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VA Sox Fan
03-14-2007, 08:45 PM
Season 3 has been awesome! The long hiatus sucked but no repeats from here until the season ender.

Locke needs to quit being stupid.

Anyone else besides me and MANNYHOF24 watching?

03-14-2007, 08:50 PM
ME. I love this show. 24 and Lost get me through my school days.

VA Sox Fan
03-14-2007, 08:57 PM
ME. I love this show. 24 and Lost get me through my school days.

Ain't it (Lost) great schill? I wish I had started watching 24 from the beginning. 6th season now? That's A LOT of catching up to do w/ baseball season right around the corner.

Only 3 more months of school, right? :(

03-14-2007, 09:02 PM
I got my girlfriend hooked on 24 over the summer, in August. I watched the first season with her and then she was able to catch completely up by the time the 6th season started. I was very impressed.

Coco's Disciples
03-15-2007, 06:18 AM
I am watching. Next week is gonna tell us why Locke was in his wheelchair.

VA Sox Fan
03-15-2007, 09:21 AM
I am watching. Next week is gonna tell us why Locke was in his wheelchair.

I have a feeling it's going to have something to do w/ his father.

Pretty surprising that Claire and Jack and half brother/sister. Jack's dad got around.
In one flash back he was hanging out w/ Anna Lucia.

03-15-2007, 03:13 PM
I was thinking about starting to watch...but I can't even get through one of the show's commercials without feeling confused.

Coco's Disciples
03-15-2007, 05:26 PM
I have a feeling it's going to have something to do w/ his father.

Pretty surprising that Claire and Jack and half brother/sister. Jack's dad got around.
In one flash back he was hanging out w/ Anna Lucia.

And he was in a bar with Sawyer once. In an earlier flashback Jack's dad said he was going to Australia, and he said something about a kid. I suspected something was amiss.

04-11-2007, 05:18 PM
Can't wait for tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (both dicek AND Lost)

04-11-2007, 06:06 PM
Whats better, 24 or Lost?

04-11-2007, 07:25 PM
The show lost me about 4 episodes ago. I was the most diehard fan ever too.

04-11-2007, 08:50 PM
Can't wait for tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (both dicek AND Lost)

haha. Sucks to be you. :lol:

VA Sox Fan
04-30-2007, 09:32 PM
The show lost me about 4 episodes ago. I was the most diehard fan ever too.

You suck yeszir....:lol: .....joking sir.

The show has been great this season, sorry you have missed it. Diehard huh? I think not where Lost is concerned. B)

Moving to 10pm pissed me off, but now that the Sox are on, it's not so bad, that and having DVR.

05-23-2007, 10:02 PM
Did anybody just watch the season Finale, all I can say is WTF.

Coco's Disciples
05-23-2007, 10:05 PM
Yup. Didn't like the ending. Now when Jack or Kate are held up at gunpoint, we know they'll live. Jack's dad seems to be alive; in the hospital Jack said to bring him down and see if he's drunk or something. Charlie+Des must be pretty stupid to leave Mikhail alone. The man doesn't die. The dude on the other end of the phone is part of Naomi's crew, and since Naomi's crew can't save them (3 more seasons), they'll be against them. Locke is alive, Walt is back (or it could be an image like Shannon+Sayid had in S2)

05-23-2007, 10:11 PM
What? No, they were saved. Unless I'm mistaken, the usual flashbacks that we see in most episodes were actually "flash-forwards." They get saved, Jack becomes a druggie, and he sees Kate again and says they weren't supposed to leave and need to go back.

Coco's Disciples
05-23-2007, 10:15 PM
I know, I just didn't really like the idea that there's no real question whether they get off the island or not. Unless they shape the future a la Desmond.

08-01-2007, 08:17 PM
Micheal is returing for season 4, which is very good news since they completely left his story for an entire season. I want to frigging know what happened when the left the island in the season 2 finale. My guess is that he will be involved in the flash-forwards. I also heard that season 4 will still have flash-backs as well as flash-forwards. The season starts in Jan. I believe.

Coco's Disciples
08-01-2007, 08:31 PM
I heard it starts in February. Can't wait.

08-01-2007, 09:08 PM
I'm not reading this thread, but Micheal is supposed to be back next year.
I'm on S03.E15

08-08-2007, 03:07 PM
Wowowowowo! This show is amazing. I am fully caught up and I am just like WTF. They are going to get off the island now but then what. They follow their lives after wards? Is next year going to be an off year? I am still shocked at the ending.

Coco's Disciples
08-08-2007, 04:45 PM
I just finished my rewatching of Season 1. Hurley is the man: "Dude...you got some Arzt on you." I need to watch Seasons 2 and 3 again before Season 4. It's in February though, I got time.

08-08-2007, 04:57 PM
Wowowowowo! This show is amazing. I am fully caught up and I am just like WTF. They are going to get off the island now but then what. They follow their lives after wards? Is next year going to be an off year? I am still shocked at the ending.

Haha, you watched the last episode of this most recent season? I think those were "flash forwards" instead of "flashbacks" like they normally are.

08-09-2007, 12:00 PM
Yeah. I get it was a flash forward, but now what. The ocean liner is coming to save them and unless something happens to it, the black cloud, dharma and all the unsolved questions will remain unsolved.

Coco's Disciples
08-09-2007, 03:46 PM
There's definitely no guarantee that they'll save them. I think Ben could be right. We already know its not Penny's boat, so they're not looking for Desmond.

08-09-2007, 05:00 PM
How are they going to explain the picture of Desmond.
And who would you guys guess died? I would Sawyer or Juliette.
Speaking of that, the funeral that Jack attended was the one he was talking to Kate about in the flash-forward, correct?
And the Nikki and Paulo buried alive thing was freaky as shit to me.

Coco's Disciples
08-09-2007, 05:27 PM
Actually, maybe Naomi was sent by Penny's dad, who hates Desmond and wants to keep him from Desmond. It would explain the picture, but besides that, its out there. Doubtful.

08-09-2007, 07:11 PM
Good idea. That could actually work. Another thing, when Jack screams "Get my Father down here and lets see who's drunker" (or something like that) if it was a flash forward, that doesn't make any sense.

Coco's Disciples
08-09-2007, 07:53 PM
Could be alive. In Season 1 when Jack looked in his dad's coffin, he wasn't there.

08-10-2007, 04:25 AM
Give a heads up if you're gonna toss some spoilers out there.

08-14-2007, 01:04 PM
Good idea. That could actually work. Another thing, when Jack screams "Get my Father down here and lets see who's drunker" (or something like that) if it was a flash forward, that doesn't make any sense.

Jack's father is dead. Jack was obviously in a delusional state of mind, and I think he was just realizing that he had basically become his father.

08-14-2007, 05:59 PM
Who do you guys think will die first in season 4?
Sayid is safe for the time being because he is such a badass and he needs to meed nadia one last time in a flashback. Hurley is safe as the shows main outlet of comic relief (Next to Sawyer maybe, they're both pretty funny). Rose and Bernard are safe because they're old. Claire has the baby to attend to, Desmond still has some mysteries in his past. Ben and Locke are too interesting of a dynamic in their characters for either one of them to die off real soon. Rosseau needs a flashback and so does Karl I think.

I don't know about Jin, Sun and Sawyer. I like Sawyer a lot so I am desperate to find a way to keep him alive. If Kate is pregnant, then that could add a twist to the Jack or Sawyer storyline which I still like and it could keep Sawyer alive. I don't think killing Sun could be possible because there would be no one to translate for Jin and his anger would get him killed too. Jin dies and it just doesn't make sense. He is another one of my favorites so I want to find a way to keep him alive.

I think Juliet could be killed. If you ask me she either is a bad actress, shows little emotion as a character or is just terrible at smiling.

And who is all your guys favorite characters?

My top 5-
1. Sawyer
2. Jin
3. Hurley very close behind.
4. Desmond/Charlie to close to call
5. Rose/Bernard they go together.

12-17-2007, 08:35 PM

Looks pretty good. Only 8 episodes have been made so hopefully this damn writers strike is over by then.

12-17-2007, 08:45 PM
EDIT: Wrong thread.

12-24-2007, 11:58 AM

Wow. Extended promo looks amazing.

Coco's Disciples
12-24-2007, 12:21 PM
January 31 baby. Gotta watch the first 3 seasons again to jog my memory.

12-24-2007, 03:00 PM
Same here. I gotta convince my Dad to watch it with me too.

