View Full Version : TICKETS

01-24-2008, 01:54 PM
So I am new here in Boston, but am a fast favorite of the Red Sox Nation...I want to get tickets for the upcoming season, and want to be a purist about it and wait in line for when they go on sale Saturday morning at 10 am (EST) at Fenway. I had a few questions...

When should I get in line? What should I expect for selection? What should I expect from the crowd? Will there be a crowd? Do people celebrate/party in line? Am I a dinosaur and should simply be purchasing my tickets online?

I'm not sure what to expect and was hoping for a little insight. Right now, I'm thinking I'll get in line Friday night around 5 pm...Thoughts?

01-24-2008, 02:21 PM
First off I'm assuming they still go on sale at Fenway itself right? (for some reason I thought I heard they stopped doing that a couple years ago but never knew if it was true or not).

Anyway I went down back in early 2004 when they went onsale. I thought I heard (Idk where I hear these things) that they were doing a lottery to discourage camping out so I showed up around ~9-9:30 ish and there was a good size line and of course there wasn't a lottery, first come first serve. So thus started a long (but enjoyable) day at the park. They seated the first (hundred?) people who showed up in the .406 club and the rest in the HOF club and other sections. As you got closer to your number you got called up to go wait in the .406 club. Gabe Kapler showed up, so did Larry Lucchino so it was pretty interesting and they had other various forms of entertainment. Anyway it took about 6-7 hours or so but we finally got down to the ticket windows. People were concerned that since it was getting late in the day that there would be nothing left. But we were assured they had set tickets aside for those waiting all day (they did). Free choice of games for the most part (including Yankees) IIRC.

So anyway I'm guessing tickets have gotten a lot harder to get since then, and I have no idea what has happened to the process since I went there now that the club is open and such. Friday night at 5 should be perfectly fine. Good Luck!

01-24-2008, 02:32 PM
OMF im pissed , i have a work meeting thats mandatory this saturday that starts at 10 AM , so much for me getting tickets , Il have to get them on ebay for triple the price now

01-24-2008, 03:25 PM
Atleast you bastards can go some how. I'd give Roger Clemens's HGH infested arm for tickets.

01-24-2008, 04:30 PM
Atleast you bastards can go some how. I'd give Roger Clemens's HGH infested arm for tickets.

...most people would, Thumper. That's not exactly the biggest exagerration, lol.

01-24-2008, 08:28 PM
Atleast you bastards can go some how. I'd eat Roger Clemens's HGH shrunken ovaries for tickets.

There you go Thump, fixed it for you, knew what you meant.

01-24-2008, 10:35 PM
There you go Thump, fixed it for you, knew what you meant.

If it got me good tickets I'd consider it.

Mr Crunchy
01-25-2008, 09:13 AM
yazman got tickets i bet.
im buddies with a guy who has seasons along the 3rd base line
i get into 8-12 games a year

the purist in me says if you wait in line at 10am satuirday you better bring a phone or a bag full of 50s....
i had to go thru a broker last summer and i got 2 in the back row of the bleachers with the dunkin donut kids for 300.00
face value was 12.00
1050% mark up??

01-25-2008, 12:13 PM
i found some clarification...

they only sell them online and via phone saturday morning...the will open the ticket window monday morning, but i am guessing that most tix will have been scooped up in the 48 hours prior to the ticket window opening up.


01-25-2008, 01:37 PM
i found some clarification...

they only sell them online and via phone saturday morning...the will open the ticket window monday morning, but i am guessing that most tix will have been scooped up in the 48 hours prior to the ticket window opening up.


for sure , id say around 5,6 PM on saturday that the tickets will be sold out ..if anything is left on monday its standing room or obstructed vue tickets

01-25-2008, 02:17 PM
yazman got tickets i bet.
im buddies with a guy who has seasons along the 3rd base line
i get into 8-12 games a year

the purist in me says if you wait in line at 10am satuirday you better bring a phone or a bag full of 50s....
i had to go thru a broker last summer and i got 2 in the back row of the bleachers with the dunkin donut kids for 300.00
face value was 12.00
1050% mark up??

I have tickets for four Sunday games. I got tickets for my brother for 4 games, of which I'll go to 3 of those because I'll be in Florida for the Patriots' Day game against the Yankees. We're running a bus trip from work in August as well so I'm looking at 8+ games this year. That Christmas at Fenway day was wicked sweet.

Coco's Disciples
01-25-2008, 03:23 PM
Already got 11 games this year, hoping to get a few more tomorrow.

01-25-2008, 08:30 PM
I hate that they wait till the very last moment to announce when tickets go on sale. I would have missed it if I didn't stumble upon this thread. Anyway, I'm making a trip up in late June so I'll see some games. Looking foward to hours and hours in the virtual waiting room tomarrow.

Sox Fan on Cape
01-25-2008, 08:31 PM
Already got 11 games this year, hoping to get a few more tomorrow.

Greedy :D

Coco's Disciples
01-25-2008, 08:35 PM
Greedy :D

Guilty as charged. But hey, I get what I can take.

