View Full Version : Sox after Jermaine Dye?

07-27-2007, 11:29 PM
The Red Sox had a three-way deal in place to acquire White Sox outfielder Jermaine Dye earlier this week, but the trade fell through because of an unspecified issue with a player from the third club, according to an industry source.

Dye, who is a free agent at the end of the season, was willing to consider waiving his limited no-trade protection to join the Red Sox in exchange for guarantees about playing time and incentive bonuses, the source said.
The Sox told Dye that they were prepared to play him five days a week. It is unclear how they would have created the playing time, considering that they are set in all three outfield positions and the DH spot.

J.D. Drew, Coco Crisp and Manny Ramirez are the Sox's regular outfielders. David Ortiz is their DH. Drew, however, is batting .209 against lefties, and occasionally misses time due to injuries. Ortiz is dealing with a variety of physical ailments.

Dye, 33, has revived since the All-Star break, producing an impressive 1.008 on-base/slugging percentage while hitting five homers in 56 at-bats.

The Sox likely would use Dye to replace Wily Mo Pena, whom they discussed with the White Sox and are actively trying to move. Under such a scenario, however, Dye would not play full-time.

It is believed the teams are continuing discussions, though the Red Sox evidently did not want to meet the White Sox's price for Dye, prompting the clubs to involve a third team.


07-28-2007, 11:08 AM
Found this on rotoworld:

According to FOXSports.com's Ken Rosenthal, the Red Sox had a three-way deal in place for Jermaine Dye that fell through because of an unspecified issue with a player from the third club.
The third club is unknown. Dye apparently was willing to go to the Red Sox, who were promising to play him five times per week. Something still might happen here. We're guessing Wily Mo Pena and more would go to the unspecified third team.

07-28-2007, 11:14 AM
i cant see where the sox would guarantee playing him 5 times a week , unless they bench drew.

07-28-2007, 11:19 AM
i cant see where the sox would guarantee playing him 5 times a week , unless they bench drew.

yeah i can't think of anything, it makes no sense as Drew would be perhaps the most expensive 4th OF the game has ever seen, or why would Dye be willing to come here when he knows he'd be the 4th OF.

07-28-2007, 11:26 AM

riverside sluggers
07-28-2007, 12:14 PM

The talks with the White Sox had ended because they were asking for Clay Bucholz or Jacoby Ellsbury in return

07-28-2007, 12:19 PM
Maybe they would have put Ortiz on the DL then DH Manny and have Dye play left field.

07-28-2007, 12:23 PM

The talks with the White Sox had ended because they were asking for Clay Bucholz or Jacoby Ellsbury in return

that is an easy way to have the phone hung up on you.

3 months of a slugger who is just coming around is worth something. But it isnt worth that. I would say that Dye could be worth a mid level prospect, maybe Masterson or Bard/Cox/Hansen types. Guys who are either projects or dont project as aces or potential All stars.

07-28-2007, 04:03 PM
WMP/Hansen/Bard for Dye?

I like the fact he's starting to hit again, and like one other poster said he could be nice Ortiz/Manny insurance down the stretch. I wouldn't part with a big name prospect for him though.

Who knows, the Chicago firesale is underway so let's see what happens.

07-28-2007, 04:47 PM
Bard stock has dropped but I think if he is involved you only get 1 other guy.

07-28-2007, 05:23 PM
that is an easy way to have the phone hung up on you.

3 months of a slugger who is just coming around is worth something. But it isnt worth that. I would say that Dye could be worth a mid level prospect, maybe Masterson or Bard/Cox/Hansen types. Guys who are either projects or dont project as aces or potential All stars.

I think Dye could be worth a Murphy or WMP as well; guys that may have talent but who won't necessarily get their shot with the BoSox. I'm a bit perplexed by this trade, but also see it as a pretty significant mid-season upgrade. I'm just not sure how Dye would fit in or where he would play.

Would they increase the time off for Ortiz and Drew? So, Dye would play for Drew one day while Drew sits and play LF some times so Manny can DH and Papi can rest? Something I read said they had promised Dye he would play 5 days a week, which is a significant number of games. Dye is probably too good to be sitting on the bench, especially if he's starting to turn it on. Drew isn't being paid to sit on the bench and I don't think they will give up on him, given his recent semi-resurgance. I'm just not sure.

