View Full Version : Part IV: Who would you take?

Youk Of The Nation
08-14-2007, 12:36 AM
It is the bottom of the ninth, the bases are loaded, and there are two outs. You are the visiting team, it is Game Seven of the World Series. You are winning, 5-4. The other team's dead pull-hitting number six batter laces a line drive into right field. It is sinking fast and tailing towards foul ground but there is a good chance it will land fair, winning the game, if your right fielder does not catch it. Now, who do you want in right field attempting to make that play?

A: Bobby Abreu
B: A cocker-spaniel/Irish terrier mix with a baseball glove tied to the top of it's head
C: A pile of rocks cleverly arranged to look like Ted Williams
D: Jeffrey Maier, blindfolded and hopped up on Vicodin and Pop-Rocks

08-14-2007, 12:40 AM
Jesus, that's a tough one. Is the baseball glove on the Cocker-Spaniel/Terrier-mix's head a left or right paw'd glove?

Coco's Disciples
08-14-2007, 12:50 AM
I'm taking the rocks. They've been with me all season, I gotta stick with my guns.

See Red
08-14-2007, 01:39 AM
Jesus, that's a tough one. Is the baseball glove on the Cocker-Spaniel/Terrier-mix's head a left or right paw'd glove?

... does it matter?

I take the dog eleven times out of ten.

08-14-2007, 02:16 AM
I choose option E:

Jose Canseco, post- steroids.

Did I win?

08-14-2007, 11:00 AM
If you are on vicodin, you arent hopped up at all.

Youk Of The Nation
08-14-2007, 11:37 AM
If you are on vicodin, you arent hopped up at all.

I take it all the time, and let me tell you, though I may not be hyperactive or anything of the sort, 'hopped up' definitely describes it.

Mr Crunchy
08-15-2007, 09:48 PM
depends on the mood doc
if you like vicodin and theyre part of your daily diet you get energy if you pop a few
if you dont and are hooked.....well you know about opiate withdrawals

i take jeff meier
hes got an impeccable track record of success

08-16-2007, 09:05 AM
i take jeff meier
hes got an impeccable track record of success

I'd substitute Mikey the Life cereal kid for Meier, keeping the Pop Rocks but substituting Coke for the Vicodin.

Mr Crunchy
08-17-2007, 07:26 AM
it isnt just for breakfast