Mr Crunchy
01-25-2008, 08:54 PM
sox games are a different stteing than they were even 10 years ago.
the place is no longer a blue collar building full of rabid fans,old die hards and mustard faced children.
its now a haven for the wealthy yuppies who need to be at the hippest place in the city seen talking on their cell phones
its also so very much more popular amongst the younger women in our fair city
the fan base is watered down the crowd much more sterile and passive and the security apparatus throws you out for cheering too loud in the expensive seats cause the surrounding people cant hear their broker or baby sitter on the phone

its still the best venue on earth for a ballgame and the ultimate destiny for me between april and october
i do adore the sox god help me

Coco's Disciples
01-25-2008, 10:33 PM
sox games are a different stteing than they were even 10 years ago.
the place is no longer a blue collar building full of rabid fans,old die hards and mustard faced children.
its now a haven for the wealthy yuppies who need to be at the hippest place in the city seen talking on their cell phones
its also so very much more popular amongst the younger women in our fair city
the fan base is watered down the crowd much more sterile and passive and the security apparatus throws you out for cheering too loud in the expensive seats cause the surrounding people cant hear their broker or baby sitter on the phone

its still the best venue on earth for a ballgame and the ultimate destiny for me between april and october
i do adore the sox god help me

I agree completely. The "fans" asking which one Big Papi is and such bother me.

01-25-2008, 11:06 PM
How about this one that I heard a couple of years ago: "Why is that wall so high?"

Mr Crunchy
01-26-2008, 12:22 AM
i was there the nite the dem convention began..the sunday nite kerry threw out the 1st pitch and the yanks were in town
an evening where every sox fan on earth would give a limb to attend..
the lace was full of the democratic delegates and power brokers
dykes up the ass
green people
school teachers and of course the real left wingewrs,pony tailed men in bierkenstocks well into their 50s who have the ""save fenway park"" bumper stickers but couldnt tell a squeeze from a sacrifice on their lives and have no idea whos who in the standings...

it was torture if not amusing
88 degrees at 10pm and the home in front of got up 1 too many times
sweater vest on,hair kept like he just did a spread in blew boy,loud and stupid and lispy...didnt stop chatting all fuckin game and it was just torture.
hes in a row of 10 and its me and a buddy who go to 20 ganes a year around the east coast if we get the time....he says ""its 4-5 boston,can we get a cab back to lances so we dont have to join the crowd""...i hear the masses who attend reguakar start grunting so i just dumped a 6.75 beer down the guys back and asked hom micely to get a head start before some one close to him sees him outside the park....all 10 sachezed down the ramp and bt the 6th the place was empty...sad
just as i suspect glendale 2b next week

01-26-2008, 10:34 AM
I agree completely. The "fans" asking which one Big Papi is and such bother me.

That's what comes with winning.

01-26-2008, 04:46 PM
i was there the nite the dem convention began..the sunday nite kerry threw out the 1st pitch and the yanks were in town
an evening where every sox fan on earth would give a limb to attend..
the lace was full of the democratic delegates and power brokers
dykes up the ass
green people
school teachers and of course the real left wingewrs,pony tailed men in bierkenstocks well into their 50s who have the ""save fenway park"" bumper stickers but couldnt tell a squeeze from a sacrifice on their lives and have no idea whos who in the standings...

it was torture if not amusing
88 degrees at 10pm and the home in front of got up 1 too many times
sweater vest on,hair kept like he just did a spread in blew boy,loud and stupid and lispy...didnt stop chatting all fuckin game and it was just torture.
hes in a row of 10 and its me and a buddy who go to 20 ganes a year around the east coast if we get the time....he says ""its 4-5 boston,can we get a cab back to lances so we dont have to join the crowd""...i hear the masses who attend reguakar start grunting so i just dumped a 6.75 beer down the guys back and asked hom micely to get a head start before some one close to him sees him outside the park....all 10 sachezed down the ramp and bt the 6th the place was empty...sad
just as i suspect glendale 2b next week

I was there too. If I remember correctly, though, there was almost an equal amount of boos, if not an equal amount, as cheers when Kerry walked onto the field.

Mr Crunchy
01-26-2008, 09:24 PM
kerry 2 hopped the pitch
he isnt the hot dog and beer man who hangs with the people and it is that auro of aloofness that cost him the whitehouse in an election that shouldve been a cake walk
many people look at the candidates and vote according to personality which johnny boy dont bring to the table

christ that was a strange evening

01-26-2008, 11:57 PM
Did anybody else get tickets today? I was sitting in the virtual waiting room for 12 hours and by time I had a chance all they had was standing room. Shittiest Saturday in recent memory.

Coco's Disciples
01-27-2008, 12:01 AM
I overslept. By the time I woke up it wasn't even worth checking.

01-27-2008, 01:20 AM
Guilty as charged. But hey, I get what I can take.

That goes for more than just tickets too, I bet. :lol:

Lucky bastard.

Atleast I still have my MLBtv!

01-27-2008, 02:13 PM
Did anybody else get tickets today? I was sitting in the virtual waiting room for 12 hours and by time I had a chance all they had was standing room. Shittiest Saturday in recent memory.

yeah it was crappy, I decided to be a little late for my work meeting , waited for one and a half hour , couldn't get trough . the crappy part about the waiting room its random , so even if you've been waiting for 2 hours , someone who just went in could be picked before you . I guess I wont be going to any game this year , unless I want to pay 3,4 times the face value on ebay , or any other sites

01-27-2008, 09:19 PM
I got 4 tickets for a game on Jun 24 against Arizona in section B95 down the right field line. Has anyone ever sat in this section? I am usually in the grandstand sections 30-15. I decided to switch it up this year. I think these seats are far enough away from Pesky's pole so it won't be a problem.

01-27-2008, 09:28 PM
Did anybody else get tickets today? I was sitting in the virtual waiting room for 12 hours and by time I had a chance all they had was standing room. Shittiest Saturday in recent memory.I was on the road to Boston when the tickets went on sale.My daughter was in the virtual waiting room for 4 hours with no success. The phone lines were busy all day Saturday and even Sunday.