07-29-2007, 12:39 AM
Interesting to say the least. Fitting him in five days a week would mean that he'd likely start to give Drew, Manny and Ortiz days off. Still a bit confusing...but whatever works I guess.

riverside sluggers
07-29-2007, 01:12 PM

According to ESPN's Buster Olney, the Brewers were the third team in the rumored Jermaine Dye deal between the White Sox and Red Sox.

If they couldn't get one of Boston's elite prospects, the White Sox wanted Hideki Okajima from the Red Sox. That wasn't going to work, so Boston may have been trying to get Derrick Turnbow from Milwaukee for Chicago. The proposed deal ended up falling through last week, and it's unclear whether there's any chance of it being revisited.

Coco's Disciples
07-29-2007, 05:12 PM
Why the fuck would we trade Okajima?

07-29-2007, 05:57 PM
Why the fuck would we trade Okajima?

we wouldn't, probably the reason the deal fell through.

07-29-2007, 06:15 PM
how could a GM ask for Okajima with a straight face? I mean come on why would ever trade him right now given that hes been one of our most valuable players and a key (if not the key) guy in our bullpen.

07-29-2007, 10:52 PM
WMP/Hansen/Bard for Dye?

I like the fact he's starting to hit again, and like one other poster said he could be nice Ortiz/Manny insurance down the stretch. I wouldn't part with a big name prospect for him though.

Who knows, the Chicago firesale is underway so let's see what happens.

If Dye returns to his 1.000+OPS level, he would make your lineup murder. And that could mean less PT for Drew, but is that really a bad thing for you guys?

07-30-2007, 11:47 AM
Just heard on WEEI (dale n holley) that the sox are close to getting Dye in exchange for Ceranno and a minor league pitching prospect not Buchholtz or Lester

07-30-2007, 11:50 AM
I would be happy with that deal, ESPECIALLY if that spec wasn't Bowden.

I don't love the trade, as I felt that Teixeira would have been a better fit, but it does give this team a little security for Manny and Ortiz.

07-30-2007, 11:51 AM
Here's the story:


July 30, 2007
Dye chances 'pretty good'
By Gordon Edes, Globe Staff
While Foxsports.com is reporting that the Braves and Rangers have a deal in place for Mark Teixeira, a major league source said a short time ago that chances were “pretty good” that the Red Sox would complete a deal with the Chicago White Sox for outfielder Jermaine Dye.

In exchange for Dye, the White Sox would get Wily Mo Pena and a minor league pitching prospect (not Clay Buchholz or Jon Lester).

More on this to come ...

07-30-2007, 11:52 AM
Rotoworld reporting that we're possibly dealing WMP and Masterson/Bowden for Dye. I still don't understand what we're going to do with Dye.

07-30-2007, 11:55 AM
I wouldn't mind trading Bowden. Im just not so sold on him. But not Masterson. Hes doing amazing in AA i hope he does not get traded.

07-30-2007, 11:55 AM
I would be happy with that deal, ESPECIALLY if that spec wasn't Bowden.

Agreed, I would do masterson, WMP for Dye in a second

07-30-2007, 11:56 AM
I'd say pull the trigger on that one. WMP might become great but he won't do it in Boston. He will only do it somewhere else that can play him everyday and be patient with him. If this is true I hope the best for him.

Anyone have an idea who the minor league pitcher is? Hansen, Bowden, Bard, Martinez, Cox?

07-30-2007, 12:09 PM
I'd say pull the trigger on that one. WMP might become great but he won't do it in Boston. He will only do it somewhere else that can play him everyday and be patient with him. If this is true I hope the best for him.

Anyone have an idea who the minor league pitcher is? Hansen, Bowden, Bard, Martinez, Cox?

It could be Manny Delcarmen, or Justin Masterson.


07-30-2007, 12:15 PM
I like this move. Dye started the year off pretty bad, but let's not forget this guy was in the MVP running last year. He's hit .911 in July, 1.119 since the break. If his bat is back this is a great move. It will allow them to sit/rest/rehab Papi for October, gives them a more competent backup OF, and the possibility to replace the prospect dealt. Dye is a FA and will be a type-A. I doubt he takes arb, so they'll get a 1/1s or at worst a 2/1s at then end of the year.