01-01-2008, 06:47 PM
Aright, this show looks pretty cool but I haven't seen the first few seasons.

Will I be lost (no pun intended) if I start watching this season without knowing anything about it?

01-01-2008, 07:18 PM
Aright, this show looks pretty cool but I haven't seen the first few seasons.

Will I be lost (no pun intended) if I start watching this season without knowing anything about it?


01-02-2008, 07:48 PM
watch the first season.

Coco's Disciples
01-02-2008, 08:11 PM
watch the first season.

The first IMO is more of an intro season than anything, so yes, if he watches that he'll get the general gist. But the 2nd and 3rd, while IMO are not as good as the first, are crucial and have major plot turns, and the show will make zero sense without most of them. However, the source of Jack's tattoos is not quite as crucial ;)

01-04-2008, 11:25 AM
You don't know that yet. Jack's tattoos might be the key to the whole show!!!!

Too bad we're only going to see 8 episodes

01-06-2008, 08:09 PM
I am so pumped for Jan 31st. I really hope the strike can end in the next month so they can write/produce the remaining 8 episodes that have yet to be created. I think if only 8 episodes are put on the air, we are all going to have the worst case of blue balls ever.

01-06-2008, 08:25 PM
I'm worried this strike will last over a year. I hate weekday nights without my show.

Coco's Disciples
01-27-2008, 10:26 PM
4 days. Can't wait. I heard its a (Hurley) flashback/forward.

EDIT: Damn, the white didn't completely disappear it. Whatever, its hard to see.

01-28-2008, 10:20 AM
4 days. Can't wait. I heard its a (Hurley) flashback/forward.

EDIT: Damn, the white didn't completely disappear it. Whatever, its hard to see.

I can't freaking wait either!! I have actually heard the episode is multi-centric but you may be right I don't really know. All I know is that I am freaking excited!

01-28-2008, 04:21 PM
Yeah I can't wait. This week should be good with Prison Break going on and Lost and House returning. Where did we leave off with Hurley flashbacks? I remember he saw that seer and that he was having bad luck after winning the lottery.

Coco's Disciples
01-28-2008, 05:42 PM
Last Hurley flashback was 3.10, "Tricia Tanaka is Dead".


01-30-2008, 10:55 AM
Last Hurley flashback was 3.10, "Tricia Tanaka is Dead".


Coco, have you watched any of the Lost mobisodes? If not I suggest that you watch the last one. Type in Lost mobisode 13 on youtube. It is really crazy and brings up so many questions.

01-30-2008, 04:04 PM
I just saw that. That's very curious.

Coco's Disciples
01-30-2008, 06:14 PM
Coco, have you watched any of the Lost mobisodes? If not I suggest that you watch the last one. Type in Lost mobisode 13 on youtube. It is really crazy and brings up so many questions.

Funny, I was just listening to a Lost podcast and they talked a lot about the mobisodes. I'll check this one out.

EDIT: Hmm...the possibility of Christian being alive was always possible, and always something I believed. I don't think this confirms anything though, it could be the smoke monster (I think thats what Walt was in the season 3 finale). But very interesting, thanks for the tip.

EDIT ONE AND A HALF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swvz8os_Ey0

Pause it at 1:03. Man in chair. Oh shit son.

DOUBLE AWESOME EDIT: I started re-watching Season 3 a couple days ago and I'm already on Catch 22. I found season 3 to be a mix of fantastic, question answering episodes (The Man From Tallahassee, Expose, The Brig, The Man Behind The Curtain, Through the Looking Glass), and poor ones (The first 6, Stranger in a Strange Land).

01-30-2008, 08:46 PM
I think that was Jacob. Sitting down in a chair.

Edit: Found this quote
"creators of Lost qualified their statement by saying that they "may be using the word 'dead' in a sense we [the audience] don't fully understand yet." This indicates an uncertain status as to Christian."

I always thought it was something past hallucinations. Jack's father is indeed alive in my opinion. I think thats one of the reasons he didn't want to leave the island and why he referred to his father in the present tense in the flash forward.

01-30-2008, 09:33 PM
Does anyone know if the "two hour event" means 1 hour of recap and 1 hour of new episode?

Coco's Disciples
01-30-2008, 11:06 PM
I think its an hour recap, hour show actually. Which sucks.

01-31-2008, 03:25 PM
Shit its a recap?

Coco's Disciples
01-31-2008, 04:00 PM
Half of it is.

01-31-2008, 10:07 PM
HOLY CRAP!!! That was the coolest/best episode of Lost ever. WOW, that was amazing, just amazing.

Coco's Disciples
01-31-2008, 10:14 PM
-Man in the chair in Jacob's house looked like Christian to me.
-Oceanic Six IMO: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Claire (w/ Aaron), Juliet, coffin person.
-The other people who survived and are still on the island are in danger, as dead Charlie said, "they need you Hugo".
-The "Oceanic lawyer" may have been on the boat
-What makes Jack change his mind about wanting to go back?

01-31-2008, 10:20 PM
-Man in the chair in Jacob's house looked like Christian to me.
-Oceanic Six IMO: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Claire (w/ Aaron), Juliet, coffin person.
-The other people who survived and are still on the island are in danger, as dead Charlie said, "they need you Hugo".
-The "Oceanic lawyer" may have been on the boat
-What makes Jack change his mind about wanting to go back?

Yeah, I think Christian is Jacob. Did you notice that Hurley said "it wants us to come back" Is he talking about the island? Wow, this show is show crazy, I really hope the strike ends so we can get a full season.

01-31-2008, 10:25 PM
Also, what happened to Locke's crew, that made Hurley want to apologize to Jack for following Locke, and why the hell are they making the survivors lie about the island? This show is crazy.

Coco's Disciples
01-31-2008, 10:25 PM
Yeah, I think Christian is Jacob. Did you notice that Hurley said "it wants us to come back" Is he talking about the island? Wow, this show is show crazy, I really hope the strike ends so we can get a full season.

When he was talking to Jack? Yeah, it may have been the island. Locke must have gotten to him.

Also, is the helicopter with the freighter or are they separate? IMO they are together, the freighter could have held the heli.

01-31-2008, 10:31 PM
When he was talking to Jack? Yeah, it may have been the island. Locke must have gotten to him.

Also, is the helicopter with the freighter or are they separate? IMO they are together, the freighter could have held the heli.

They're definitely together.

Interesting you should say what you did about Jacob and Christian - I thought the same thing and then just saw you thinking it too. I think that's right.

And yes, the "attorney/lawyer" guy from Oceanic was definitely on the boat.

I pretty much agree with everything you listed.

01-31-2008, 10:32 PM
When he was talking to Jack? Yeah, it may have been the island. Locke must have gotten to him.

Also, is the helicopter with the freighter or are they separate? IMO they are together, the freighter could have held the heli.

I hadnt thought that the helicopter could be different then the freighter, but I doubt it. I think they are the same people. The guy Jack and Kate met, sounded like the guy the were talking to on the radio.

Coco's Disciples
01-31-2008, 10:34 PM
Remember when the guy on the radio called Jack by his name? Jack never told him his name.

02-01-2008, 10:33 AM
Remember when the guy on the radio called Jack by his name? Jack never told him his name.

Yeah he did. In the third season finale Jack said "I am Jack Shepard, a survivor of oceanic flight 815".

02-01-2008, 01:18 PM
I just want to know what happened to everyone else if only six of them get off the island.

02-01-2008, 02:40 PM
I think Locke will be right, but something will happen where Jack is right too. I also think that when Hurley said he was sorry he went with Locke, he doesn't mean last night when he went. I think he was one of the people that stayed on the island and Jack went back for them and 6 more came back. I'm probably wrong but...

And I hope to god Charlie is alive someway somehow. This Island has a wierd death rule anyways.

Also I think Christian Shepherd is Jacob.

What did the fake lawyer say again? I forgot.

Coco's Disciples
02-01-2008, 04:10 PM
Yeah he did. In the third season finale Jack said "I am Jack Shepard, a survivor of oceanic flight 815".

Dammit, I suck at this :D .

Coco's Disciples
02-01-2008, 04:12 PM
What did the fake lawyer say again? I forgot.

Either "Are they alive?" or "They're alive, aren't they?" Something along those lines.

02-01-2008, 07:27 PM
After rewatching, one thing I noticed was Jack said in the basketball flashforward "I'm thinking about growing a beard." This flashforward happened before Jack's season 3 flashforward.

