View Full Version : Helton resurfacing as possibility?

07-25-2007, 10:15 AM
"Then there is the prospect of turning over the current club with a Mark Teixeira or even Todd Helton (who re-emerged in the Red Sox rumor mill yesterday)."


From the Herald, and all I have to say is NO, NO, NO!!!! I would much rather have a Youkilis/Lowell combinatio ratehr than anything involving Helton. Not saying he isn't a good player, but getting him is not the stretch of improvement Teixeira gives us, not to mention that we will have to give up a package including Lowell/Youkilis.

07-25-2007, 10:22 AM
"Then there is the prospect of turning over the current club with a Mark Teixeira or even Todd Helton (who re-emerged in the Red Sox rumor mill yesterday)."


From the Herald, and all I have to say is NO, NO, NO!!!! I would much rather have a Youkilis/Lowell combinatio ratehr than anything involving Helton. Not saying he isn't a good player, but getting him is not the stretch of improvement Teixeira gives us, not to mention that we will have to give up a package including Lowell/Youkilis.

I agree...Tex is nasty and his best years are, IMO, still ahead of him. If we could bring him to Boston for the peak of his career, it'd be hard to turn it down. While Helton is still a solid ballplayer, he's obviously not the player that he once was. You can't give up too much for a guy entering the twilight of his career...especially when he's never faced American League pitching.

Mr Crunchy
07-25-2007, 10:29 AM
todd helton is an awfully expensive singles hitter whos signed forever
texeira is a needed power guy but i think theyre thinking outfield help due to the production or lack there of from wmp and jd drew

07-25-2007, 10:34 AM
No way, we dont need another 15 HR 1B whos signed to a massive contract and getting older. He still has that big Home-Away split (.954 vs. .832 OPS).

Youkillis: 27.8
Helton: 25.7
Lowell: 24.2

Tex is the guy we need, we have enough OBP, Tex is a legit power hitter who would be the perfect #5 hitter

07-25-2007, 10:59 AM
Tex is definitely the guy we want if we could pick. Who would come cheaper Tex who's a free agent after 08? or Helton who's signed for forever? I would think Helton, but I don't know, just know we don't need Helton as much as we could use Tex.

07-25-2007, 11:14 AM
I don't know why we'd even consider this.

07-25-2007, 11:14 AM
Tex is going to be a FA soon and Boras is his agent....so it would be hard and expensive to sign him

07-25-2007, 12:08 PM
todd helton is an awfully expensive singles hitter whos signed forever
texeira is a needed power guy but i think theyre thinking outfield help due to the production or lack there of from wmp and jd drew

I'd definately prefer Tex over helton but crunchy WTF are you talking about " helton a singles hitter" did you just make that up?

07-25-2007, 01:20 PM
Helton is done as a big time hitter. He'll never be a 30-40 homer guy again. He'll be lucky to 15 when/if he leaves Colorado.

07-25-2007, 01:28 PM
Helton is done as a big time hitter. He'll never be a 30-40 homer guy again. He'll be lucky to 15 when/if he leaves Colorado.

youk dosent even hit 15 . helton is on the decline , no question about it , thats why i'd package youk in a deal to get Tex

07-25-2007, 01:28 PM
I'd definately prefer Tex over helton but crunchy WTF are you talking about " helton a singles hitter" did you just make that up?

Yea he made it up...based upon truths, facts, and stats.

07-25-2007, 01:29 PM
no thx k

07-25-2007, 01:36 PM
Yea he made it up...based upon truths, facts, and stats.