07-30-2007, 12:18 PM
you have to like this deal if that's all they would have to give up

07-30-2007, 12:41 PM
If Dye returns to his 1.000+OPS level, he would make your lineup murder. And that could mean less PT for Drew, but is that really a bad thing for you guys?

I think it is a bad thing. Drew is supposed to be playing, and he should play unless he is injured. Now, if it means you give Papi every 3rd or 4th day off (against reasonable opponents) then I could really see the benefit of getting Dye.

Drew is a guy who went .325/.404/.558/.962 in June. He's playing really streaky now, but if he stabalizes I think he will prove that he is better than he has shown. I hope that they give Papi some time off and get Manny to DH. A 'fallback' outfield of Dye, Crisp and Drew should be pretty good. Especially since it appears that Dye may have found his swing again.

07-30-2007, 12:47 PM

Dye - +9
Drew - (-) 5


Dye - 2.6
Drew - .9 (Wow)


Dye - .250
Drew - .249


Dye - .242 (career .302)
Drew - .298 (career .319)

What I'm trying to say, is that if the Red Sox manage to land Jermaine Dye, they should make him the everyday RF. Dye has been on absolute fire this last month, and it's more than likely that he's going to continue to rake. Fenway Park is only going to further help his numbers.

It's not a stretch to say that Dye would be worth a two or three game improvement in the standings.

07-30-2007, 12:52 PM
I think this is a good movw. But I unlike some others have not given up on Drew. He just hasn't seem to get comfortable for a long stretch this season. Maybe having Dye there will ease some of the pressure on him and help him regain some confidence. And lets face it, we can bitch about him missing games but having Dye here to give him much needed rest in August and September would be nice. Having both players fresh come playoff time would be great.

I think Dye would give Manny, Papi and Drew much needed rest and have them all fresh for the PO.

07-30-2007, 12:57 PM
Having Dye means you can plug him in in LF,RF,DH. This give Manny, Papi and Drew rest down the stretch and keep them fresh. Drew might even beable to play some CF and put Dye in RF to give Coco time off. This is a good move. It's a nice insurance plan.

07-30-2007, 01:03 PM
if theres another deal that lands Dotel for murphy or something than it would be a pretty good deal (DONT deal Masterson), id be ok with dealin MDC.

Coco's Disciples
07-30-2007, 01:10 PM
Does Drew sit on the bench if we get him?

07-30-2007, 01:13 PM
I think Papi is ailing a little more then hes showing. maybe he goes on DL, The Dye will probably rotate between LF,RF and DH for the 5 days the guranteed him.

Kind of what the patriots do with the lineman. rotate them to keep the fresh for later in the season and PO.

07-30-2007, 01:19 PM
I think Papi is ailing a little more then hes showing. maybe he goes on DL, The Dye will probably rotate between LF,RF and DH for the 5 days the guranteed him.

Kind of what the patriots do with the lineman. rotate them to keep the fresh for later in the season and PO.

thats exactly what I'm thinking they'll do with Dye but if MDC is a part of this deal, they'd better follow up with a deal with a good righty reliever cause with Donnelly out and Timlin's wonky shoulder, all they'd be left with is Tavarez and Snyder

07-30-2007, 01:42 PM
wasent to crazy about the dye trade idea at first , but when i saw ortiz's numbers against lefty pitchers and the fact we could get him without giving much, i definitley like the idea

07-30-2007, 01:50 PM
According to boston.com, the Sox are balking at giving up Masterson, which makes no sense to me, seeing as if Dye does leave he will give us a compensation pick back, and the fact that Masterson isn't in our top tier of pitching prospects. Seems like the Sox and the Yanks are overvauluing their prospects this deadline, and it's killed a few deals.
If we do get Dye though, it would be great to have him here to refresh Manny, Drew, and Ortiz. IMO we should start Dye over Drew, but I'm not sure how Tito will think about this.

07-30-2007, 02:08 PM
Masterson IS in the top tier of our prospects

07-30-2007, 02:29 PM
Dye for MDC and WMP = Nancy Drew is the highest paid water girl in the majors.