Coco's Disciples
02-01-2008, 09:16 PM
After rewatching, one thing I noticed was Jack said in the basketball flashforward "I'm thinking about growing a beard." This flashforward happened before Jack's season 3 flashforward.

Yep. He also talked about how he wasn't going to change his mind, something he wouldn't be talking about after the finale FF.

02-02-2008, 12:46 AM
Jesus Christ. How do you guys pick up on these little things? God almighty.

Thank God for you though.

02-02-2008, 04:40 AM
After rewatching, one thing I noticed was Jack said in the basketball flashforward "I'm thinking about growing a beard." This flashforward happened before Jack's season 3 flashforward.

Well it was pretty obvious to me that the season four flash-forward was before the season three flash-forward. I mean seriously Jack was a total reck in the last seasons finale. Also I think last night's episode was pretty close to them getting off the island, maybe 3-4 months, whereas the Jack we saw at the end of last season could have been a couple years after the island. After rewatching myself the biggest thing I took from the episode is that not only are the rest of the survivors still on the island, they are alive and still in grave danger. If that wasn't the case then Charlie wouldn't have appeared to Hurley in the flash-forward. I also think Charlie is more than an halucenation. I anyone who dies on the island is somehow giving a power to be able to come back and do important things if it is for the good of the island. Also last's nights episode for me, basically gaurenteed that at some point before the series is over, Jack and Co. are going back to the island to save the day and either stay there or bring rescue to the other survivors.

02-02-2008, 11:19 AM
I can't wait to see them go back for them. That should be amazing if the writers execute the idea right.

Coco's Disciples
02-02-2008, 12:36 PM
Some little thing I picked up on as well:

-Charlie was by the Ho-Ho's when Hurley ran out of the convenience store.
-When Jack and Hurley were playing HORSE, Jack got to HO before he quit.
-It is December 23 on the island, close to Christmas. Ho-ho-ho.
-Hurley was drawing an igloo at the mental home.

Don't really know where I was going with that. Also it really surprised me that Jack pulled the trigger on Locke. Changed man.

02-02-2008, 12:48 PM
I watch every week. I can't even begin to decipher all the hidden meanings, codes, and messages. Which is fine, because I'm too busy fantasizing about servicing Juliet in more ways than the show has storylines.

Oops, did I just say that out loud?

Coco's Disciples
02-02-2008, 03:54 PM
I watch every week. I can't even begin to decipher all the hidden meanings, codes, and messages. Which is fine, because I'm too busy fantasizing about servicing Juliet in more ways than the show has storylines.

Oops, did I just say that out loud?

Kate is miles better than Juliet.

02-02-2008, 05:53 PM
Shannon owns them both.

Coco's Disciples
02-02-2008, 06:38 PM
Yeah, but shes dead, she doesn't count.

EDIT: Another thing, Naomi's sister. Any guess on who it could be? Or could it be a code for something else?

02-02-2008, 07:32 PM
Did anyone also pick up on the fact that the general public doesn't think they ever went to a island at all? I don't know how they could explain that seeing how they are going to be there for at least 100+ days.

Coco's Disciples
02-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Yup, the cop asked Hurley if he met Ana Lucia before or on the plane, NOT on the island. My guess is that the "Oceanic Six" made a vow not to tell anyone about the island. Possibly what Jack meant when he asked if Hurley would tell.

02-02-2008, 09:09 PM
Yeah, but shes dead, she doesn't count.

EDIT: Another thing, Naomi's sister. Any guess on who it could be? Or could it be a code for something else?

Where did her sister get mentioned?

Coco's Disciples
02-02-2008, 10:15 PM
Before she died she said "Tell my sister I love her."

02-03-2008, 07:28 PM
One thing I didn't think about. What if Christian Shepherd is just Christian Shepherd and the eye that looked at Hurley was Jacob.

And an interesting tidbit I found

OK, so about a week before the premiere, I went to TVguide.com and they had an article saying that one of these four people (Charlie, Naomi, Tom or Mikhael) who were assumed dead in the finale, will come back in the new season.

What I want to know is if the person they were referring to, was Naomi, becuase that's so freaking wrong that they would "bring her back" only to have her die later in the premiere.

I also noticed the shows fathers are all different. I posted on a facebook group and someone posted this.

All the best cowboys have daddy issues. It's an episode title and seems to be a recurring theme. If you think about it, almost every character on the show has some kind of problem with their father (or an absence of one):

Jack - father was a drunk and kind of a dick
Locke - father stole his kidney and was definitely a dick
Sawyer - father killed his mother and then himself
Claire - father abandoned her
Hurley - father abandoned him
Aaron - father abandoned him (too young to realize it of course, but he will)
Sun - father was hard on her and was turning Jin against her
Jin - ashamed of his father's lowly fisherman heritage
Walt - disliked Michael because he didn't know him, seems to be ok with him now
Penny - father was hard on her and disapproved of Desmond
Alex - everyone knows Alex hates Ben (although he's not her biological father)
Ben - killed his deadbeat dad

Interestingly enough, all of these people are still alive, so I guess they really are the best cowboys. :)

Anyway, that was a long answer but my point is that fathers are important on the show.

Thats interesting.

Coco's Disciples
02-03-2008, 07:30 PM
Well both Charlie and Naomi "came back" in the premiere, although Charlie was a vision.

02-04-2008, 12:49 AM
Edit by schillingouttheks:

As if you haven't pasted this picture enough elsewhere...

02-04-2008, 10:46 AM
Alright, that's it. You're gone. It's been a long time coming too, ass hat.

02-08-2008, 04:00 PM
Kind of a boring epi last night. Finding out they want ben was interesting I guess.

Coco's Disciples
02-08-2008, 06:11 PM
I liked it. The whole polar bear in the desert with the Dharma logo was very interesting. I think Michael is Ben's spy. Also, not sure if anyone noticed, but the pictures on the wall that Miles was doing the ghost whispering changed from when he walked up the stairs to when he walked down.

02-08-2008, 07:03 PM
I was thinking the traitor was Daniel. Where do you get Micheal from/

02-08-2008, 07:54 PM
Kind of a boring epi last night. Finding out they want ben was interesting I guess.

How was last nights episode boring? I liked that episode alot more than the first one. There was nothing boring about last nights episode. In fact I thought it was one of the more shocking episodes of the entire series.

02-09-2008, 11:14 AM
I guess I'll have to rewatch it. I didn't enjoy it as much as the 1st one probably because there were no flash forwards.

02-11-2008, 07:50 PM
What do you guys think about people actually finding flight 815? I know some people are saying it's a decoy plane but I dont think so. My theory is that it is actually real, but the plane also crashed into a different reality, the island. I know thats kind of confusing, but I dont understand how anybody could actually fake a plane crash like that with all of the dead bodies.

Coco's Disciples
02-11-2008, 08:21 PM
Yeah the alternate timeline theory has been thrown around often.

02-14-2008, 10:03 PM

Amazing episode last night. Is sayid killing the members on the ship one by one?

Coco's Disciples
02-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Naomi and Elsa had the same bracelet. I think they're from the same company, the one headed by the creepy guy Hurley saw in 4x01. Thats why Ben needed her dead.

02-14-2008, 10:16 PM
Sayid is killing people to protect his "friends" aka the people that were left behind on the island. How the hell did Ben get off island? Wow, this show is just getting crazier and crazier. How about Daniel's time expirement, I knew time on the island was different. Im pretty sure it was 31 minutes slower. I think that is how they will explain, the oceanic six surviving and there being no island. Why are the people left on the island in danger? Who wants to kill them so bad, and how did Ben get off the island? All I know is that I love this show so much, and there will never be anything like it again.

02-14-2008, 10:19 PM
Another thing I got from this episode is the fact that, the helicopter crew definately knows about Penny. Which is crazy, because why would they know about her if Penny had no knowledge of them? Ahhh.... what a great episode... I have never been so shocked before watching Lost, when I saw Ben talking to Sayid.... WOW!

Coco's Disciples
02-15-2008, 07:19 AM
Another thing I got from this episode is the fact that, the helicopter crew definately knows about Penny. Which is crazy, because why would they know about her if Penny had no knowledge of them? Ahhh.... what a great episode... I have never been so shocked before watching Lost, when I saw Ben talking to Sayid.... WOW!

Because of Penny's dad.

