View Full Version : O-cab: could someone help me out?

08-07-2007, 12:23 PM
For years now I have always wondered why Theo didn't re-sign ocab, but rather went after rent. I always heard rumblings that there was a reason, but could never find out what it was. Today on WEEI (dale n holley) both holley and dale talked about things they heard at the ballpark that would not allow theo to resign ocab.....but they wouldn't say it on the air.

Does anyone know what they are talking about.

08-07-2007, 12:31 PM
OCab was sleeping with Theo's sister!!!

08-07-2007, 12:33 PM
I heard this too, and they both didn't want to say since they called it a "rumor". However I doubt Theo made this move based on a "rumor" and it must be based on fact.

08-07-2007, 12:38 PM
O-cab besides his defense dosent bring much , his career OPS is 725 , i dont know what the big fuss is about not resigning him

08-07-2007, 12:51 PM
O-cab besides his defense dosent bring much , his career OPS is 725 , i dont know what the big fuss is about not resigning him

His numbers went up when he came to Boston...he seemed to be one of the guys that got better in the spotlight (exact opposite of someone like JD Drew, rentawreck, ect...) He has a great glove (as we saw again last night) and this year he is:

Runs: 72
Hits: 136
HR: 7
RBI: 63
SB: 12
AVG: 308
OPS: 768

Not to mention he had great chemistry with this team....and for the record Theo said earlier this year that his biggest mistake at GM was not signing him and signing rent.

08-07-2007, 12:54 PM
o-cab was playing over his head the first few months of the season , when the season ends he'll be back too his usual 270 AVG 715-725 OPS .. but then again that would be way better than what lugo is giving us at the moment

EDIT : chemistry is overated

also my pick would have to keep renteria , he just had an off year , look at his last 2 season ,he's been better with the glove and with the bat

08-07-2007, 01:13 PM
he is what he is, a SS with an ok bat who plays fantastic defense. Id definetly take him over Lugo at this point but Cabrera leaving did net us Ellsbury and Lowrie so I cant complain.

08-07-2007, 01:36 PM
Rent-a Wreck was one of Theo's love children, just like Drew and Lugo. There is no baseball reason why they were brought here other than Theo wanted them.

08-07-2007, 02:05 PM
the public line is that they didn't like his OBP but for years, there's been a rumor of a behind the scenes issue, not necessarily a clubhouse issue but something else that's never been brought to light

08-07-2007, 02:13 PM
my pick would have been to suffer through another year of Gonzalez and evaluate your SS options after the season (which now would definetly be Lowrie). Renteria wasn't meant to play in Boston, he was a disaster. His year with us was right in the line with the year before that. We paid him big money because maybe 2004 was an abberation and he really was the player he was in 02-03. But you know it just didnt work out, Renteria was one of the worst everyday players in baseball, who was owed 30mil, and the chance to dump him and pick up a top 10 prospect was a no-brainer in my book. He's had a decent 06' and now a great 07' but there was no indication he was going to be that player.

Cabrera was a bad hitter for Montreal when we got him, but he played defense and started hitting decently for us. He got a big contract and after one season in ANA nobody wanted him and ANA was trying to dump him. Hes come back with some good 06-07 seasons so it may end up working out for ANA. Like I said at the time it appeared we had a better SS in Renteria and we ended up getting Ellsbury and Lowrie because of it.

Then for 06' we brought in Gonzalez. A horrid hitter who played good defense. Like I said Id rather we not signed Lugo in hindsight and dealt with a bad hitter on a short contract (though now we have a bad hitter on a long contract). And we would have kept our draft pick.

So now Lugo who's signed a large contract, and it appears he'll be here for a while unless some team will take him off our hands if we add in salary. But after the way Renteria ended up I dont think we'll be giving up on him after one year (same with Drew).

08-07-2007, 02:25 PM
my pick would have been to suffer through another year of Gonzalez and evaluate your SS options after the season (which now would definetly be Lowrie). Renteria wasn't meant to play in Boston, he was a disaster. His year with us was right in the line with the year before that. We paid him big money because maybe 2004 was an abberation and he really was the player he was in 02-03. But you know it just didnt work out, Renteria was one of the worst everyday players in baseball, who was owed 30mil, and the chance to dump him and pick up a top 10 prospect was a no-brainer in my book. He's had a decent 06' and now a great 07' but there was no indication he was going to be that player.

Cabrera was a bad hitter for Montreal when we got him, but he played defense and started hitting decently for us. He got a big contract and after one season in ANA nobody wanted him and ANA was trying to dump him. Hes come back with some good 06-07 seasons so it may end up working out for ANA. Like I said at the time it appeared we had a better SS in Renteria and we ended up getting Ellsbury and Lowrie because of it.

