View Full Version : Red Sox catch Yankyitus

10-17-2007, 07:15 AM
Has anyone else noticed the Sox look flat and delfated like the Yanks did in the ALDS?

Beckett is the only pitcher bringing any intensity to the mound. Schill got knocked around which isn't too surprising. Dice-K looks scared on the mound. He needs to grow a pair of balls and attack hitters. He should take lessons from Paps and Beckett. Wake looked good for 4 innings which really doesn't do you much.

Nobody outside of Papi,Manny and Lowell are do anything at all at the plate. I would have started Ellsbury somewherein game 4 to add a spark to this offenese.

The series isn't over, but it's damn close, we need some energy on the field, right now we look like the no emotion, up tight, pressing NYY.

To me it's been a good season and if we loose to Cleveland theres no shame in that because they are a very good team. In fact this series has shown that we still have some holes to fill. I think Dice-K will be fine, I tink it will take him a season to adjust, just look at Beckett last season. But we do need another SP to beable to count on and Schilling, Wakefield just isn't it. Wakefield should be 5th SP next season and that is all, just an innings eater. And unless Schilling comes back for about 8M a season( not going to happen) we should wave good bye to him.

10-18-2007, 11:16 AM
Yep. The only players that are really making a huge difference are Beckett, Manny, Pappi, Lowell and Youk everyone else is coming up flat. Yeah we are getting homeruns but they all seem to be solo homers, and solo shots aren't going to win you ball games. We need guys on base when we are hitting those homeruns. We need these guys to come out tonight and hit the ball look at Cleveland everyone in their lineup has been getting on base somehow and look how it has payed off. I think they need to get Drew outta there too and start Ellsbury.

10-18-2007, 12:37 PM
Yep. The only players that are really making a huge difference are Beckett, Manny, Pappi, Lowell and Youk everyone else is coming up flat. Yeah we are getting homeruns but they all seem to be solo homers, and solo shots aren't going to win you ball games. We need guys on base when we are hitting those homeruns. We need these guys to come out tonight and hit the ball look at Cleveland everyone in their lineup has been getting on base somehow and look how it has payed off. I think they need to get Drew outta there too and start Ellsbury.
