View Full Version : We've Hit an Iceberg

07-20-2007, 01:40 AM
Good people of Talk Sox, 95 miles into our journey we have hit an iceberg and we are gaining water. There is hope that we can fix the damage or hold out for another 67 miles until we reach the new world. Many have expressed doubt in this crew and for the kiddies and fanboys the lifeboats are to the left. Sure the sailing has been easy going up to this point, and there's a storm 7 miles on the horizon but now is not the time to jump ship. And how many other ships have a 7 mile advantage at this point, Ill tell you folks, none. It seems to grow closer everyday but thus is the reality of life, its a race to the finish and you can never expect to avoid every storm the sea throws at you. This vessel appears to be gaining water but I intend to stay aboard for the duration of this journey through thick and thin, who's with me?

07-20-2007, 02:09 AM
Good people of Talk Sox, 95 miles into our journey we have hit an iceberg and we are gaining water. There is hope that we can fix the damage or hold out for another 67 miles until we reach the new world. Many have expressed doubt in this crew and for the kiddies and fanboys the lifeboats are to the left. Sure the sailing has been easy going up to this point, and there's a storm 7 miles on the horizon but now is not the time to jump ship. And how many other ships have a 7 mile advantage at this point, Ill tell you folks, none. It seems to grow closer everyday but thus is the reality of life, its a race to the finish and you can never expect to avoid every storm the sea throws at you. This vessel appears to be gaining water but I intend to stay aboard for the duration of this journey through thick and thin, who's with me?

Is that English chick going to get topless soon or what? Because quite honestly, I'm getting sick of this movie...:dunno:

07-20-2007, 04:48 AM
Wel said. I'm in!

07-20-2007, 06:39 AM
like a good captain, I'll go down with the ship if that's what ends up happening

07-20-2007, 06:46 AM
I hear the storm is 6 miles away in the loss column.

07-20-2007, 07:02 AM
i will go down with the ship also

the team seems to be ho hum
this team lacks fire this year

they better find it soon
cuz the yankee's are coming

07-20-2007, 08:19 AM
What channel has the topless chick?

07-20-2007, 08:50 AM
Now if only the designer of this ship hadn't forgotten to put tops to the waterproof compartments.

lasorda's speed dial
07-20-2007, 11:40 AM
i will go down with the ship also

the team seems to be ho hum
this team lacks fire this year

they better find it soon
cuz the yankee's are coming

Is this Mr. Crunchy's English teacher??

Youk Of The Nation
07-20-2007, 11:48 AM
Remember though, the last time the storm was 7-8 miles on the horizon, we sped up and pushed it 12 miles back again.

07-20-2007, 11:58 AM
Remember though, the last time the storm was 7-8 miles on the horizon, we sped up and pushed it 12 miles back again.

you didnt speed up. The storm forgot who it was for a bit, walked around in circles, pissed on its leg and then remembered that it was a storm that had catastrophic capabilities. If you had sped up, 7 games would have been a dream, instead of a reality.

07-20-2007, 12:33 PM
metaphors are fun

07-20-2007, 01:39 PM
i think we need some lineup changes. Youk has not been doing well in he 5th spot this year, id move him back up to 1st/2nd. Look at this stat, in 109 AB's batting 5th this year, he's hitting .231 with a .325 OBP, no HR, 12 RBI, 15 BB, 21 K's. However, in 170 AB's batting 2nd this year, he is hitting .351 with a .450 OBP, 7 HR, 25 RBI, 26 BB, 19 K's. So i think he needs to be at the top of the order, cause thats were he suceeds. An other change id really like to see is hit Manny 3rd and Ortiz 4th. They both havnt been as good as they should be this year. Maybe switching them can jumpstart the offense. Him and Pedroia bat 1/2, i think Lowell should be hitting 5th, his 8-13 with 2 HR hitting 5th this year, not a lot of AB's but still, hes are best option at that spot for now. Drew when he's healthy hits 6th. Crisp has hit well in the 7th spot this year, hitting .304 in 70 AB's. Push Varitek down to the 8th spot and put Lugo 9th (hitting .304 in 69 AB's in the 9th spot) and hope he can continue to hit well there.


as far as pitching goes, we need to go out and get someone, right now we have


if schilling can come back healthy, Tavarez gets bumped from the rotation, as long as Gabbard can keep pitching well. But thats questionable, so i think we should go after a guy like Garland or MAYBE Oswalt. Really doubtful Lester or Bucholz can help us out this year.

As far as the bullpen goes, Delcarmen, Papelbon, Okajima, Lopez, Snyder, Timlin, Donelly if healthy. But id also be interested in getting maybe Dan Wheeler, Chad Qualls or Scott Linebrink. Some deal involving WMP could probably get one of those guys.