Then for 06' we brought in Gonzalez. A horrid hitter who played good defense. Like I said Id rather we not signed Lugo in hindsight and dealt with a bad hitter on a short contract (though now we have a bad hitter on a long contract). And we would have kept our draft pick.

So now Lugo who's signed a large contract, and it appears he'll be here for a while unless some team will take him off our hands if we add in salary. But after the way Renteria ended up I dont think we'll be giving up on him after one year (same with Drew).

renteria isnt meant for boston? you dont think he just had a bad year? i mean look at his stats prior and after

08-07-2007, 02:59 PM
His stats prior and after prove he wasn't meant for Boston.

Mr Crunchy
08-07-2007, 03:12 PM
renteria softly cried himself to sleep every night he was here
theo paid 19,000,000.00 for 1 year of a .270 bat with 35 errors

cabrerra was a smooth glove,had lots of speed and occasional power
he liked it here and was cheaper than both lugo and renteria

we didnt offer him a contract

there were some stories and rumors that havent been substantiated

anyone with any type of off the wall personality on that club was moved or not tendered a deal
with the exception of manny but it wasnt from lack of effort
they waived him
they had him on the block and they wanted rid of him since they bought the team

08-07-2007, 03:34 PM
His stats prior and after prove he wasn't meant for Boston.

no it proves he had a bad year

08-07-2007, 06:07 PM
ok lets just take a quick look at Renterias career in STL to Now

1999 (STL): .734 OPS
2000 (STL): .769 OPS
2001 (STL): .685 OPS
2002 (STL): .804 OPS
2003 (STL): .874 OPS
2004 (STL): .728 OPS
2005 (BOS): .720 OPS
2006 (ATL): .797 OPS
2007 (ATL): .879 OPS

Now from 1999-2001 he averaged an OPS around .720. Then an .800 and then his career high .874. Now he then proceeded to put up another .720 OPS season after that before getting to Boston, where he went on to put up yet another .720 OPS season. All that would lead me to believe that 2003 was a career year. Hes had some nice seasons now with ATL but he's even said himself he was glad to be out of BOS.

08-07-2007, 07:51 PM
Rent-a Wreck was one of Theo's love children, just like Drew and Lugo. There is no baseball reason why they were brought here other than Theo wanted them.

....that, or the fact that the guy almost has 2000 career hits and is only 31 years old. Or the fact that he is a very good defensive SS save for his season in Boston. Maybe its the fact that hes a very good baserunner. It could also be the fact that his career OBP is .001 shy of .350.

He had a bad year. I would love to see him still in Boston. he averages 161 hits a year and 70+ Rbi.

I take him any day of the week over Ocab or Lugo.

VA Sox Fan
08-07-2007, 07:54 PM
Bottom line, hind sight is 20/20.

08-07-2007, 07:55 PM
I was pretty disappointed when they got rid of Renteria. I wish they gave him another chance, and I still believe the guy could have rebounded if given another chance.

VA Sox Fan
08-07-2007, 07:56 PM
Rent-a Wreck was one of Theo's love children, just like Drew and Lugo. There is no baseball reason why they were brought here other than Theo wanted them.

I wanted Renteria prior to the deal and once it happened was psyched. He belongs in NL or some where quiet (LaRussa called it). He was kicking ass in Atlanta until he had the sprain.

08-07-2007, 07:57 PM
It would have been prudent to keep a cheaper defensive whiz than taking a chance on Lugo. At least when AGon isnt hitting, he is fielding out of his mind. When Lugo isnt hitting, he is a defensive and offensive liability.

08-07-2007, 08:00 PM
It would have been prudent to keep a cheaper defensive whiz than taking a chance on Lugo. At least when AGon isnt hitting, he is fielding out of his mind. When Lugo isnt hitting, he is a defensive and offensive liability.

Definately.....and we all thought we were giving Renteria wayyyyyy too much money, only to give Lugo assloads to hit .220 all while Agon had a solid offensive year.

08-07-2007, 10:48 PM
It wasn't just that rent had a "off year" at the plate...he was a liability at short. I can't remember how many times i threw something when rent either missed the play or threw it into the stands. I couldn't have been happier when they got rid of him.

Back on subject...does anyone know what these "rumors" were about ocab?

08-08-2007, 08:16 AM
Stories and rumors. That is the problem with the FO there, they have treated SS more like a soap opera than a baseball position.