07-30-2007, 02:35 PM
Masterson IS in the top tier of our prospects

Let me re-phrase, he's not Buchholz, Lester or Bowden.

07-30-2007, 02:47 PM
Having Dye means you can plug him in in LF,RF,DH. This give Manny, Papi and Drew rest down the stretch and keep them fresh. Drew might even beable to play some CF and put Dye in RF to give Coco time off. This is a good move. It's a nice insurance plan.

Agreed...especially since right now, I have a more valuable arm than Hansen. It's not much to give up for a guy who, if he continues to find his stroke as it looks like he has been, is going to be a juggernaut. Plus, he has post-season experience which is good as well.

07-30-2007, 03:10 PM
Agreed...especially since right now, I have a more valuable arm than Hansen. It's not much to give up for a guy who, if he continues to find his stroke as it looks like he has been, is going to be a juggernaut. Plus, he has post-season experience which is good as well.

I don't see Hansen's name in the deal. It's WMP and Bowden/Masterson for Dye, right?

07-30-2007, 03:16 PM
He may be as highly regarded as Bowden at this point.

07-30-2007, 03:24 PM
I thought it was WMP & MDC/Masterson.

07-30-2007, 03:38 PM
WEEI just reported that it's ceranno and either MDC or Masterson.

07-30-2007, 03:40 PM
I just posted in another thread (which is basically the same thing). WEEI just reported it's either MDC or Masterson with Ceranno.

07-30-2007, 03:42 PM
definitely not worth masterson or our right handed set up man to get a bench player which is essentially what he will be.

07-30-2007, 03:48 PM
definitely not worth masterson or our right handed set up man to get a bench player which is essentially what he will be.

i think he will play more, since that's part of the deal for him to waive his "no trade"....i think drew will become the bench guy. He is set to be a FA though.

EDIT: might want to change your sig, Lugo is playing great!

riverside sluggers
07-30-2007, 04:04 PM
Previous reports had the Sox guaranteeing Dye at most 5 days a week of playing time. Masterson yes I would do. One of the reasons you build good pitching depth is that they are also good trade bait. I like Theo's hold on his young talent but cm,on not everyone of these guys will make the rotation and bullpen

Gordon Edes

There is a decent chance that the Red Sox will not make a substantive deal before tomorrow's 4 p.m. deadline, but stay tuned.

Ooh such warm feelings. That would be 3 straight years the Sox stand pat with what they have

07-30-2007, 05:19 PM
Last updated: 07/30
Dye's price too high for now
A major league source told the Globe's Gordon Edes on Monday that the price tag remained too high on a deal that would bring Jermaine Dye to Boston: "Remember, these situations are fluid, but while the White Sox remain hopeful of persuading the Sox to make a deal for outfielder Jermaine Dye, the price remains too high for Boston. Chicago would take Wily Mo Pena but want either Manny Delcarmen or Justin Masterson. The Red Sox will not part with either for a rent-a-player like Dye, who is eligible for free agency after the season. There is a decent chance that the Red Sox will not make a substantive deal before tomorrow's 4 p.m. deadline, but stay tuned."

Coco's Disciples
07-30-2007, 05:22 PM
Good. I don't like this deal with MDC/Masterson. Unless Ortiz's injury is really bad, it seems pointless to me.

07-30-2007, 05:27 PM
I'd go for Masterson and WMP. Masterson isn't a top tier talent like Lester/Buchholz/Bowden. This a move that doesn't send our best prospects off, and helps us for a Championship run this season without comprimising the future of the team.

Plus Dye is worth 1/1s or 2 1s if they offer him arbitration and he denies, which he would most likely do.

07-30-2007, 05:43 PM
The Sox are waiting it out. They want to do this without MDC or Masterson, and the deadline isn't until 4 pm tomorrow, so expect them to 11th hour it.