Coco's Disciples
02-15-2008, 07:21 AM
Sayid is killing people to protect his "friends" aka the people that were left behind on the island. How the hell did Ben get off island? Wow, this show is just getting crazier and crazier. How about Daniel's time expirement, I knew time on the island was different. Im pretty sure it was 31 minutes slower. I think that is how they will explain, the oceanic six surviving and there being no island. Why are the people left on the island in danger? Who wants to kill them so bad, and how did Ben get off the island? All I know is that I love this show so much, and there will never be anything like it again.

As we saw with the passports/foreign money, Ben probably can come and go off the island as he pleases. I think the operation hes running has been going on for a while, even before 815.

02-15-2008, 12:53 PM
All I know is that I love this show so much, and there will never be anything like it again.

I can't help but think that the wrap up to this show is going to be horribly disappointing. There's no possible way they can weave all these story lines together. The ending will either be a lame explanation, or an even more lame leaving of most of the questions unanswered.

02-15-2008, 02:37 PM
I think the ending will either shock us and go down as an all time great, or just flop all together. I agree its going to be hard though.

Coco's Disciples
02-15-2008, 03:33 PM
We have 45 episodes left in the series, there is plenty of time to unveil new plotlines, and the series will be completely different at the end of the 4th season, and the end of the 5th season. Theres really no way to judge how the series will end.

02-15-2008, 05:15 PM
Theres supposed to be 6 seasons.

Also I think the time thing explains Richards inability to age. Maybe thats why some of the people want to stay on the island. You never die. Maybe it also slows down problems like cancer with Rose and Locke's inability to walk. It's all connected in one way or another.

This theory isn't finished but I thought I could get ideas to explain it more into detail.

In season 1, Locke went after the boar and came face to face with the monster on the island, but we were taken away from Locke before we saw the monster. Somehow, Locke made it away from there without a scratch and was still able to catch the boar. Could Locke have been changed by whatever we didn't see. "Changed" is open as can be because it can mean anything from possessed to spiritually.

Coco's Disciples
02-15-2008, 06:15 PM
Theres supposed to be 6 seasons.

Oops, good call.

Also I think the time thing explains Richards inability to age. Maybe thats why some of the people want to stay on the island. You never die. Maybe it also slows down problems like cancer with Rose and Locke's inability to walk. It's all connected in one way or another.

I definitely agree. Mikhail's injuries were also healed very quickly, and when he healed Naomi he said that wounds heal faster on the island.

02-15-2008, 10:03 PM
I can't help but think that the wrap up to this show is going to be horribly disappointing. There's no possible way they can weave all these story lines together. The ending will either be a lame explanation, or an even more lame leaving of most of the questions unanswered.

Are you watching the show? They have allready started to wrap it together and answer certain questions. With the future storylines, they now have the ability to explain everything much more clearly. Have faith in the writers, because they are the best at what they do. I fully expect the only reason I will be disapointed after the series finally is because the greatest show ever made is over. Count on that.

02-16-2008, 09:22 AM
Are you watching the show? They have allready started to wrap it together and answer certain questions. With the future storylines, they now have the ability to explain everything much more clearly. Have faith in the writers, because they are the best at what they do. I fully expect the only reason I will be disapointed after the series finally is because the greatest show ever made is over. Count on that.

I'm watching the show, my wife is addicted to it. I watch it, I guess I just don't break it down like it's a baseball game. I still think it's going to be a tough wrap. It's not like a great mystery novel, where the end is determined first and the story developed backwards to the beginning. And it's not like a movie because I'm not going to get to see Juliet in a shower scene.

02-16-2008, 11:46 AM
I want to find out what that statue was too.

02-21-2008, 01:18 AM
I'm watching the show, my wife is addicted to it. I watch it, I guess I just don't break it down like it's a baseball game. I still think it's going to be a tough wrap. It's not like a great mystery novel, where the end is determined first and the story developed backwards to the beginning. And it's not like a movie because I'm not going to get to see Juliet in a shower scene.

The creators of the show have already set the limit to something around 6/7 seasons, so they do know how it will end it seems. Just caught up, rented the first 3 seasons and DVred the beginning of this season, thank god the writer's strike ended, now the season will be a decent length. Dissapointed jack is a screw-up when he gets off the island, though in Hugo's flashback it seems as if they are destined to go back. Other than that it's a great show, except i miss Ecko and Anna-Lucia.

Coco's Disciples
02-21-2008, 10:45 AM
I want to find out what that statue was too.

Yeah, I think it predates Dharma, and I think it has to do with the temple that Richard Alpert is leading the Others to.

The creators of the show have already set the limit to something around 6/7 seasons, so they do know how it will end it seems. Just caught up, rented the first 3 seasons and DVred the beginning of this season, thank god the writer's strike ended, now the season will be a decent length. Dissapointed jack is a screw-up when he gets off the island, though in Hugo's flashback it seems as if they are destined to go back. Other than that it's a great show, except i miss Ecko and Anna-Lucia.

6 seasons is the limit officially. And I agree with missing Eko, but Ana Lucia? Hated her. Miles is like her. An absolute asshole for no apparent reason.

02-21-2008, 09:20 PM


02-21-2008, 10:01 PM
Wow good call man.

02-21-2008, 10:35 PM
That was shocking, for some reason I just really thought it was going to be kates baby with Sawyer, and thats the reason she had to leave the island because all pregnant women on the island die. Great episode tonight, loved the Kate flash-forwards epesically the last scene between Jack and Kate. I think its pretty clear that Kate and Jack are going to eventually end up together.

Coco's Disciples
02-21-2008, 10:51 PM
That was awesome. Whats the deal with Daniel and the cards? Does he have some memory problem? Or was he trying to see if the island could make him predict what the cards were? Also why 8 survivors with 2 dead on the way back?

02-21-2008, 11:12 PM
The 8 Survivors with 2 dead on the way back was a lie. The Oceanic 6 didn't tell everyone the real story.

02-22-2008, 02:05 AM
I think its pretty clear that Kate and Jack are going to eventually end up together.

While that's what everyone wants, not sure how that's lookin', assuming this flash-forward is before jack grows the beard, and almost jumps off a bridge, Kate was quite cold to him in that flash-forward.

And yeah Soxfan, I do miss Ana-Lucia, dunno she didn't seem so mcuh of an ass to me as more just overly cautious, and not kind about goin about her ways. I hated Charlie, hate Hugo, but love everyone else for the most part.

Coco's Disciples
02-22-2008, 11:04 AM
The 8 Survivors with 2 dead on the way back was a lie. The Oceanic 6 didn't tell everyone the real story.

I know that, but why say that 2 died? Is it just to make the story more believable?

While that's what everyone wants, not sure how that's lookin', assuming this flash-forward is before jack grows the beard, and almost jumps off a bridge, Kate was quite cold to him in that flash-forward.

And yeah Soxfan, I do miss Ana-Lucia, dunno she didn't seem so mcuh of an ass to me as more just overly cautious, and not kind about goin about her ways. I hated Charlie, hate Hugo, but love everyone else for the most part.

How can you hate Hurley? That "You totally just scooby dooed me didn't you?" line was awesome. He's the man.

02-22-2008, 12:31 PM
Yeah I think it was just to sweeten the story.

Thats Coco's Disciples by the way. ;)

Regarding Claire, I think Jack likely finds out she's his sister, and he feels responsible for her death because she followed him instead of Locke.

02-22-2008, 12:45 PM
Maybe Clair and Aaron do die and this Aaron is a completely different baby, named after Claire's baby?

Coco's Disciples
02-22-2008, 01:48 PM
Maybe Clair and Aaron do die and this Aaron is a completely different baby, named after Claire's baby?

I doubt it. He was blonde and his accent sounded kind of australian.

02-22-2008, 08:09 PM
Yeah I think it was just to sweeten the story.

Thats Coco's Disciples by the way. ;)

Regarding Claire, I think Jack likely finds out she's his sister, and he feels responsible for her death because she followed him instead of Locke.

I dont think Claire dies... I think that something happened that made Claire give Kate the baby to be rescued. This also makes sense that Charlie appeared Hurley and said "they need you" because Claire was still in danger.

02-22-2008, 09:53 PM
His accent wouldn't sound Australian. I don't think it would be a coincedence either.

02-22-2008, 09:55 PM
I dont think Claire dies... I think that something happened that made Claire give Kate the baby to be rescued. This also makes sense that Charlie appeared Hurley and said "they need you" because Claire was still in danger.

