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View Poll Results: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a Terrorist?

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    4 66.67%
  • No

    2 33.33%
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Thread: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a Terrorist?

  1. #16
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Dec 2005

    Re: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a Terrorist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper;499284;
    Yep, I'm an evil bastard for mocking your weak ass shit.
    I've asked questions in this thread, and asked for the opinions of others about a recent event and our government's and military's response to the event. I didn't expect you to post anything thoughtful, so I am not disappointed.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  2. #17
    Major Leaguer
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a Terrorist?

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter;499272;
    I'm sure that you could go on and on, but I do have some questions for you. What was the reason for the hatred of the U.S. prior to 911 that manifested itself in a number of terror attacks culminating in 911? What countries were being occupied by the US military at that time? What is the justification for terrorist acts in Indonesia and India among others? Did they also bring it upon themselves?
    We've been occupying the Middle East in some capacity for at least a decade before 9/11 and probably even longer than that.. as far as what countries? Too many to list.. I'm sure I couldn't even list half of them.. Off the top of my head: Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi

    Sometimes I even find myself asking whether or not 9/11 played out as we've been told to believe.. I mean, just because we're the United States doesn't mean that our government can't see to it that awful things are done to us.. and also there have been so many unanswered questions.. why did WTC 7 collapse? How come the only 3 buildings in the history of the world succumbed to fire? How come those 3 buildings were the Towers and WTC 7? Why did that all happen on the same day? Where was all the wreckage from the plane that came down in PA? How about the wreckage from the plane that hit the Pentagon? Why won't government release security vids of what hit the Pentagon?

    Was it really 19 hijackers with box cutters? Maybe. Maybe not. Was 9/11 another Gulf of Tonkin? We'll never find out as long as we're alive.

    There's never justification for a terror attack anywhere .. did we "bring it on ourselves?"

    What do you suppose we'd do if some other country started an occupation here simply because they didn't like something we were doing.. such as having nukes?

    Religion fucks up everything

  3. #18
    Major Leaguer
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a Terrorist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Youk Of The Nation;499240;
    Oh, and as someone who was discharged from the Army, and who would go back in a hot minute if I could, may I request that we stop using his 'rank'?

    This man deserves none of the honor and respect associated with a military title.
    Couldn't agree with you more.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheKilo;499241;

    And shame on the military for not calling it like it is.
    I'm not sure I follow.. what didn't the military call?

    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper;499284;
    Yep, I'm an evil bastard for mocking your weak ass shit.
    I don't know the history between you two but what's even the point of doing this? There are 13 people dead over one man's bastardized view of Islam and you decide to attempt to bring this thread down? That's fucked up.

  4. #19

    Re: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a Terrorist?

    And closed.

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