I. About TalkSox Baseball League
II. Rules and their Interpretation
III. Game Play Features
IV. Drafting, Player Protection, and Stadium Selection
V. Player Protection
VI Owner Requirements
VII. Simulation Schedule
VIII. Commissioner's Note

I. About TalkSox Baseball League

TalkSox Baseball League [to be known as TSBBL from here on throughout this document] is a continuous-ownership replay league that will use the historical stats from the previous season. We stress fun and active membership of our owners. Each member is required to comply with the fairness and honesty that will be outlined in these rules.

II. Rules and their Interpretation

1. The TSBBL is not made up of legal consultants. It is made up fans who love baseball. We do this for the love of the game and our league. Although this document is intended to be concise and extensive, not every situation or example can reasonably be expected to be covered. It is also open for potential abuse and/or misinterpretation.

2. The right to override this document at any time lies within the judgement of the commissioner if the information presented here does not clearly represent the intent of the commissioner's office at the time of documentation. The commissioner will always act in the best interest of the league and fair play.

3. All rules are effective immediately upon the start of the league. They will remain in effect indefinitely unless modified or removed. If situations arise that threaten the integrity of the league, any rule(s) can be modified or implemented and become effective immediately. It is the responsibility of the commissioner to notify league members and the responsibility of the team owners to follow the new rules immediately as well.

4. Clarification of any and all rules can be requested by any owner at any time. The commissioner will make every possible attempt to clarify said rule(s) A.S.A.P.

5. Team owners may request changes, modifications, implementations and/or addendums to any and all rules at any time. It is up to the discretion of the commissioner's office to decide on whether to reject, implement or call a league vote on the issue. The commissioner has final say on any and all league rules and amendments.

8. In absence of the commissioner, the league presidents will work in conjunction with each other to insure the smooth operation of the league until the commissioner's absence is over. If one one of the league presidents is absent for an extended time, the commissioner may assign a temporary or permanent replacement.

III. Game Play Features and Fairness policy

1. Until further notice, we will be using the latest free version of Out of the Park, which is OOTP5 game engine.

2. We will play a full 162 game schedule.

3. All playoff series will be a best of seven.

4. The DH will be present in both leagues.

5. Financials will not be used.

6. Scouts and coaches will be disabled.

7. Ratings system will be set to traditional.

8. All batters are restricted to 150% of actual at bats. Any batter going over 150% of his actual plate appearances shall become "disabled" for the rest of the regular season.

9. For postseason play, all batters under 350 actual at bats are limited to starting games at a ratio of 1% of their plate appearances per round. All batters above 350 at bats have no limitations. They may come in as pinch-hitters, runners, etc.
Ex: A player with 220 at bats can only start twice in a seven game series. A player with 280 plate appearances can start 3 games of the seven game series.

11. All pitchers are restricted to 150% of actual innings pitched. Any pitcher going over 150% of his innings pitched shall become "disabled" for the rest of the regular season.

12. For postseason play, all starters with less than 15 actual starts are allowed to start only one postseason game per round. All starters with more than 15 actual starts have no limitations.

13. The maximum injury length will be two months. Since we are limiting players to a maximum playing time of 50% above their historical totals, season-ending injuries are in most cases, too debilitating for most teams. So all injuries longer than two months will be reduced to two months. Call it the "miracle of modern-day science". This maximum time denotes total injury time for the year. In other words, a player who is injured for 5 weeks for example, can only be injured a total of three more weeks. It is the team's responsibility to monitor this situation.

IV. Drafting and Stadium Selection

1. The initial draft will be held in a serpentine fashion.

2. Stadium selection will be held in the opposite order of the first round.

3. All owners will be asked to change if they wish to change stadiums at the end of the season. Those that desire to change will have their stadiums placed in a "pot" and will choose their stadiums in reverse order of that season's first round.

V. Player Protection

NOTE: This section is to insure competitve and fair play, and to keep league interest at a maximum level at all times. This is also to handicap those players that are very good, and to boost those players that have a learning curve.

1. At the end of the season, the number of players a team will protect will be determined by their finish the season before.

2. The base number of players protected will be based on the number of owned players at the start of the draft. The base number of protected players will be 6.

3. The two teams that play in the World Series get to protect 5 players from their 40 man rosters.

4. The remaining playoff teams (if any) protect 7 players each.

5. The remaining teams that did not make the playoffs are divided into groups of two and will protect one extra player per pair.
a) Example. In our inaugural season, the World Series winner and runner up will protect 5, the next two best teams will protect 6, et. al., and the worst two teams will protect 11 players.

6. Only players who actually played in major leagues during the historical season can be protected. Therefore, if he wasn't in the league the season before, you can't protect him.

7. Trading of draft picks is allowed. However, you can only trade picks for the upcoming draft, and you must receive the same number of draft picks in return. A maximum of 3 draft picks per side is allowed per trade.

8. Trading is suspended during the playoffs.

9. All owners have the right to challenge a trade within 72 hours of trade going through that they deem unfair and/or lopsided. The commissioner's office will hear all sides before rendering a final judgement.

10. The commissioner's office reserves the right to cancel any trade deemed detrimental to league stability. All sides will present their case and the commissioner's office will hear all sides before rendering a final judgement. The commissioner will not necessarily judge whether a trade is "fair" or not, rather whether the deal makes sense for all parties.

11. A player that is picked up as a free agent cannot be protected by any team.

* This is to prevent a team from picking up a player who is a free agent in the hopes that he has a great year next year. If nobody drafted him initially, then everyone gets a chance at him the following year.

* A player that is released cannot be protected by any team.

VI. Owner requirements

1. There are no fees to join this league. The only investment required is your time.

2. All team owners are required to be active members of the league. Unexplained inactivity is grounds for removal from the league.

3. Ownership of more than one team is strictly prohibited.

4. Collusion with other owners is strictly prohibited.

5. Ownership of the game is not required. Considering it is free, this should not be an issue.

* You can download a copy of the latest version of Out of the Park here.

6. Owners are required to fully manage their team, including lineups, rotations, tendencies, etc.

7. Owners are required to submit any and all lineup changes.

VII. Simulation Schedule

1. Games will be simmed twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays. The Sunday sim will cover 3 days. The Wednesday sim will cover 4 days. This sim schedule may change at the discretion of the commissioner or the league at any time.

VIII. Commissioner's Note

* These rules are not put in here to scare anybody or add stress to their lives. 99.9% of the time, these rules do not apply to league members. They simply state what we expect from each other. I/we have also taken a lot of time to try to think of every contingency we can, but as thorough as this document may be to some, in reality, it is woefully inadequete. This is why, as a league, we reserve the right to act in the league's best interest at all times, irrespective of this document. There are bad apples out there, so to speak, and this document attempts to weed them out. We are a dynamic league, we are constantly changing and improving, and the more involvement from league members, the better the league will be. We have an open door policy, and are constantly looking to improve and evolve. We are looking for a strong league that will stand the test of time and be thoroughly enjoyable for all it's members. If you are interested in joining, please go to the message board and sign up. Remember, we are here to have fun, and good luck down the stretch run.