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Thread: The Passion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Haven't seen it, don't plan to see it, but it's just passed Lord of the Rings 2 and Finding Nemo on the all time list, is about 2 days away from Jurassic park. It was number 1 again this weekend. Ridiculous.

  2. #2
    I havent seen it, and I may see it when it comes out on DVD. Good timing, posting this on Easter.

    As for the whole controversy thing, I think its just people overreacting to tell you the truth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    About the controversy - correct me if I'm wrong, I'm jewish -
    To my knowledge, there are different beliefs in Catholocism. There are those who believed the jews did not kill JC, and there are those, Mel Gibson and family included, who believe it was the jews. The movie supposedly makes it clear that it was the jews who killed JC.
    Now I have no problem with this idea for a movie. What I DO have a problem with is someone making a movie that is merely a 2.5 hour beating. Now I love violent movies, but this one has no plot. If anyone saw the recent South Park - The Passion of the Jew (I know, morals from south park) they say why not praise jesus for the good guy he was and not how he died.
    Anyway, I'd like to hear others' opinions on the controversy, NOT to start any religious flame wars.

  4. #4
    i havent seen it yet... and as for the point that CHOBS made about the south park thing i agree... some people have diff views on things and believe in diff things
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