Good point. Then again he could be referring to people other then Claire. But no way to tell till the next episode.

Also, this contradicts Desmonds vision.

Coco's Disciples
02-22-2008, 11:14 PM
Good point. Then again he could be referring to people other then Claire. But no way to tell till the next episode.

Also, this contradicts Desmonds vision.

Desmond's visions can be altered though.

02-22-2008, 11:47 PM
I don't think Charlie's really dead then.. The Lost writers having Charlie dieing for nothing would be a slap in the face of his fanbase.

Coco's Disciples
02-23-2008, 12:35 AM
I think Charlie is dead.

02-23-2008, 01:49 PM
How can you hate Hurley? That "You totally just scooby dooed me didn't you?" line was awesome. He's the man.

I look to Sawyer/James for all the comic relief, his nicknames FOR Hugo crack me up, like Deep Dish, etc.

02-23-2008, 01:51 PM
I don't think Charlie's really dead then.. The Lost writers having Charlie dieing for nothing would be a slap in the face of his fanbase.

Thus Hurley saying "He died for nothing" if they don't take caution to these new people coming on the island. The only thing that has happened that I know didn't hppen as it seemed is Locke destroying the sub, in an interview with the producers or w/e, and when ased whthere he did indeed blow it up, they replied in a very vague "no comment". Take it for what you will.

02-23-2008, 01:54 PM
I dont think Claire dies... I think that something happened that made Claire give Kate the baby to be rescued. This also makes sense that Charlie appeared Hurley and said "they need you" because Claire was still in danger.

But then why wouldn't Jack want to see the baby? It makes me think that something really bad happened, not to mention Hurley saying, if I remember correctly "It was a mistake going with Locke". So I think Locke fucks up big time soon.

Coco's Disciples
02-23-2008, 03:12 PM
Thus Hurley saying "He died for nothing" if they don't take caution to these new people coming on the island. The only thing that has happened that I know didn't hppen as it seemed is Locke destroying the sub, in an interview with the producers or w/e, and when ased whthere he did indeed blow it up, they replied in a very vague "no comment". Take it for what you will.

I think the sub was completely fake.

Coco's Disciples
02-23-2008, 03:13 PM
But then why wouldn't Jack want to see the baby? It makes me think that something really bad happened, not to mention Hurley saying, if I remember correctly "It was a mistake going with Locke". So I think Locke fucks up big time soon.

Locke is starting to do just that with the dictatorship. I think the people that went with him will start to question him and his motives soon, especially with all this Jacob business.

02-23-2008, 03:37 PM
But Locke is right about everything. He knows and understands whats going on more then anyone.

Coco's Disciples
02-23-2008, 05:43 PM
He's turning into Ben. And some of the others don't like Ben. For example, Karl and Alex (although they're doing their own thing). When Richard talked to Locke in "The Brig" it seemed like an act of dissent, giving Locke Sawyer's folder and telling Locke what Ben was thinking. Anyways, I wouldn't be surprised if some people begin to think that Locke is going a little crazy and he's lost, even if he isn't.

02-23-2008, 07:52 PM
Anyways, I wouldn't be surprised if some people begin to think that Locke is going a little crazy and he's lost, even if he isn't.

Exactly. I think something else will happen that will explain what Hurley was talking about when he said he was sorry he went with Locke. It's to easy to guess that Locke is gonna mess up after what Hurley said.

02-23-2008, 08:11 PM
Desmond's visions can be altered though.

unless Desmond was lying to charlie, and he saw himself getting onto a helicopter and not Claire. I doubt if thats the case, but its a possibility.

02-28-2008, 03:25 PM
God I love thursdays. Just knowing its tonight keeps me going.

Coco's Disciples
02-28-2008, 05:03 PM
Haha me too. When The Office comes back I'll be so amped for Thursdays.

02-28-2008, 10:04 PM

It was dragged out a bit, but that was amazing. Penny and Des play their parts flawlessly. The time travel thing is gonna be interesting, but I can't believe how good that phone call was.

02-28-2008, 10:06 PM
Wow, that was a incredibly awesome episode. We finally get to know why desmond is seeing those flashes. So apparently Faraday is experiencing the same thing desmond was, and his constant is Desmond, so know he will be able to remember everything, and he is going to be able to give us some freaking answers. LOST IS AMAZING!!!

02-28-2008, 10:09 PM

It was dragged out a bit, but that was amazing. Penny and Des play their parts flawlessly. The time travel thing is gonna be interesting, but I can't believe how good that phone call was.

You were caught up in the phone call? The time travel thing was the craziest thing I have seen on Lost. Why the hell is going onto the island making people be able to travel through time? Did Penny know about there 1996 conversation when they spoke in the episode "Live together Die Alone"?

Coco's Disciples
02-28-2008, 10:28 PM
-Faraday is crying in 4x02 in his flashback because he already has experience what happens on the island (in his mind), and he knows the crash is going to set off a chain of bad things (things the viewers have yet to see).
-The Black Rock journal is awesome. Widmore and the guy he was in the bidding war with want it so badly because it holds secets to the island, which they both want to get to. By the way, did we see the guy Poppa Widmore was bidding against?
-Who opened the door in the sick bay? Future Minkowski?
-Ben's spy cut the communication wires. Michael or Charles Widmore, those are my two guesses.
-SoxFan is right, that phone call was beautiful.
-1996 Faraday looked fucking absurd.

02-28-2008, 10:43 PM
I'm fucking confused after that. This time travel thing adds another entire dimension to view this show from. Damn it, just when I thought it couldn't get that much crazier...

02-28-2008, 11:13 PM
Who opened the door in the sick bay? Future Minkowski?
-Ben's spy cut the communication wires. Michael or Charles Widmore, those are my two guesses.

Answered your question yourself. My bet is Michael as the spy, and maybe the creepy tall black guy from The Wire is who he was bidding against? Not sure, but that was a sick episode, and ic annot get enough of Des.

02-29-2008, 04:56 PM
I'm fucking confused after that. This time travel thing adds another entire dimension to view this show from. Damn it, just when I thought it couldn't get that much crazier...

Same here man. Thats why I didn't enjoy finding out about the time thing as much as you lot. I gotta rewatch it.

Coco, can you explain the constant thing and the final scene with faraday and that book to me?

I doubt Micheal did it. Future Minkowski or future Des seems likely. Also if Minkowski is dead then I think the injection did it.

************SPOILER******************* - Not a huge one, but don't read if you don't want to be spoiled

02/23 - One of these [6] will die before Episode 9: Jin, Sun, Faraday, Desmond, Juliet, Sawyer. Source: Lost Spoilers

02/23 - [The major character dying] is an original 815er. And as far as major Lost deaths go, this one veers from tradition in one significant way.

Jin Sun or Sawyer are supposed to die in the next 3 episodes. My bet is on 1 of these 3 things.

Sun dies because of something with pregnancy.
Jin dies in his flashforward which I think makes the most sense to keep him on the show.
Ben and/or Bruce Lee guy escape and Sawyer is killed during the escape. Maybe by accident by Locke. I hope this doesn't happen. Sawyer is a headline at this show.

My question is what is traditional deaths on lost.

Coco's Disciples
02-29-2008, 05:31 PM
I think its Jin, and you're right, it veers from tradition because its in a FF.

As for the constant business, when traveling through time, one needs a "constant", a thing or a person that exists and is recognizable and has an emotional value in both times. The reason why Eloise the rat and Minkowski died is because they didn't have a constant. Desmond has a constant, Penny, so he didn't die. Fun fact I found on Lostpedia: There is a geometry theorm called "Minkowski's constant". The last scene was from Faraday's notebook, and that note was written in 1996 after he met Desmond.

02-29-2008, 11:06 PM
I think its Jin, and you're right, it veers from tradition because its in a FF.

As for the constant business, when traveling through time, one needs a "constant", a thing or a person that exists and is recognizable and has an emotional value in both times. The reason why Eloise the rat and Minkowski died is because they didn't have a constant. Desmond has a constant, Penny, so he didn't die. Fun fact I found on Lostpedia: There is a geometry theorm called "Minkowski's constant". The last scene was from Faraday's notebook, and that note was written in 1996 after he met Desmond.

If it's anyone it has to be the spy, and the only logical person i can think of for the spy would be Michael, as he has all the credentials to fit that (knows Ben, has reason to help Des/Sayid, etc.). And Soxfan, they don;t time travel, they're just unstuck in time, like Slaughterhouse 5.

