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Thread: The Obama Deception

  1. #181
    Jeter Jeter peter eater RedSoxRooter's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Tea Party turns nasty: ‘It’s our country – let’s take it back’

    They will proudly boast of how they have galvanised ordinary Americans against runaway government spending, but a dark underbelly of xenophobia has been exposed at the first national gathering of the Tea Party movement.

    Here in the vast Gaylord resort in Nashville, where 600 members of the conservative grassroots phenomenon that exploded in revolt against President Obama’s economic policies have gathered, it would be advisable not to wear a T-shirt declaring “I am an illegal immigrant”.

    The anti-Government, anti-Establishment movement, which has splintered in the past week with many boycotting this gathering, has billed itself as a revolution born of the widespread disgust at Washington and the way that the nation’s politicians are bankrupting America’s future.

    With its raucous protests it has undeniably become a political force that threatens to hand Democrats a disastrous midterm election night in November. Voter anger against spending and debt, of which the Tea Partiers are in the vanguard, played a significant role in the recent loss of the late Edward Kennedy’s Senate seat and could conceivably lead to Democrats losing the House and Senate.

    Yet the speech that opened the Nashville event yesterday, an address greeted with whoops and cheers from the mainly white audience, reflects a movement that also appears to have a less attractive side to it.

    Tom Tancredo, a former Republican congressman who ran for president in 2008 on an anti-illegal immigration platform, said of the voters who elected Mr Obama: “They could not even spell the word ‘vote’ or say it in English and they put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House — Barack Hussein Obama!”

    Decrying America’s multiculturalism, Mr Tancredo said that Republicans and Democrats had voted for a black man because they felt they had to. To a standing ovation, he shouted: “We really do have a culture to pass on to our children: it’s based on Judaeo-Christian values.”

    “This is our country,” he declared. “Let’s take it back!” He added, to applause: “Cultures are not the same. Some are better. Ours is best!” The crowd, some wearing recently purchased T-shirts saying “Keep the change — I’ll keep my FREEDOM my GUNS and my MONEY”, loved it.

    Mr Tancredo’s speech was followed by music from Lisa Mei Norton, who sang among other songs one entitled Where Were You Born?, a reference to the right-wing “birther” movement which believes that Mr Obama is not a natural-born US citizen.

    One featured speaker, a “Patriot Pastor” named Rick Scarborough, told The Times that he was not against legal immigrants “but God has ordained that you are not a nation if you don’t have borders”. Standing next to a pile of books entitled Liberalism Kills Kids, he added: “If this country becomes 30 per cent Hispanic we will no longer be America. We don’t want to become like the UK where in places you have Sharia.

    “English is our language. We are Americans. We’re not Hispanic-Americans, or African-Americans — we are Americans.”

    He then invoked Winston Churchill when he referred to the inauguration of Mr Obama. “A year ago we thought we had lost the war. A year later they are reeling. I believe God has once again given America an opportunity for a new beginning. Even in the darkest days of the blitzkrieg, Churchill said ‘no surrender’.”

    Sarah Palin, the Republican’s 2008 vice-presidential nominee and former Alaskan Governor, is due to speak tonight. She is attending in part because it enhances her anti-Washington, outsider image — and because these are the type of people who will do anything for her.

    Thomas Chanteloupe, a 45-year-old wearing a Sarah Palin badge, said without prompting: “I’m the same age as Sarah Palin, we left high school at the same time, we’re both big Reagan fans, we both have three children, we’re both the middle children, and both our fathers were high-school teachers and sports coaches.”

    That’s Palin fever for you.

  2. #182
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by RedSoxRooter;522132;
    So, I guess the approach will be to call all of O's critics racists. Weak.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  3. #183
    Jeter Jeter peter eater RedSoxRooter's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    I didn't mention you.

  4. #184

    Re: The Obama Deception

    The Tea Party is just another name for the Religious Right.
    And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?
    Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.

  5. #185
    Deity VA Sox Fan's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Posted by Keeper in the Dojji Job Interview thread:

    The old double standard game. Because Beck and Limbaugh are "entertainers," it's okay for them to say it? It's not like they're influential or anything. They only have have millions of listeners. I also can't help but wonder how faux outraged you would be if an entertainer like Sean Penn did something like this.

    Nice try. No one gives a crap about what Sean Penn, anyone in Hollywood or the Music Industry have to say about politics. Most of them don't live in the real world and have no idea what it's about.

  6. #186
    Deity VA Sox Fan's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper;522177;
    The Tea Party is just another name for the Religious Right.
    Yeah, the Religious Right are the only ones upset about the current Administration. That's why Republican Brown beat Democrat Coakley in one of the most Liberal states in the country. It'll be similar in the Nov 2010 elections.

  7. #187
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper;522177;
    The Tea Party is just another name for the Religious Right.
    I oppose just about all of this administrations policies regarding the economy and the environment, and if I went into a House of Worship my hair would probably go on fire. It is my peeps-- the people who work every day and pay lots of taxes that took the Kennedy seat from the Dems and we will sweep out lots more Dems if jobs don't get created in significant numbers. It won't be the religious right.