Couple of things. I don't want them to, or think they will, go for MDC unless they can trade for a replacement. He's, despite yesterday, shown his value, and you can't trade away a reliable BP arm when you are in GFIN mode. Masterson will be a bitter pill to swallow, but I can accept it because I think Ortiz is more hurt than has been reported. He's looked good because he's hitting the ball, but he just isn't the same. Not Papi good. Do this now, move Manny to DH, and get Ortiz surgery yesterday. It's supposed to be a 4-6 week recovery period, so there's even time for a hiccup to get him back by October. With Dye swinging a hot stick, our good staff, the 8 game lead, and the soft schedule (~.480 Opponent W% from here on out) I think they can manage to bring it home without him.

What I think they can't recover from is Ortiz getting hurt on Aug 1 with no replacement. I don't think WMP can approximate what a good Dye will bring.

07-30-2007, 06:28 PM
Previous reports had the Sox guaranteeing Dye at most 5 days a week of playing time. Masterson yes I would do. One of the reasons you build good pitching depth is that they are also good trade bait. I like Theo's hold on his young talent but cm,on not everyone of these guys will make the rotation and bullpen

Gordon Edes

Ooh such warm feelings. That would be 3 straight years the Sox stand pat with what they have

I totally agree with you, what are the chances that all these pitchers are going to be succesful at the mlb level? Not that great. I've always supported Theo, but we could definitely use a boost this playoff run, he better do something.

07-30-2007, 08:36 PM
Theo really should not drag his heel in on this one, but maybe he can throw in Lowrie to get this deal done?

WMP/Lowrie/Pauley? Is that enough?

Anyways, he really needs to do all he can to get this deal done because it's great injury insurance for Ortiz and Ramirez and our lineup becomes the best in the AL.

edit - I would give up Masterson to do this BTW.

riverside sluggers
07-30-2007, 11:45 PM

Always down to the deadline. The talks were still ongoing with Theo offering players (not MDC & Masterson) along with Wily Mo Pena. Kenny Williams will sleep on it ande decide what to do as the trade deadline comes closer


The White Sox did create an open spot on their 40-man roster when they placed catcher Gustavo Molina on waivers, which could be interpreted as a prelude to a deal in which Chicago would receive multiple players in return. Molina was claimed by the Orioles.

07-31-2007, 08:00 AM
The could mean 2 players from the sox 40 man. MDC and Hansen?

Or it could mean the white sox are in the midst of another deal with another team, maybe Garland.

IMO, the sox have to deal Dye. With the season he is having, he may be at most a type B FA which wont give them much in terms of compensation. And with the sox being an older team with nowhere to go but down offensively, getting a guy like WMP could be a very solid move. At the same time, their pen is atrocious, so they would need an upgrade there as well.

07-31-2007, 08:26 AM
Jacko, the draft picks are based on the latest 2 seasons I believe. He is a type A and will net 1/1s or 2 1/s drat picks. He is very valuable draft pick wise.

07-31-2007, 09:16 AM
Just a hunch, but I say this deal get's done.

07-31-2007, 09:32 AM
Jacko, the draft picks are based on the latest 2 seasons I believe. He is a type A and will net 1/1s or 2 1/s drat picks. He is very valuable draft pick wise.

ahh, forgot about that rule. I know they made sweeping changes to the comp list.

So, therefore, the sox would need to deal them the equivalent of 2 top 50 picks for them to break even and then would need to negotiate for their advantage. This makes it trickier.

I still think WMP is the center of that package, but now that you put it that way, I dont see how they could not deal Delcarmen for him. I think Masterson has to be on the table in the Gagne deal, or else he'd be considered in Delcarmen's stead.

07-31-2007, 09:37 AM
In Tuesday's edition of the Chicago Sun-Times, Toni Ginnetti writes: "Sources said Monday that the Red Sox -- who sought left-hander Mark Buehrle a month ago before he and the White Sox had a change of heart on a contract extension -- are set to send reliever Manny Delcarmen and outfielder Wily Mo Pena to the White Sox for Dye, the 2005 World Series MVP. A deal with the Red Sox would be contingent on Dye waiving a no-trade clause. Major-league sources have informed Dye that the Red Sox can play him five days a week, rotating him in the two outfield corner spots and at first base. White Sox general manager Ken Williams had hoped to deal for top minor-league prospects to help the team's rebuilding plans and free payroll for other acquisitions. But the proposed deal at least would bring a promising reliever in Delcarmen, 25, who has a 2.70 ERA and one save this season.

