View Full Version : Remaining 2 games

09-29-2007, 02:08 AM
What do we do for the rest of the two games? What I want in order. . .

1) Do not touch Papelbon, Okajima or Timlin. They need rest and we need them in order to win in the postseason.

2) Get Manny AB's. That is why I think he has been batting 2nd recently. He needs them.

3) Rest Ortiz. I dont know how his shoulder is but some rest couldnt hurt.

4) Dont pitch Schilling the 2nd game, I think with him going on the DL earlier he could use some more rest. Couldnt hurt. . . maybe just a simulated game?

Any ideas?
I feel good going into the playoffs. Lets roll boys.

See Red
09-29-2007, 02:19 AM
Sounds about right. It's simple, really -- give rest to those who need rest and give reps to those who need reps.

Coco's Disciples
09-29-2007, 10:43 AM
Definitely do not start Schilling. Let Hansack start. 2nd straight time he starts game 162!

09-29-2007, 11:00 AM
Definitely do not start Schilling. Let Hansack start. 2nd straight time he starts game 162!

I think they should have fun....If Manny needs AB's, hit him leadoff for shits and giggles. Have a positional player pitch if theres a blowout. Bring up Zink and start him for a game just to say we had two knuckleballers on the same team at the same time, seriously.....just have fun with it. Most importantly though, get rest for those who need it. Let Tek DH the last 2 games and sit Ortiz. Tek seems to be finding himself at the plate, and what better way to do it when he can just concentrate on hitting. Ortiz could use a little rest.

The only starters who should be playing are Manny, Drew, Lugo and Varitek as a DH. Manny needs ABs, Drew looks like hes found his swing....so get more reps with the success you have found. Lugo sucks ass and doesnt deserve a break.....figure it out in the next 2 games, and Varitek has looked a little better lately, and DH'ing him wouldnt hurt.

Wake pitches tonight, which is fine bc he is a knuckleballer....and there should not be a single significant arm used in a game. Tomorrows starter should be a nobody.....Id rather see Zink than Hansack....Hansack has no future with us anyway....not saying Zink does, but it did take quite a long time for Wakefield to figure it out too.