View Full Version : Kimbo Slice

06-16-2007, 12:03 AM
This is great. :lol:


Does anyone watch this guy do his street fights? Some brutal shit.

He's got a match against Ray Mercer on June 23rd, which is a professional fight. It's on PPV for $20.

Mercer is 6'1 about 210? He's also 46 years old.

Kimbo is 6'2 about 260. He was a star in High School who tried out for the Bucs back in 1999.

06-16-2007, 09:41 AM
kimbo is my fuckin nigga...love this guy haha

he'll kill absolutely anyone in a fight

06-16-2007, 12:10 PM
Oh damn. I would shit myself if I had to go up against him. Granted, I'm overall bigger, but I'd still get shit on.

06-23-2007, 10:42 PM
oh my kimbos about to fight ray mercer im so pumped t owatch this

06-23-2007, 10:52 PM

EDIT: Nvm, just read Crespo's first post.

06-23-2007, 11:59 PM

kimbo rocked him so bad in about 1 minute and 12 seconds.

<3 kimbo slice

06-24-2007, 12:14 AM

kimbo rocked him so bad in about 1 minute and 12 seconds.

<3 kimbo slice

Did you watch it?

That post fight interview was classic.

"I'm gunna put my gold fist in my gold cup." :lol:

06-24-2007, 12:19 AM

Kimbo owns.

06-24-2007, 12:24 AM
Did you watch it?

That post fight interview was classic.

"I'm gunna put my gold fist in my gold cup." :lol:

hahahahah yeah i love the part when he was about to say "nigga" and realized that old guy wasnt a nigga he was a white guy hahahahahhaha

<3 kimbo

im also impressed that kimbo dropped like 25 pounds... he was at like 260 and he weighed in at like 234.9 i think it was

06-24-2007, 12:29 AM

Yeah if I had to go up against Kimbo I'd probably just piss myself senseless looking at him.

06-24-2007, 12:38 AM
hahahahah yeah i love the part when he was about to say "nigga" and realized that old guy wasnt a nigga he was a white guy hahahahahhaha

<3 kimbo

I heard September 14th, is when they would fight.

"Kimbo, do you think you're off to a good start?"

"I won me dis here trophy."


im also impressed that kimbo dropped like 25 pounds... he was at like 260 and he weighed in at like 234.9 i think it was

That's what did him in during that fight to Gammon. He was completely gassed after five minutes. He was so quick in this fight. He needs to do UFC, he'd fuck Rampage Jackson up.

06-24-2007, 11:44 AM
he'll kill absolutely anyone in a fight

No way...he'd get absolutley MURDERED in UFC or Pride or anything of the sort. The guy's a stupid brawler. Sure, he kills these jobbers in backyards and bar parking lots and stuff, but if you put him up against a guy who knows what he's doing, he'll get destroyed. There's one video floating around where he was actually fighting a guy who could sprawl and defend and Kimbo couldn't do anything.

But if you see him...don't tell him I said any of that :)

06-24-2007, 11:56 AM
Adrian had about no fighting skills. I'd be interested in seeing Kimbo vs. a good grappler with Wrestling skills. Usually the bigger, harder hitting punchers get beat by the wrestlers.

06-24-2007, 12:00 PM
haha i was talking like in a straight up fight, not a UFC or any other thing with rules.

i completely agree whne he starts to face better and more experienced fighters he will get his ass handed to him

but i still love kimbo

06-24-2007, 12:15 PM
haha i was talking like in a straight up fight, not a UFC or any other thing with rules.

i completely agree whne he starts to face better and more experienced fighters he will get his ass handed to him

but i still love kimbo

Yea, I agree. He'll have a puncher's chance in any kind of fight...UFC or otherwise. He's just gotta pray that he makes contact with his swings because as soon as anyone that knows how to fight gets inside on him or on the ground, he's done for.

06-24-2007, 12:22 PM
Adrian had about no fighting skills. I'd be interested in seeing Kimbo vs. a good grappler with Wrestling skills. Usually the bigger, harder hitting punchers get beat by the wrestlers.

He did lose to a guy named Gannon, who knew how to wrestle. He got Kimbo in a choke hold, and he couldn't get away.

06-24-2007, 12:24 PM
He did lose to a guy named Gannon, who knew how to wrestle. He got Kimbo in a choke hold, and he couldn't get away.

Yea Sean Gannon...and Gannon is a cop, not a professional fighter. I'd like to see Kimbo and Rampage go at it...Rampage can brawl and he's sound technically. It'd be a long (or short) day for Kimbo.

06-24-2007, 12:39 PM
the only thing that worries me about kimbo is his endurance.. he really impressed me last night and showed me that he's really trying to learn how to fight instead of just beating the shit out of people with his bare knuckles.

he'll learn and he'll get better, but he needs to condition himself more, because if a fight gets long he's done for

06-24-2007, 12:41 PM

This is Kimbo's fight last night. Kimbo 2-D.

Speaking of UFC, is anyone going to order UFC 73? I got a flier in the mail, yesterday, and the fights look pretty good. Tito Ortiz vs Rashad Evans is the main event.

06-24-2007, 12:43 PM
the only thing that worries me about kimbo is his endurance.. he really impressed me last night and showed me that he's really trying to learn how to fight instead of just beating the shit out of people with his bare knuckles.

he'll learn and he'll get better, but he needs to condition himself more, because if a fight gets long he's done for

The biggest advantage for Kimbo, is that he's training with Bas Rutten, who was a legend in the UFC.

As you said before, that weight loss should really help him with his endurance.

See Red
06-24-2007, 03:39 PM

This is Kimbo's fight last night. Kimbo 2-D.

Speaking of UFC, is anyone going to order UFC 73? I got a flier in the mail, yesterday, and the fights look pretty good. Tito Ortiz vs Rashad Evans is the main event.

If I don't work I might head over to Buffalo Wild Wings with a roommate and check it out over there. That's where I watched the Jackson/Liddell one and it was a great time.

06-24-2007, 09:00 PM
I loved watching the Kimbo/Gannon Fight, that was hilarious. And then Gannon appeared on UFC shortly after that fight and that made me laugh more. But the beating Gannon took was not funny at all; he is pathetic.