03-01-2008, 11:19 AM

I'd love if Micheal was the man on the boat. That would be an amazing twist.

03-06-2008, 10:19 PM
Personally I didn't get much out of that episode. But it was interesting to find out the Goodwin-Ben-Juliet triangle. Also how Ben killed Dharma.

Coco's Disciples
03-07-2008, 07:46 AM
The Charles Widmore reveal was pretty predictable, especially after he bought the Black Rock journal. We got another reference to Jacob's list...why are the tail section kids on it? Also I think Ben and Harper had the plan before Ben was kidnapped (instead of him somehow telling her from his position). But how did she disappear so quickly. Also the man on the boat has to be Michael.

03-07-2008, 06:28 PM
Yeah. Pretty oblvious its micheal now. Also pretty oblivious Jin dies in his flashback

Coco's Disciples
03-07-2008, 07:00 PM
I think you mean obvious, not oblivious. And yes I agree that Jin dies in a flashforward. It'll probably be one of Jin and Sun, and they can't kill Sun, can they?!?

03-07-2008, 08:16 PM
The teaser teased Sun dying.

Yeah oblivious is a bad habit of mine.

Coco's Disciples
03-07-2008, 09:14 PM
The teaser means it isn't going to happen probably (why would they tease something huge like that if it was real?)

03-08-2008, 12:37 PM
Exactly. They don't want to give it away which is why I think it's even more of a reason to think Jin.

03-13-2008, 09:13 PM
Exactly. They don't want to give it away which is why I think it's even more of a reason to think Jin.

Can you guys not talk about spoilers in this thread at all? I know you marked it, but I accidently saw it.... anyways tonights episode was very good. It was good to see Michael again, although it wasn't much of a suprise at all. I dont think Jin is dead, in fact I think he is still on the island, and we are going to find out why they had to pretend he was dead. The preview said next week someone is going to die, I don't think it is going to be Jin. For some reason I just didnt get that feeling with the way Hurley was talking about Jin before they went to the cemetary.

Coco's Disciples
03-14-2008, 11:27 AM
It wasn't a spoiler, it was speculation from the preview.

-Anyways, so someone (Ben?) staged the "other" Flight 815 that crashed and everyone died. Where the frick frack did he get the bodies? Thats kinda disturbing...
-Jin's grave said he died September 22, 2004. This leads me to believe he isn't one of the Six, and he died on the island. Jin's flashback was in 2000 (year of the dragon).
-The Michael reveal was no suprise, yet it still rocks.
-Did Frank go to the island in the copter?

03-14-2008, 01:21 PM
Then Jin is probably one of the 2 jack acknowledges when he's on trial.

And damn Hurley looks cool in a suit.

03-14-2008, 02:01 PM
It wasn't a spoiler, it was speculation from the preview.

-Anyways, so someone (Ben?) staged the "other" Flight 815 that crashed and everyone died. Where the frick frack did he get the bodies? Thats kinda disturbing...
-Jin's grave said he died September 22, 2004. This leads me to believe he isn't one of the Six, and he died on the island. Jin's flashback was in 2000 (year of the dragon).
-The Michael reveal was no suprise, yet it still rocks.
-Did Frank go to the island in the copter?

Still not sold on Jin being dead maybe thats just me. From the preview next week it says by the end of the episode someone will be dead. It could be Jin, but I think it is going to be somebody shocking, someone that we didnt expect. I can't wait to see Michael's story since he left the island, and I want him answer the question about where Walt is. Also why do the freightors not know that Michael was on oceanic 815, do you remember when Frank said that he studied the passenger list one hundred times. My theory is that some how Michael time traveled and got on the freightor at the start of its mission. That could also explain Walt not being on the boat.

VA Sox Fan
03-14-2008, 02:14 PM
And Michael is going by a different name, Kevin Johnson, I think.

Coco's Disciples
03-14-2008, 03:49 PM
Also why do the freightors not know that Michael was on oceanic 815, do you remember when Frank said that he studied the passenger list one hundred times.

They think he's Kevin Johnson.

03-14-2008, 04:22 PM
Do you think Micheal remembers everything?
I think Ben dies. Maybe in a death faking to avoid Widmore.

Coco's Disciples
03-14-2008, 08:52 PM
Do you think Micheal remembers everything?

Are you suggesting he was brainwashed? I would say he does remember everything.

03-14-2008, 09:03 PM
I realize Sayid and Micheal were playing dumb, but what if something happened to him that makes him think he's not the old Micheal from the island.

I have no proof or anything. Just speculation.

Coco's Disciples
03-14-2008, 10:23 PM
I doubt it, but it is Lost...never know!

Coco's Disciples
03-21-2008, 09:51 AM
That episode filled in a ton of holes between Michael and Walt's departure and the arrival of the freighter...loved it. Thoughts:
-We learned that Ben travels off the island plenty in 4x03, and now we see Tom off. Probably by the same means. Also, Tom is gay.
-Interesting that the island wouldn't let him off himself. Jacob somehow has to play into that.
-Libby was probably Michael's consciousness rather than the smoke monster, which I think is what Hurley saw in Charlie in 4x01. Interesting that Libby was holding blankets, like what she was holding when Michael capped her.
-We now have the question of Ben or Widmore: Who staged the crash? Captain says Ben, Tom says Widmore. I think its Ben. Ben has more incentive to do so, since he desperately wants nobody to find the island. Widmore is trying to find the island.
-The Temple is a Dharma station, as we saw on the map. The logo: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e121/anil31/lost/season%204/temple-map.gif Also its near the coast, so its probably connected to the 4 toed statue.
-Karl's death makes sense from a writing sense, he was dead weight and he had no story. Rousseau's was more questionable. We still haven't seen a flashback of her ship, so I don't think she's dead.
-I think the snipers are the Others rather than Frank and his other helicopter crew (he did say he had an errand...). They want to kill Karl because Ben doesn't want Alex pregnant, and there's no reason to like Rousseau anyways.

03-21-2008, 12:33 PM
I doubt Rousseau is dead.
I believe that Widmore staged the crash. The proof looked pretty good and the closer we get to the end I think the more Widmore becomes a Super Villain. I hope Desmond is the one to kill him.

April. Fuck.

VA Sox Fan
03-21-2008, 01:02 PM
I think Ben set up Rousseau and Karl (so he would be the only person that Alex had) but Widmore could turn out to be the worst villain here. Good stuff.

03-21-2008, 01:56 PM
I recently discovered that Elizabeth Mitchell, the lovely Juliet, was in a film called Gia with Angelina Jolie in 1998 which included several nude and lesbian scenes. I will no longer be watching Lost, I'll be watching Gia.

03-21-2008, 02:46 PM
Did anyone else notice how, Russo's daughter Alex all of a sudden became a slamming hottie last night?

03-21-2008, 07:12 PM
No way. Her face is and has been a trainwreck.

03-22-2008, 01:42 PM

That is a very interesting read right there. The theories that interest me the most are Ben and Locke being half brothers and Locke being born on the island.

03-22-2008, 03:35 PM
Great episode, just watched it last night. I too think Widmore planted 815, and that he will become the super-villain as the show progresses. Nice find on Gia, I will also do some looking into on that. I think Rousseau is dead, though a flashback on her would be very interesting.

03-31-2008, 03:11 PM
It's probably just me, but is anyone else having Lost withdrawal symptoms? I haven't watched a dvd episode in a few days and it hasn't been on TV. I'm having these urges to go to youtube and watch lost nonstop. It's crazy.

Coco's Disciples
03-31-2008, 04:20 PM
Surprisingly no. March madness and baseball have kept me afloat. That and I've started watching The Wire, Flight of the Conchords and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

03-31-2008, 06:52 PM
Next great show everyone should watch. Battlestar Galactica, trust me it may seem nerdy but if you like 24, and Lost you will love this show.

Coco's Disciples
04-12-2008, 07:31 PM
Wowowowowowowow. The producers asked ABC for an extra hour for the finale and got it. 3 hour finale baby!!

So heres the schedule:
Epi 9-4/24
Epi 10-5/1
Epi 11-5/8
Epi 12 (Finale Part 1)-5/15
Epi 13/14 (Finale Parts 2&3)-5/29

No epi on 5/22 due to Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty.

VA Sox Fan
04-12-2008, 08:08 PM
Wowowowowowowow. The producers asked ABC for an extra hour for the finale and got it. 3 hour finale baby!!