Not sure how true it is, but there it is. If we are getting Gagne to replace MDC then I guess, but I'd rather not see MDC leave. Hes been good.

07-31-2007, 09:43 AM
Yeah I agree with you if the Sox are going to trade Manny Delcarmen then they have to get someone who can replace him. They can't just trade a guy like Delcarmen and not pick someone up to take his place.

07-31-2007, 09:49 AM
ahh, forgot about that rule. I know they made sweeping changes to the comp list.

So, therefore, the sox would need to deal them the equivalent of 2 top 50 picks for them to break even and then would need to negotiate for their advantage. This makes it trickier.

I still think WMP is the center of that package, but now that you put it that way, I dont see how they could not deal Delcarmen for him. I think Masterson has to be on the table in the Gagne deal, or else he'd be considered in Delcarmen's stead.

In Tuesday's edition of the Chicago Sun-Times, Toni Ginnetti writes: "Sources said Monday that the Red Sox -- who sought left-hander Mark Buehrle a month ago before he and the White Sox had a change of heart on a contract extension -- are set to send reliever Manny Delcarmen and outfielder Wily Mo Pena to the White Sox for Dye, the 2005 World Series MVP. A deal with the Red Sox would be contingent on Dye waiving a no-trade clause. Major-league sources have informed Dye that the Red Sox can play him five days a week, rotating him in the two outfield corner spots and at first base. White Sox general manager Ken Williams had hoped to deal for top minor-league prospects to help the team's rebuilding plans and free payroll for other acquisitions. But the proposed deal at least would bring a promising reliever in Delcarmen, 25, who has a 2.70 ERA and one save this season.

Not sure how true it is, but there it is. If we are getting Gagne to replace MDC then I guess, but I'd rather not see MDC leave. Hes been good.

Called it if it is true. By determining that he'd be a Type A FA (thanks BSN) it makes absolutely no sense for them to not get 2 players that can help them now.

07-31-2007, 09:53 AM
Also, this likely means that if the sox do get Gagne, then you likely are looking at dealing off Masterson as well. Now ORS said before that Gagne would be a Type A, but since he missed last yr, I wouldnt be so sure. I'd think he'd be a type B. Either way, lets assume the sox make these moves....

Sox get:
3 months of Dye
3 months of Gagne

Sox Lose:

then received the equivalent of 2 top 50 picks and a second rounder, I cannot see how this is anything but a good deal for now and the future. Losing Delcarmen and Masterson would hurt in the shorter term since one is in the majors and another is in AA. Masterson projecting out as a reliever anyway means you lose 2 relief prospects from an already loaded relief corps. Losing WMP does nothing really for the team since he wasnt playing. And getting 3 picks means you could stock up in deficient areas. You are dealing from a strength and not necessarily hurting your future. This makes a lot of sense.

07-31-2007, 10:01 AM
Heres the Link, http://www.suntimes.com/sports/baseball/whitesox/490593,CST-SPT-trade31.article

07-31-2007, 10:29 AM
CWS are in NY, so if a deal is made he could be available for tonights game, at latest tomorrow, of course all depends on deal going threw.

thee sox
07-31-2007, 10:44 AM
I still think WMP is the center of that package, but now that you put it that way, I dont see how they could not deal Delcarmen for him. I think Masterson has to be on the table in the Gagne deal, or else he'd be considered in Delcarmen's stead.

How would WMP be the center piece of any trade? Sounds to me like the Red Sox are just trying to get rid of him...which would not make him the center piece. The sticking point is, who else are we getting in return? That's what will make or break the trade, not Pena.

BTW, Jayson Stark says the latest deal offered by the Red Sox is WMP and Hansen for Dye and a minor leaguer. To that, I say, thanks but no thanks...we'll take the picks.

07-31-2007, 10:52 AM

Maybe no MDC after all.

07-31-2007, 11:03 AM
How would WMP be the center piece of any trade? Sounds to me like the Red Sox are just trying to get rid of him...which would not make him the center piece. The sticking point is, who else are we getting in return? That's what will make or break the trade, not Pena.

BTW, Jayson Stark says the latest deal offered by the Red Sox is WMP and Hansen for Dye and a minor leaguer. To that, I say, thanks but no thanks...we'll take the picks.

