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Thread: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

  1. #16
    Major Leaguer
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    May 2010

    Re: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

    One postseason is a rather small sample size and Pettitte is not the pitcher he used to be, his stats are due for a correction in that his BABIP has been ridiculously low (near .250) and his FIP as of late June(corrected ERA when BABIP is valued in) is 3.73

    And is making the all star team a good measure of how good a player is? Yeah, Omar Infante is a hell of a lot better than Joey Votto and Carlos Gonzalez

    Elvis Andrus is batting .273 with no homers, the only thing he's doing well is stealing bases
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  2. #17
    All-Star Divinity's Avatar
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    Re: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

    Elvis is a push with Alexei, and a good fit for my team as 9th in the lineup, pretty good avg with alot of speed

  3. #18
    Major Leaguer
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    Re: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

    .273 isn't a pretty good average, and I put it as a push. Even if you consider CC and Wainwright even, Latos has been absolutely dominant, he's been the best pitcher in his entire division this year, the whole sneezing think was just an excuse for the team to limit his innings

    And that doesn't explain how Franklin > Adams, K-Rod than Kuo, and Brian Wilson than Andrew Bailey. You have the better lineup, but I have the better rotation and bullpen, and pitching wins championships
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  4. #19
    All-Star Divinity's Avatar
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    Re: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

    Quote Originally Posted by yrtb;571331;
    that doesn't explain how Franklin > Adams, K-Rod than Kuo, and Brian Wilson than Andrew Bailey. You have the better lineup, but I have the better rotation and bullpen, and pitching wins championships

    Wilson is a push to Bailey in my opinon

    in 2009 Bailey had 26 SV 1.84 ERA, Wilson had 38 SV 2.74 ERA
    in 2010 Bailey has 20 SV 1.56 ERA, Wilson has 33 SV, 2.06 ERA

    Overall you're pitching is slightly better and my offense is certainly better. Offense players are on the field everyday while specific pitchers have much less time on the field. Implying Offense isn't as important to pitching is false, otherwise people would just use there first 4 picks on Ace's. I don't expect you to see it my way since you want your own team to win. so we can agree to disagree

  5. #20
    Super Moderator Jasonbay44's Avatar
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    Re: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

    I am going to go with YRTB here, this is an extremely close match up, but I got with YRTB due to pitching advantage. I prefer Divinitys lineup but I think the difference in YRTBs pitching in my opinion would give him the win.

  6. #21
    Major Leaguer
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    May 2010

    Re: Midseason Draft Semis: #2 YRTB vs #3 divinity

    I advance
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