    I am old timey. The time horizon for my career is short. The young people should care. I was starting out when Carter was POTUS and there were nooo jobs. The economy was in the crapper. His policies of turning down the thermostat and tightening our belts was never going to work. IMO, this guy is Jimmy Carter part 2. My generation woke up and rejected the liberal politics that had dominated Washington, D.C. for 25 years. The result was a robust economy for most of my working career. Young people, wake up. This time it's your life.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  8. #188
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    And Sean Penn is a douche. He is irrelevant to everyone but himself, Hollywood and the mainstream press. He swaps spit with a dictator that believes the US military caused the earthquake in Haiti with a bomb detonated in the ocean, and he is good friends with another irrelevant wackadoo, Charlie Sheen (I love Two and Half Men) who thinks that the Bush Administration planned and carried out 9/11. Should the Press be giving these two idiots any time at all.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  9. #189
    omgwtfbbq Emmz's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Sean Penn is a complete moron, and using him and I don't really think that anyone else's opinions besides your own are viable for an argument. Whenever I argue with democrats, they always do that, they use quotes from these whack-job theorists/ACTORS/MUSICIANS who basically think that the so-called "religious right" is what caused everything. If you're going to source something, at least use a viable source, not Sean Penn or someone of the same caliber, who shows an obvious political agenda.

    I don't know how badly I'd be blasted if I used a Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity argument to support my own. It takes credibility away from your argument, and makes it look like you're relying on someone else to make your points for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Youk Of The Nation View Post
    We're sorry, your search for "Fucks Given By Koji Uehara" did not return any results

  10. #190

    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by VA Sox Fan;522180;
    Yeah, the Religious Right are the only ones upset about the current Administration. That's why Republican Brown beat Democrat Coakley in one of the most Liberal states in the country. It'll be similar in the Nov 2010 elections.
    Coakley lost because she ran a shitty campaign. There's really nothing more to it.
    And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?
    Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.

  11. #191

    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmz;522228;
    Sean Penn is a complete moron, and using him and I don't really think that anyone else's opinions besides your own are viable for an argument. Whenever I argue with democrats, they always do that, they use quotes from these whack-job theorists/ACTORS/MUSICIANS who basically think that the so-called "religious right" is what caused everything. If you're going to source something, at least use a viable source, not Sean Penn or someone of the same caliber, who shows an obvious political agenda.

    I don't know how badly I'd be blasted if I used a Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity argument to support my own. It takes credibility away from your argument, and makes it look like you're relying on someone else to make your points for you.
    You lack reading comprehension. Limbaugh and Beck were referred to as entertainers by a700. Penn is an entertainer, just like Limbaugh and Beck. That's why I used him as an example. Should I have used Alec Baldwin instead? Does it really fucking matter? They're all either on the far left or the far right.
    And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?
    Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.

  12. #192

    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by RedSoxRooter;522132;
    Fuck those people. Twice.

    And anyone who believes entertainers don't hold some sort of effect on people must be out of their mind. This country sucks up anything spoon fed to them, be it from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Penn, any other actor, musician, sports figure or anything. Any of those people can make some sort of opinion and tons of people will latch on to it immediately and believe it.

    “This is our country,” he declared. “Let’s take it back!” He added, to applause: “Cultures are not the same. Some are better. Ours is best!”

    And I hate this attitude. I have no idea who this dude is, but just reading this and some stuff from a wikipedia article he seems like a thin vieled racist prick.

  13. #193
    omgwtfbbq Emmz's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper;522266;
    You lack reading comprehension. Limbaugh and Beck were referred to as entertainers by a700. Penn is an entertainer, just like Limbaugh and Beck. That's why I used him as an example. Should I have used Alec Baldwin instead? Does it really fucking matter? They're all either on the far left or the far right.
    You're taking what I said out of context, and being an assbag in the process. I'm not a fan of using Limbaugh, or Beck, or Hannity, or Penn, or any of those dickbags' opinions as arguments. I noted that, so I guess, you're the one who lacks reading comprehension. All I said was to use your own opinions, or the opinions of someone who isn't decisively in the tank for a particular party as your points in a discussion. You took that and tried to insult me with it.

    Think about it for more than two seconds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Youk Of The Nation View Post
    We're sorry, your search for "Fucks Given By Koji Uehara" did not return any results

  14. #194
    CEO of the Casas Fan Club Dipre's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Please stop fighting over politics. It's ridiculous.
    WAR is good for something.

  15. #195
    omgwtfbbq Emmz's Avatar
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    Re: The Obama Deception

    Quote Originally Posted by BigPapiEnFuego;522276;
    Fuck those people. Twice.

    And anyone who believes entertainers don't hold some sort of effect on people must be out of their mind. This country sucks up anything spoon fed to them, be it from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Penn, any other actor, musician, sports figure or anything. Any of those people can make some sort of opinion and tons of people will latch on to it immediately and believe it.

    “This is our country,” he declared. “Let’s take it back!” He added, to applause: “Cultures are not the same. Some are better. Ours is best!”

    And I hate this attitude. I have no idea who this dude is, but just reading this and some stuff from a wikipedia article he seems like a thin vieled racist prick.
    I usually don't assume any context until I know the context, but from what I see, yeah, that seems Aryan-esque. However, like I said, people often take one little snippet to support the argument, very well-placed, and leave out other crucial information. Such as when CNN, I think it was Mathews or that other asshat Obermann or whatever, took a clip of Sarah Palin talking about "spreading the wealth", painting her as a hypocrite, when she was talking about giving money back to the people that had been taken from the corrupt state. It wasn't socialistic in the least, but CNN made it seem like that.

    I'll probably get blasted for posting this, but you'd be surprised what people can do to make things sound about a million times worse than they truly are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Youk Of The Nation View Post
    We're sorry, your search for "Fucks Given By Koji Uehara" did not return any results

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