Which leads me to my last part, the bench. I think WMP will be traded for some pitching, which means we need to replace him. Reggie Sanders is a name that has come up and it sounds like he really likes Boston and would like to come here. His old, but wont cost much and can still hit. He'd be more effective than WMP. Maybe a Mike Rozier type prospect. 2 other possibilities are Randy Winn or Dave Roberts. The rest of the bench would be the same as it is now, Mirrabelli, Cora and Hinske.

so as of right now, thats what i would do to fix this little leak we have in our ship, but in time, it will definitely be fixed.

07-20-2007, 01:50 PM
The worst thing that can happen is hitters playing tight and trying to do too much at the plate. Watching Pedroia last night swing at a bad 3-1 pitch to foul out in the 9th, down by 2 and with Ortiz on deck, seems to show that.

riverside sluggers
07-20-2007, 09:01 PM
I did an analysis of the offense so far in the month of July, and broke it into 2 sections. Of course as Im in the process of doing this, the offense breaks out. Wouldnt that be something? A moment of assine umpiring fires the team and especially Beckett to just do "no mercy". The fire in their eyes is something that has been missed for most of this month. Turn around?


Innings 1 to 6
J.D. Drew, 7 for 29 (.241 avg) 3 Doubles, 2 RBIs, 5 Walks, 5 Ks
Dustin Pedroia, 15 for 44 (.341 avg) 2 Doubles, Triple, HR, 6 RBIs, 3 Walks, 3 Ks, SB
David Ortiz, 18 for 45 (.391 avg) 5 Doubles, 3 HRs, 10 RBIs, 4 Walks, 3 Ks
Manny Ramirez, 16 for 38 (.421 avg) 5 Doubles, 3 HRs, 11 RBIs, 6 Walks, 6 Ks
Kevin Youkilis, 6 for 27 (.222 avg) 2 Doubles, 3 RBIs, 5 Walks, 7 Ks
Mike Lowell, 16 for 43 (.372 avg) Double, Triple, 2 HRs, 11 RBIs, 2 Walks, 4 Ks
Jason Varitek, 7 for 31 (.226 avg) HR, 6 RBIs, 2 Walks, 7 Ks
Coco Crisp, 10 for 39 (.256 avg) 2 Doubles, 2 Triples, HR, 7 RBIs, 6 Walks, 6 Ks, 2 SBs
Julio Lugo, 13 for 32 (.406 avg) 2 Doubles, 7 RBIs, 5 Walks, 3 Ks, 3 SBs
Alex Cora, 3 for 9 (.333 avg) 2 Doubles, RBI, K
Eric Hinske, 4 for 19 (.211 avg) Triple, HR, 4 RBIs, 3 Walks, 7 Ks
Doug Mirabelli, 2 for 10 (.200 avg) Double, 3 RBIs, 2 Walks, 4 Ks
Wily Mo Pena, 1 for 11 (.091 avg) Triple, Walk, 7 Ks

Combined: 118 for 377 (.313 avg) 25 Doubles, 6 Triples, 10 HRs, 71 RBIs, 44 Walks, 63 Ks, 6 SBs

Innings 7+
J.D. Drew, 2 for 12 (.167 avg) 3 Walks, 4 Ks
Dustin Pedroia, 5 for 16 (.316 avg) Double, 4 Walks, 2 Ks
David Ortiz, 2 for 16 (.125 avg) 5 Walks, 7 Ks
Manny Ramirez, 2 for 15 (.133 avg) 2 Walks, 2 Ks
Kevin Youkilis, 0 for 7, Walk, 2 Ks
Mike Lowell, 5 for 16 (.316 avg) Double, K
Jason Varitek, 6 for 14 (.429 avg) 2 Doubles, Walk, 3 Ks
Coco Crisp, 5 for 14 (.357 avg) Double, 2 Triples, RBI, 2 Walks, 3 Ks
Julio Lugo, 6 for 19 (.316 avg) 2 Doubles, HR, 2 RBIs, 2 Ks, SB
Alex Cora, 1 for 7 (.143 avg)
Eric Hinske, 0 for 8, Walk, 4 Ks
Doug Mirabelli, 2 for 6 (.333 avg) HR, 2 RBIs, Walk, 2 Ks
Wily Mo Pena, 1 for 9 (.111 avg) Walk, 6 Ks

Combined: 37 for 159 (.233 avg) 7 Doubles, 2 Triples, 2 HRs, 5 RBIs, 20 Walks, 38 Ks, SB

EDIT: Ive been working long on this, so even with the awesome game tonight, Ill still post this so my time wasnt completely lost