View Full Version : Just Thinking....

10-16-2007, 05:37 PM
Boring day at work which left me with my thoughts. A conversation got started over the good things that happened in the game (few and far between) and Manny Delcarmen was brought up. Without question Manny Delcarmen has made a significant jump this season. He has developed a fantastic changeup to go with his high velocity fastball and Beckett-like curveball. Not to mention his control has really come around and he looks very comfortable on the mound. So here it is:

Manny Delcarmen = Starter

Much talk and debate has surrounded the likes of Jonathan Papelbon being either a starter or a closer. The closer position is such a valuable part and Papelbon has clearly labeled himself as the prime closer in the league. On the other hand...Delcarmen can be no more than a setup man. I don't believe he has ever been a starter but I think it would be interesting to kick the idea. Three plus pitches with excellent velocity and control....

Just a thought

Fried Neckbones
10-16-2007, 05:50 PM
He was a starter for a while in A ball.


Not too bad, especially 2002. However, with the number of bona fide starters they have right now (Bucholtz, Lester, and Masterson waiting in the wings) I wouldn't throw him in there unless it was ABSOLUTLY necessary. There is nothing wrong with having a lights-out set-up man (witness K-Rod setting up for Percival, Zumaya setting up for Jones) if the set-up man is willing to accept that role.

10-16-2007, 05:54 PM
He was a starter for a while in A ball.


Not too bad, especially 2002. However, with the number of bona fide starters they have right now (Bucholtz, Lester, and Masterson waiting in the wings) I wouldn't throw him in there unless it was ABSOLUTLY necessary. There is nothing wrong with having a lights-out set-up man (witness K-Rod setting up for Percival, Zumaya setting up for Jones) if the set-up man is willing to accept that role.

Isn't that Okajima's spot? Delcarmen is our #3-#4-#5 option out of the pen. Limited innings for a player of his caliber. Again its just a thought but he certainly has starter material....the question would be....could he dominate?

10-16-2007, 05:55 PM
He was a starter for a while in A ball.


Not too bad, especially 2002. However, with the number of bona fide starters they have right now (Bucholtz, Lester, and Masterson waiting in the wings) I wouldn't throw him in there unless it was ABSOLUTLY necessary. There is nothing wrong with having a lights-out set-up man (witness K-Rod setting up for Percival, Zumaya setting up for Jones) if the set-up man is willing to accept that role.

I agree. Delcarmen could be a multi-year setup man, a la Scott Shields. It allows him to keep his velocity and utility up with fewer innings. I like Delcarmen where he is, except that perhaps he should be used more often.

Fried Neckbones
10-16-2007, 05:58 PM
Isn't that Okajima's spot? Delcarmen is our #3-#4-#5 option out of the pen. Limited innings for a player of his caliber. Again its just a thought but he certainly has starter material....the question would be....could he dominate?

Why not use him the way that they used Donneley at the beginning of the season - a two-headed, ambidexterous monster for the 8th? It wasn't like Oki/Brendan had the traditional "specialist" roles in late innings. They both served as weird, hybrid set-up guys. I know that Oki can pitch to righties, what do MDC's numbers look like against lefties?

10-16-2007, 05:59 PM
Delcarmen had TJ surgery a few years back, and I think the organization made the decision to keep him in the 'pen as a result.

Besides, with Okajima regressing as he has, it's nice to have another reliable arm out of the 'pen.

10-16-2007, 06:05 PM
I'm not trying to downgrade his importance in the pen. However, starters are more important and what if he is an ace in hiding? Thats the big question I have with Papelbon but the fact is....Delcarmen has 3 pitches where Papelbon relies on 2. I don't know what kind of stamina he has and if its an injury issue....so be it.

10-16-2007, 06:10 PM
I think it is mostly an injury issue, he was maybe our top pitching prospect in 02. Granted, our farm system was nothing then compared to now, but we liked him a lot as a starter. I think the injuries are what did it, and if I remember correctly, there was even another problem after the TJ, but I could be wrong.

10-16-2007, 06:21 PM
The hope for Wakefield is that the Indians aren't a good breaking ball hitting team, that's why Schillings out smarted himself Saturday, but the issue is that Wakefield is so erractic.

10-16-2007, 06:29 PM
Boring day at work which left me with my thoughts. A conversation got started over the good things that happened in the game (few and far between) and Manny Delcarmen was brought up. Without question Manny Delcarmen has made a significant jump this season. He has developed a fantastic changeup to go with his high velocity fastball and Beckett-like curveball. Not to mention his control has really come around and he looks very comfortable on the mound. So here it is:

Manny Delcarmen = Starter

Much talk and debate has surrounded the likes of Jonathan Papelbon being either a starter or a closer. The closer position is such a valuable part and Papelbon has clearly labeled himself as the prime closer in the league. On the other hand...Delcarmen can be no more than a setup man. I don't believe he has ever been a starter but I think it would be interesting to kick the idea. Three plus pitches with excellent velocity and control....

Just a thought

Interesting thought, but probably not one that will float. His changeup is not considered fantastic. It is fantastic that as a reliever, he throws a third pitch, but his change is far from plus. He is a 2 pitch pitcher with a plus fastball and a developing curveball. His issues seem to have been staved off this season, as he had trouble with command in the zone. He is finally putting it together out of the pen, doesnt seem to have the arsenal for starting, and hasnt started a game in 3 yrs. So I'd say, not the best of ideas.

In fact, I predict that Okajima has an off yr next yr and Delcarmen will be a beast in the setup role.

10-16-2007, 06:39 PM
Interesting thought, but probably not one that will float. His changeup is not considered fantastic. It is fantastic that as a reliever, he throws a third pitch, but his change is far from plus. He is a 2 pitch pitcher with a plus fastball and a developing curveball. His issues seem to have been staved off this season, as he had trouble with command in the zone. He is finally putting it together out of the pen, doesnt seem to have the arsenal for starting, and hasnt started a game in 3 yrs. So I'd say, not the best of ideas.

In fact, I predict that Okajima has an off yr next yr and Delcarmen will be a beast in the setup role.

For the most part I agree what you said, but Okajima with an "off year" should still translate to a 3.5 ERA reliever, IMO. So his "off year" will only be in comparison to this year.

10-16-2007, 06:59 PM
For the most part I agree what you said, but Okajima with an "off year" should still translate to a 3.5 ERA reliever, IMO. So his "off year" will only be in comparison to this year.

I agree. I think teams will start to figure him out as they did at the end of the yr. But he is a guy who you can say has 2 plus offspeed offerings and will only fall so far. But Delcarmen has the tools to be a shutdown reliever.

10-16-2007, 08:11 PM
Interesting thought, but probably not one that will float. His changeup is not considered fantastic. It is fantastic that as a reliever, he throws a third pitch, but his change is far from plus.

When you throw 96-97 MPH your changeup at 83 is going to get hitters out. Watch some more games where he pitches and check out the change....it is much better than you think. It tails in to right handed hitters (away from lefty hitters) and sits at 83 which is a good transition from the 96-97. Then he also has a plus curveball.

then again I'm well aware you think little of every player on the Sox

10-16-2007, 09:15 PM
When you throw 96-97 MPH your changeup at 83 is going to get hitters out. Watch some more games where he pitches and check out the change....it is much better than you think. It tails in to right handed hitters (away from lefty hitters) and sits at 83 which is a good transition from the 96-97. Then he also has a plus curveball.

then again I'm well aware you think little of every player on the Sox

you were saying??