The Red Sox were waiting Tuesday morning to hear back from the White Sox on their latest offer for Dye. According to two baseball men who had been in contact with the two clubs, the Red Sox's latest offer was reliever Craig Hansen and outfielder Wily Mo Pena, in exchange for Dye and a minor leaguer. The White Sox are believed to prefer Manny Delcarmen to Hansen, but they don't appear to have a better offer from any other club. The Angels, according to one source, did no more than call to check on the price -- and if the Angels do add a bat, they still prefer that it not be an outfielder. Elsewhere, the Mets are committed to Moises Alou. And Arizona, which appeared to have some mild interest, is believed to be leaning instead toward calling up its best prospect, Justin Upton. The White Sox are also in a tough position because they're unlikely to offer Dye arbitration after the season, meaning they wouldn't even come away with draft picks for him. So the chances of that Boston deal happening look better all the time. The final hurdle is getting Dye to waive his no-trade clause. But after originally saying he didn't want to go to Boston because he wouldn't play every day, he was told Monday he would play at least five days a week with the Red Sox. So there were rumblings Tuesday morning that this trade could happen at any time.

thee sox
07-31-2007, 11:21 AM
Dye still not asked to waive his NTC. (http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/extras/extra_bases/2007/07/high_noonstill.html)

07-31-2007, 11:23 AM
ESPN Radio just reported deal is all but done for Dye, WMP and MDC go to CWS.

07-31-2007, 11:37 AM
ESPN Radio just reported deal is all but done for Dye, WMP and MDC go to CWS.

So it's MDC not Hansen? I'd much rather part with Hansen

Coco's Disciples
07-31-2007, 11:39 AM
Me too. If we get Gagne too I might like this better, but as it is I'm not so sure.

thee sox
07-31-2007, 11:44 AM
So it's MDC not Hansen? I'd much rather part with Hansen

I don't think a deal is done. Still no word anywhere else...most reports have Dye not even being asked to waive his NTC yet.

07-31-2007, 12:02 PM
Proctor to the dodgers bor betimet

07-31-2007, 12:03 PM
sorry didn't see it posted

07-31-2007, 12:03 PM
ESPNEWS reported the deal is all but final for Dye.

07-31-2007, 12:35 PM
WEEI saying the reported offer for Dye on the table right now is Pena and Craig Hansen

07-31-2007, 12:41 PM
WEEI saying the reported offer for Dye on the table right now is Pena and Craig Hansen

Waiting for Dye to waive his NTC?

thee sox
07-31-2007, 12:47 PM
Waiting for Dye to waive his NTC?

I'd hope it's not even being agreed upon. That's a garbage deal for the White Sox. One guy who can't hit worth shit, and another that has fallen off the face of the Earth since last year. Pass, pass, pass.

Coco's Disciples
07-31-2007, 01:28 PM
Great deal for us if true. How we could ever get down to Hansen from Masterson/Delcarmen is beyond me.

07-31-2007, 01:29 PM
Great deal for us if true. How we could ever get down to Hansen from Masterson/Delcarmen is beyond me.

Beautiful isn't it?

07-31-2007, 01:30 PM
Guys, it hasn't been agreed to yet. It's only "on the table."

Coco's Disciples
07-31-2007, 01:32 PM

07-31-2007, 01:34 PM

Rosenthal says it's dead.

07-31-2007, 01:36 PM

Rosenthal says it's dead.

See? You guys suck. <_<

I kid, I kid. I joke, I joke.

Coco's Disciples
07-31-2007, 01:36 PM
Not a huge loss right there. I'd rather get Gagne.

07-31-2007, 01:39 PM
if its dead, I still want to see them improve the bench

07-31-2007, 01:40 PM
Damn, Dye would have been a good bat to plug some holes with JD and Ortiz.

07-31-2007, 01:41 PM
im sure Pena and Hansen can still fetch a respectable bat from somewhere, even if it isnt Dye

07-31-2007, 01:46 PM
EEI reports that the deal is still on

07-31-2007, 01:51 PM
EEI now reporting it is dead.

07-31-2007, 01:57 PM
im sure Pena and Hansen can still fetch a respectable bat from somewhere, even if it isnt Dye

It would be sweet to get Dye though, maybe they can still work something out.

