durable starters, a world class defense in both infield and outfield, a lineup that can generate runs in more than one way, a bullpen that won't steal defeat from the jaws of victory, and a top end catcher to hold the whole package together. These are the conditions by which victory is achieved, anything that does not accomplish these objectives is a waste of resources.

  3. #3

    Re: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    It sure does feel good to have decent owners at long last, I wish I could say that I am feeling good at the moment but I am still recovering from the mother of all hangovers from last nights celebrations. LOL.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    Yeah, I'm really happy for you guys and look forward to seeing what the results will be like in the Premier League. If I were a Liverpool fan I would start expecting to compete yearly with Man-U, Arsenal and Chelsea atop the league standings and have regular entries into the Champions League.

  5. #5
    Triple A
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    Oct 2010

    Re: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    Do we really need a new thread for every club free video? I'm as ecstatic as the next red fan that we're finally shot of H&G, but this is a Sox site and we're guests.

    Back on subject, I really like the look of these new owners the more I see of them. Calm characters with humility and dignity. It's hard to believe tomorrow's game is a relegation zone 6 pointer. What were the odds on that in August? Plus Kuyt could be ready in 3-4 weeks.

  6. #6

    Re: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    Quote Originally Posted by flred;586555;
    Do we really need a new thread for every club free video? I'm as ecstatic as the next red fan that we're finally shot of H&G, but this is a Sox site and we're guests.

    Back on subject, I really like the look of these new owners the more I see of them. Calm characters with humility and dignity. It's hard to believe tomorrow's game is a relegation zone 6 pointer. What were the odds on that in August? Plus Kuyt could be ready in 3-4 weeks.

    You are right mate, point taken. Between the hangover and over excitement got a bit carried away for a while.

  7. #7
    Triple A
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    Oct 2010

    Re: Thomas Werner exclusive ( Free Video )

    Quote Originally Posted by daveymac;586556;
    You are right mate, point taken. Between the hangover and over excitement got a bit carried away for a while.
    Enjoy it as much as you can! We might come down with a large bump tomorrow ;(

    EDIT: Did anyone find the full statement from the Dallas judge? He appeared to suggest H&G were trying to game the system, but I never found his follow up.

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