Quote Originally Posted by CrespoBlows;421057 View Post

lol soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo deep wat a mindfuk rite? FROM THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF LoOsE ChAnGe!

Has anyone tried to sit through this? I managed ten minutes. If they told me that a vote for Barack Obama would make Alex Jones go away, I would gladly vote for him.

100% chance that NateGrey believes in this.
I think that's an ignorant way to look at it. I've seen Obama Deception and learned a lot from it. There's a lot of truth to all these crazy conspiracy theories that have surfaced since 9/11. But like with anything, you need to take them with a grain of salt and interpret them on your own. The one thing I know about all these government conspiracy theories is that there's a lot more truth to them than we might think, and the American government has been corruptly trying to control every aspect of our lives for hundreds of years. This is supposed to be the land of the free, but it's anything but. With all the Masons and elitists we've had in power throughout history you can't help but wonder what the government, and the people above the government (Bilderberg?) really have in store for us. We as Americans need to wake up, end the brainwashing, and get ready to fight. Sometime soon we're all gonna need to revolt, and unless the PEOPLE are on the same page it's going to be impossible to defend ourselves against the militarizes of the world, including our own.