So heres the schedule:
Epi 9-4/24
Epi 10-5/1
Epi 11-5/8
Epi 12 (Finale Part 1)-5/15
Epi 13/14 (Finale Parts 2&3)-5/29

No epi on 5/22 due to Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty.

SWEET! Can't wait!!!! :thumbsup:

04-12-2008, 11:19 PM

04-15-2008, 09:33 AM

Here is the second promo ABC has realesed for 409 which is called "The Shape of things to come"

04-15-2008, 09:34 AM
By the way six more hours of Lost is incredibly exciting. I hope we can get a Locke, Jack and Sawyer centric episode before its all said and done, but probably not. I can't wait for this show to come back on.

04-15-2008, 08:36 PM
I really doubt Rousseau is dead based on the fact that the producers have said before, I believe, that they promise to have a Rousseau flashback, as well as have her appear in another character's.

Can't wait for next week. I think Jin does die somehow, though I was a bit intrigued that his tombstone had his date of death as the day of the crash.

04-16-2008, 06:49 PM
They said he died in the crash. Not that hard figure out after hearing Jack on trial.

04-16-2008, 10:07 PM
Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat I missed this.

Coco's Disciples
04-17-2008, 06:15 AM
Well since the day on his grave is Sept 22, 2004 (day of the crash), its safe to assume he never left the island, since people would know him and know the day he died. So hes either alive on the island or died on the island. Either way, the Oceanic 6 aren't telling people about the island, so they would have to say he died in the crash.

04-18-2008, 06:04 PM
I wouldn't doubt him being alive on the island.

04-24-2008, 09:26 PM
Live Notes:

I think Ben has teleported to the future.
Is the guy Ben showed to Sayid the guy he killed on the Golf Course? Is Widmore the economist?
Holy shit he shot her.
Ben's got a secret stash. That's how he's communicated with his people.
Why did Sayid tell Danielle that Nadia was dead?
I think this is the beginning of Ben's official turn to the good side. This also defines the economist episode more clearly
The monster is so amazing. It's so intimidating. Looks like Ben does have control of it after all.
I <3 Bernard.
The Doc hasn't died yet in the Ship's world. He'll die next epi.
I hope Jack realizes that he needs to work with Locke and Ben.
Maybe this is what Hurley meant by I'm sorry I went with Locke. Maybe there will be reprocussions to the meeting with Jacob.
What is that weapon with Ben?
These writers are so genius.
By was I think Widmore was high up in Dharma. Once Ben and the hostiles took over they pretty much snowglobed the island and took it away from Widmore.

Me and SOTK talked. When they went to the Ben flash forwards, they didn't do that that normal WHOOSH sound. They didn't do that for Desmond's teleportation either. I think that confirms Ben is teleporting. Thats why he asked the date to the woman. Widmore is his constant. That's why he said you and I both know I can't do that when Widmore asked if Ben was going to kill him because killing Widmore would kill Ben since he is his constant.


04-25-2008, 12:00 AM

Isn't the whole constant thing only when you get sick?

04-25-2008, 09:52 AM
Isn't the whole constant thing only when you get sick?

Who's to say he won't get sick again?

04-25-2008, 03:34 PM
What do you mean sick?

Coco's Disciples
04-25-2008, 05:35 PM
Just watched it today. I agree that Ben is traveling in time. Notice he had a Dharma suit in the first FF scene, and it said "Halliwax", the name of the guy in the orientation videos for the hatches. He also goes by Wickmund and Candle. So he probably came right from the island to Tunisia (I think thats where he was). The whole business with Widmore "changing the rules" is interesting. Makes me think this is a game, hence the Risk game.

04-25-2008, 06:06 PM
Just watched it today. I agree that Ben is traveling in time. Notice he had a Dharma suit in the first FF scene, and it said "Halliwax", the name of the guy in the orientation videos for the hatches. He also goes by Wickmund and Candle. So he probably came right from the island to Tunisia (I think thats where he was). The whole business with Widmore "changing the rules" is interesting. Makes me think this is a game, hence the Risk game.

He went to the Sahara Desert before Tunisia. Remember, he kicked those two guys' ASSES.

Widmore is probably Ben's constant, as I pointed out last night in my conversation with soxfan. I don't think the whole constant thing only applies to when you get that "time sickness", I think it just allows you to travel through time under your own control. If you fall sick, you must find a constant to stop the symptoms. That doesn't mean that your constant can't get killed, and you subsequently must seek out a new constant. Anyway, perhaps Ben has figured out how to time travel in a more controlled manner. In addition, when Widmore asks Ben if he is there to kill him, Ben responds with "you and I both know that I can't do that." I don't think Ben can do that because he can't kill his constant, which would result in his own death. They appear to have a very long history ... Widmore probably pops up enough times throughout Ben's history in order to make himself a candidate for Ben's constant, which is why I think he is indeed the constant.

I feel like I saw this coming. I knew Alex was going to die because I thought the story could go into a very interesting direction with Ben trying to avenge her death, as was confirmed in this latest episode. Ben's attempts to kill Penny will bring him into direct conflict with Desmond...but for now, the survivors must team up with the others against a common, greater enemy.

What do you mean sick?

He means the time sickness that Minkowski and Desmond fell victim to.

What I want to know is ... why the fuck did the Kahana's crew slit the doctor's throat??

04-25-2008, 07:09 PM
The boat said that nothing was wrong with the doctor. So he is going to die asap on their side you can guess. Why do you think they slit his throat?

04-25-2008, 07:27 PM
The boat said that nothing was wrong with the doctor. So he is going to die asap on their side you can guess. Why do you think they slit his throat?

Oh, right. Time is all fucked up, so he's about to die over there I guess. I would say that Michael slits his throat or something... I don't know. The last we saw the happenings on the Kahana was when Sayid ratted Michael out, so anything happened from there on...

At first though I thought that the people on the boat were lying about the doctor being okay. Now I guess it's reasonable to assume that he just hasn't died yet.

Coco's Disciples
04-25-2008, 09:13 PM
He went to the Sahara Desert before Tunisia. Remember, he kicked those two guys' ASSES.

What I want to know is ... why the fuck did the Kahana's crew slit the doctor's throat??

Right, I meant the first scene in the Sahara. And the doctor's death probably has to do with Regina's death etc...perhaps. Maybe he knew too much?

05-01-2008, 05:42 PM
I dont think the constant thing has to do with Ben here. My reasoning for this is the fact that I think Ben is actually physically time traveling as opposed to Desmonds mind traveling from one year to the other. I think Ben's time travel has to do with the Orchid station that was realesed this summer. Desmond and Minkoski's minds were flung between realities because of the extreme radation that they had encountered. Maybe I am wrong but those are my thoughts.

05-01-2008, 05:44 PM
The boat said that nothing was wrong with the doctor. So he is going to die asap on their side you can guess. Why do you think they slit his throat?

Is it possible that the Doctor was on the mission with Keamy's guys and they slit his throat for some reason and dumped his body off the chopper?

05-01-2008, 06:58 PM
I dont think the constant thing has to do with Ben here. My reasoning for this is the fact that I think Ben is actually physically time traveling as opposed to Desmonds mind traveling from one year to the other. I think Ben's time travel has to do with the Orchid station that was realesed this summer. Desmond and Minkoski's minds were flung between realities because of the extreme radation that they had encountered. Maybe I am wrong but those are my thoughts.

why would he let his daughter die if he could time travel? I say teleport is more likely, as this wans't a flash-forward due to the fact that his daughter had died so recently.

05-01-2008, 07:42 PM
He probably can't go back in time.

And no matter what you can't change what happens. Like with Charlie.

05-01-2008, 09:15 PM

FF is after trial and before the airport scene. He "changes his mind" about seeing the kid.
Damnit I wanted a Rousseau to be alive. It feels like the show lost something huge. I hope we still get a FB.
Damnit Hugos gone nuts.
So I think we can confirm that Hurley seeing Charlie is not just in his head. It's might be another manifestation of the Island or it could even be Charlie's spirit.
I guess this is why Kate and Jack are not on good terms at the airport. Jack leaves her after Hurley says that message from Charley
Jin is so badass.
Addiction begins
I did not see Jack's dad holding the baby coming to the least bit. Shocked me.
Good thing Sawyers gonna be alive for Season 5.
I bet Claire disappears for good here.

05-01-2008, 10:05 PM
why would he let his daughter die if he could time travel? I say teleport is more likely, as this wans't a flash-forward due to the fact that his daughter had died so recently.