XBH per year

1998: 63
1999: 79
2000: 103
2003: 87
2004: 83
2005: 67
2006: 60

keep in mind he missed a little time in 2005 and 2006 , yeah he's quite the singles hitter :rolleyes:

07-25-2007, 01:55 PM
XBH per year

1998: 63
1999: 79
2000: 103
2003: 87
2004: 83
2005: 67
2006: 60

keep in mind he missed a little time in 2005 and 2006 , yeah he's quite the singles hitter :rolleyes:

We're not saying he only WAS a singles hitter...we're saying that's all he is now. Does a good singles hitter occasionally pound out some doubles? For sure, but as a whole, Helton is a singles guy now. He only has 33 XBH this year. That's like 5 more than Ray freaking Durham. He's no better than Lowell. (Who has 40 XBH, by the way)

07-25-2007, 01:57 PM
XBH per year

1998: 63
1999: 79
2000: 103
2003: 87
2004: 83
2005: 67
2006: 60

keep in mind he missed a little time in 2005 and 2006 , yeah he's quite the singles hitter :rolleyes:

We need power. Which is why I say "pass" to Helton and "yes" to Teixeira. I don't doubt that Helton is still a good hitter, but Youk can give us the XBH as well for a much smaller price. Helton won't hit those home runs at Fenway... at least not as many. Teixeira has played in a pitcher's park and has still blasted 43 HR and 33 HR over the past two years, not to mention he played all 162 games in '05 and '06.

07-25-2007, 01:59 PM
the VORP stats really sink in with me, I eman I wouldn't even trade Tavarez for that little of improvement. In my mind, if we do make any trade for him, it's trading for the sake of trading and does not actually bring in any improvement.

07-25-2007, 02:04 PM
We're not saying he only WAS a singles hitter...we're saying that's all he is now. Does a good singles hitter occasionally pound out some doubles? For sure, but as a whole, Helton is a singles guy now. He only has 33 XBH this year. That's like 5 more than Ray freaking Durham. He's no better than Lowell. (Who has 40 XBH, by the way)

youk has 34 XBH ... and BTW im not saying i want helton ( just saying that helton isnt just a singles hitter) . I want Tex and I want youk to be part of the package

07-25-2007, 02:05 PM
We need power. Which is why I say "pass" to Helton and "yes" to Teixeira. I don't doubt that Helton is still a good hitter, but Youk can give us the XBH as well for a much smaller price. Helton won't hit those home runs at Fenway... at least not as many. Teixeira has played in a pitcher's park and has still blasted 43 HR and 33 HR over the past two years, not to mention he played all 162 games in '05 and '06.

didn't i say i wanted Tex?

07-25-2007, 02:06 PM
youk has 34 XBH ... and BTW im not saying i want helton ( just saying that helton isnt just a singles hitter) . I want Tex and I want youk to be part of the package

I mean to give Youk's XBH stats...not Lowell's that was a brain fart on my part. Youk is young and cheap, Helton is older and expensive and not an improvement. When I think of Youk, I think of a singles hitter as well. Sure, he's got the occasional power and double or whatever, but as a whole, he's a get on base kinda guy. He's been playing out of his mind this year and has only recently come back down to size.

07-25-2007, 02:07 PM
didn't i say i wanted Tex?

Yeah, I guess I wasted some time posting all that stuff. But at the same time Helton's not the hitter he was. He's a good hitter, but not one that's going to put up the dingers that we need. We might as well just keep Youk. I guess I assumed you wanted Helton. Do you? That might clear my confusion, lol.

EDIT: Nevermind, read your post at the top. Confusion cleared.

07-25-2007, 02:56 PM
We need power. Which is why I say "pass" to Helton and "yes" to Teixeira. I don't doubt that Helton is still a good hitter, but Youk can give us the XBH as well for a much smaller price. Helton won't hit those home runs at Fenway... at least not as many. Teixeira has played in a pitcher's park and has still blasted 43 HR and 33 HR over the past two years, not to mention he played all 162 games in '05 and '06.

Nah. Texas is a pretty strong hitter's park.


It's not a huge discrepancy, but it's there. I think some of the rates are just normal home/road comfort and he'd hit well in Fenway, but it'll probably be for a little less power than in Texas.

07-25-2007, 06:04 PM
:lol: lol @ the pic. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. Nah, nah, nah.

Regardless, he's still the power threat we need. I don't think Fenway would sap his power as much as it could to some other players ... *cough* Drew *cough*