07-31-2007, 01:57 PM
ESPN News just said that The ChiSox are trying to sign Dye to an extension...

Looks like the deal is dead. I was more excited about Gagne, anyways.

EDIT: Gammons just said that the Dye thing is still going to happen. I swear to God, any 3 of us could have hosted this deadline special.

07-31-2007, 02:00 PM
They need some bench help, we gotta do something.

Sox Fan In Indy
07-31-2007, 02:05 PM
Random thing I realized: If we get him, we'll have the World Series MVP's from 01, 03, 04, and 05. We should go after Troy Glaus to complete the 5-peat.

lasorda's speed dial
07-31-2007, 02:06 PM
So much for JD then I guess.

Coco's Disciples
07-31-2007, 02:07 PM
Whoah, thats pretty cool.

07-31-2007, 02:08 PM
I don't trust much of what Gammons says, especially if it contradicts what everyone else says

07-31-2007, 02:10 PM
who was WS MVP in '01?

07-31-2007, 02:11 PM
Schilling and JOhnson

07-31-2007, 02:16 PM
01 Schilling & Johnson
03 Beckett
04 Manny
05 Dye

07-31-2007, 02:16 PM
I don't trust much of what Gammons says, especially if it contradicts what everyone else says

Gammons is pretty tight with the sox FO, so i would trust him more than some of the other talking heads.

07-31-2007, 02:42 PM
Theo, get an F'en bat!

07-31-2007, 03:04 PM
Schilling and JOhnson

wow cant believe i didnt know that. for some reason i thought luis gonzalez or however you spell it was MVP of that WS

07-31-2007, 03:06 PM
Schilling and Johnson even got co-SI Sportsmen of the Year that year

08-01-2007, 06:00 PM
Color me tremendously disappointed that the Red Sox could not pull the trigger on Dye. Adding his bat would have made them prohibitive WS favorites and they couldn't get it done.

The Gagne deal was tremendous, but I really think they need to upgrade this offense to really make a push for the ring.

08-01-2007, 07:36 PM
Kilo love the Avatar.

08-05-2007, 08:18 PM
Right now they are the favorites WS is ours for the taking .

08-05-2007, 08:42 PM
Right now they are the favorites WS is ours for the taking .

I wouldnt paint anyone as favorites right now. I consider this as big a toss up as ever. Last yr, you had the yankees, tigers, and twins as 95-96 win teams and they were dominant. This season, every team has had extreme moments of mediocrity with all 4 playoff contenders having critical flaws in their postseason hopes and world series dreams.

This season will be a major toss up, hence getting to he playoffs is the way to go and then feel your way from there.

08-06-2007, 03:35 PM
I wouldnt paint anyone as favorites right now. I consider this as big a toss up as ever. Last yr, you had the yankees, tigers, and twins as 95-96 win teams and they were dominant. This season, every team has had extreme moments of mediocrity with all 4 playoff contenders having critical flaws in their postseason hopes and world series dreams.

This season will be a major toss up, hence getting to he playoffs is the way to go and then feel your way from there.

It's adam.

Mr Crunchy
08-06-2007, 10:50 PM
the arms and depth of the pen make them the favorites
dye wouldve made them prohibitive favorites

you dont get a lot of oppurtunity like this in baseball and the man was on the table for the taking

Mr Crunchy
08-06-2007, 10:50 PM
bonds didnt get it done on his last ab

08-06-2007, 10:54 PM
Bonds slowly grounds to second base, Belliard takes his time fielding the ball, and throws to short. Zimmerman throws to 1st, as we see Bonds walking into view.

Whole thing takes about ten seconds.

Mr Crunchy
08-06-2007, 11:04 PM
fkn crisp k's meekly.......bonds is rather pathetic
he cant run or field in left anymore
his obp is still huge and he can still hit the long ball but without him at dh hes a burden defensively and his complete lack of motion makes him a liability on the base paths
more and more teams are just going right at him
of course his teamates dont help as their lineup is real soft

08-06-2007, 11:32 PM
Bonds mimics Coco's AB, with a K of his own.

That 3-1 pitch should have been in McCovey Cove.