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Thread: BOOKS!

  1. #31

    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spudboy;579339;
    The obvious solution is to not read anything!

    Well, anyway. My Son was wondering around the 23rd floor of the UMASS library this morning and sent me pictures of two books he found intriguing.

    "Principals of Swimming Pools" , and

    "Working With Black Men".

    Yup. $25K well spent!:lol:
    This is crazy. That library building really sticks out on that campus.

  2. #32
    Deity VA Sox Fan's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    I just finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larrson (RIP).
    Getting ready to read the next book in the series. The Girl Who Played With Fire.
    I really liked the first book!

  3. #33
    "Just one more thing..." Northern Star's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by yeszir;575099;
    It was a joke haha. He's actually one of my least favorite characters ever. Reading that book really pissed me off.
    Me too. Am I supposed to give a crap about him or something? Hey, douche, get over your goddamn self.

    I have been stuck somewhere near the middle of a James Rollins novel for some time. Thinking of going on to something else. Don't know what.

    I need to read some Red Sox books this winter. Each winter, I tell myself I will read baseball books to compensate for it being the offseason, but it doesn't seem to work out that way.

  4. #34

    Re: BOOKS!

    Loving Pillars of the Earth so far

  5. #35
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Youk Of The Nation;574209;
    Read 'The God Delusion' by Dawkins. Very entertaining. Youll thank me afterwards.
    Thought it could have been said in a single chapter but Dawkins loves to go on, and on, and on, a deluded 'god' in his own field.

    Decent recent reads for me

    Saturday - Ian McKewan (if you havent read him do if you appreciate good prose)

    The Fight - Norman Mailer - (Based around his stay during the rumble in the jungle)

    Superfreakonomics - Levit and Dubner (interesting analysis using economics principles looking at things like street prostitution, suicide bombers, global warming etc)
    Who delivers ten times out of ten? Thats right baby.

  6. #36
    TalkSox Ascended Master mvp 78's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    2011 Old Farmer's Almanac

  7. #37
    Double A
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Generally anything by Garth Nix.

    The Old Kingdom series is an excellent piece of horror writing and the Keys to the Kingdom (despite the series finisher) is superb

  8. #38

    Re: BOOKS!

    in English, we finished Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
    President of the Andrew Bailey will be better than Papelbon club
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMeanWalrus;693016;
    Quote Originally Posted by VA Sox Fan;693012;
    I love dogs but am obviously a "cat person".
    like they say about small cats ..... a little pussy never hurt anyone

  9. #39
    Talksox hall of famer RedSoxfanforlife305's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    1001 Things Every College Student Needs To Know
    Hating the Yankees like it's a religion since 94'

    PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT : Mind your own fucking business if a conversation doesn't concern you and maybe we can start acting like adults.

  10. #40
    Talksox hall of famer RedSoxfanforlife305's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Jay-Z: Decoded was just released today and I plan on reading this.
    Hating the Yankees like it's a religion since 94'

    PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT : Mind your own fucking business if a conversation doesn't concern you and maybe we can start acting like adults.

  11. #41
    Your pal, Pal Palodios's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnShaft;593253;
    Thought it could have been said in a single chapter but Dawkins loves to go on, and on, and on, a deluded 'god' in his own field.
    I actually read this a while back, hoping to get some insight into the mind of a brilliant man. For the world's spokesperson on atheism he knows absolutely nothing on the topic of religion.

  12. #42

    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by RedSoxfanforlife305;593992;
    Jay-Z: Decoded was just released today and I plan on reading this.
    This doesn't count as a book

  13. #43
    Talksox hall of famer RedSoxfanforlife305's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by yeszir;593998;
    This doesn't count as a book
    Why not? It an autobiography.
    Hating the Yankees like it's a religion since 94'

    PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT : Mind your own fucking business if a conversation doesn't concern you and maybe we can start acting like adults.

  14. #44
    Your pal, Pal Palodios's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Jay Z is actually a smart guy, or so they say.

  15. #45
    All-Star Beaneater's Avatar
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    Re: BOOKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Palodios;593994;
    I actually read this a while back, hoping to get some insight into the mind of a brilliant man. For the world's spokesperson on atheism he knows absolutely nothing on the topic of religion.
    I second this. Dawkins' The Blind Watchmaker was really good, well-written, with lots to chew on even if (like me) you don't think impersonal forces can ultimately explain the universe as we know it. There's some stuff in there that will blow your mind, dude.

    The God Delusion... not so much. To paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi, a more wretched hive of straw men and bad-faith arguments you will never read. The guy is totally blinded when it comes to thinking philosophically. It's sad, really. Not that you can't make a case for atheism; of course you can. But Dawkins doesn't.

    So, by all means, read Dawkins on science. He's brilliant. But do not make the mistake of thinking that his brilliance in biology automatically means he's brilliant in other domains as well.

    As for what I'm reading, well, I'm a seminary student so it's mostly boring theology stuff. No time for pleasure reading these days. [sigh]

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