Didnt you watch the episode flashes before your eyes? The Universe has a way of course correcting itself, Alex was suppose to die and if Ben had gone back and time and stopped it, she would have died some other way. Same thing happened to Charlie.

05-01-2008, 10:52 PM
I thought tonight's episode was very boring.

05-01-2008, 10:54 PM
I thought tonight's episode was very boring.

Really? how can you actually like Lost and think it was boring? I thought it was great all the way through. Great story telling, and some great moments between Kate and Jack. What about Jacks dad?? Crazy.

05-01-2008, 10:55 PM
Really? how can you actually like Lost and think it was boring. I thought it was great all the way through. Great story telling, and some great moments between Kate and Jack. What about Jacks dad?? Crazy.

Well, except for Jack's dad, I felt like I could have seen the events in the flash forward coming from a mile away.

And the appendicitis was kind of...weird. I get the island doesn't want him to leave, but I don't know, it just didn't click with me tonight. Jack's dad is obviously the exception. I just didn't get the feeling that the episode was full of surprises tonight.

05-01-2008, 10:58 PM
Well, except for Jack's dad, I felt like I could have seen the events in the flash forward coming from a mile away.

And the appendicitis was kind of...weird. I get the island doesn't want him to leave, but I don't know, it just didn't click with me tonight. Jack's dad is obviously the exception. I just didn't get the feeling that the episode was full of surprises tonight.

Maybe not that suprising I guess, but it was a part of the flashforward story that had to be told for it to beable to move on. Also I just liked seeing Jack and Kate together finally, even though it doesnt end well initially, I think it will in the end.

05-01-2008, 11:01 PM
Well, the other thing that this episode did, which I'm thankful for, is show how Jack's insanity started. Obviously we saw him in the finale of season 3 as an alcoholic and chronic med-abuser, but we never really knew until tonight how that started. I was surprised that Christian showed up off the island though... I thought it was specific to the island. Guess not...?

05-01-2008, 11:02 PM
Well, the other thing that this episode did, which I'm thankful for, is show how Jack's insanity started. Obviously we saw him in the finale of season 3 as an alcoholic and chronic med-abuser, but we never really knew until tonight how that started. I was surprised that Christian showed up off the island though... I thought it was specific to the island. Guess not...?

Well its kind of the like the same thing as Charlie. I think the its some kind of island spirt or something.

Edit- I bet Claire starts showing up to Kate or something. That would be cool.

Coco's Disciples
05-02-2008, 03:23 PM
-When Jack saw his dad that was the smoke monster. Thats why the detector went off.
-Not a big fan of that newspaper clipping...lol
-Bummer that Rousseau is dead, but I think we'll see her flashback, or parts, through a Ben FB or maybe Dharma FB.
-I guess we know about why Sun was off the island and not Jin, and why Jack is an addict.
-Miles can see the dead, which is probably why he saw Christian.
-Overall I rate the episode a 7.5/10, on the Lost standards. Meaning it was a very enjoyable episode of TV, but only a C compared to other Losts.
-Next week looks great, Locke sees Horace Goodspeed and Jacob.

05-02-2008, 07:22 PM
I knew that guy looked familiar. It's Horace.
I didn't like it that much. Compared to last week it sucked.

05-02-2008, 07:34 PM
Didnt you watch the episode flashes before your eyes? The Universe has a way of course correcting itself, Alex was suppose to die and if Ben had gone back and time and stopped it, she would have died some other way. Same thing happened to Charlie.

Understood, but nonetheless, I don't think he can time travel.

05-02-2008, 08:25 PM
Understood, but nonetheless, I don't think he can time travel.

Go to youtube and type "new Station the Orchid"

05-02-2008, 08:29 PM
-When Jack saw his dad that was the smoke monster. Thats why the detector went off.

Jesus fucking Christ. Touche motherfucker.

05-02-2008, 08:36 PM
Coco did you come up with that yourself? That's brilliant

Coco's Disciples
05-02-2008, 10:52 PM
Coco did you come up with that yourself? That's brilliant

I must say I did.

05-02-2008, 10:58 PM
I must say I did.

Claire saw Christian too...not just Miles though. What do you think of that?

05-02-2008, 11:38 PM
Did you mean to say:

Miles saw Christian too...not just Clair though. What do you think of that?

If not then I think it was because the smoke monster was targeting Claire directly, but does this mean the monster uses Shephards physical body as well?

Coco's Disciples
05-02-2008, 11:59 PM
In prior instances we have seen manifestations of the smoke monster, i.e. Walt and Yemi. I don't really know what to make of Christian and Claire and Miles. I think its one of: a) Miles saw Christian, because Christian is really there. b) Miles saw Christian because he can see dead people. c) Miles didn't see Christian, just saw Claire say "dad" and leave.

Another note that I have to give my dad credit for: Jack didn't have a scar on his appendix area in the flashforward. Perhaps Hurley was right?

05-03-2008, 11:29 AM
In prior instances we have seen manifestations of the smoke monster, i.e. Walt and Yemi. I don't really know what to make of Christian and Claire and Miles. I think its one of: a) Miles saw Christian, because Christian is really there. b) Miles saw Christian because he can see dead people. c) Miles didn't see Christian, just saw Claire say "dad" and leave.

Another note that I have to give my dad credit for: Jack didn't have a scar on his appendix area in the flashforward. Perhaps Hurley was right?

He actually did, however its not as noticable as you would think. The flashforward did take place almost three years after the surgery though.

Coco's Disciples
05-03-2008, 11:39 AM
Oh, he did...nevermind then.

05-03-2008, 11:49 AM
I like this manifestation idea. If I remember correctly in a prior season, I got the feeling that anyone who came into contact with the smoke monster saw something about him/herself in it. I also remember that when Locke first encountered the smoke monster (it was off-screen, not when he's almost dragged into the hole), he was asked whether or not he saw the monster and he clearly lied. But what he did say at some point was, "I have looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw was beautiful." I'm inclined to believe he saw something when the smoke monster approached him. But I'm not sure why the smoke monster has killed other people in the past, like the pilot of the plane (in the pilot episode).

VA Sox Fan
05-03-2008, 05:46 PM
Ben obviously can control (or release) the smoke monster. I wonder why he had it kill Mr. Ecko? I know the actor wanted off of the show for personal reasons.

I really liked this episode. Except for Jack trying to stay awake during the surgery, he annoys me when he gets so bull-headed. Juliet had done the surgery a lot in the past.

Glad to know Sawyer is alive. Poor Hurley. The next few episodes are going to be awesome and I can't wait!

Coco's Disciples
05-03-2008, 08:38 PM
Also, Christian reappearing coincides very nicely with Miles the ghost-whisperer. That should play a big part.

05-04-2008, 09:59 AM
really good site for Lost fans. No spoilers just anaylisis and previews of each episode


VA Sox Fan
05-04-2008, 10:18 AM
really good site for Lost fans. No spoilers just anaylisis and previews of each episode


Very informative, detail oriented and interesting. Thanks for posting the link MOF24! :)

05-04-2008, 11:00 AM
I think the monster has a mind of its own. I bet Ben has some control over it, but I thinkhalf the shit its done is its own idea.

05-04-2008, 03:49 PM
The only problem with the manifestation idea is that now we're assuming the smoke monster can leave the island. I know there's nothing to suggest that it can't, but perhaps it's too big of a stretch?

05-04-2008, 10:28 PM
03/12 - Walt's Island visitations are alluded to in episode 10, but that's it for explaining the mysteries of Walt for the rest of this much-shorter-than-it-should-be season four. Source: Kristin on E!Online

I read this somewhere. Was there any reference I'm forgetting about in the last episode?

Coco's Disciples
05-05-2008, 10:37 AM
I read this somewhere. Was there any reference I'm forgetting about in the last episode?

Probably Christian.

05-05-2008, 02:16 PM
I used to watch the show but stopped after the last season finale. I just saw a promo for it and now there are people hunting them with assault rifles? Has the show just gone to shit?

VA Sox Fan
05-05-2008, 03:03 PM
I used to watch the show but stopped after the last season finale. I just saw a promo for it and now there are people hunting them with assault rifles? Has the show just gone to shit?

Not at all. It's awesome! :thumbsup:

05-05-2008, 03:11 PM
really good site for Lost fans. No spoilers just anaylisis and previews of each episode


Guster should sue

Coco's Disciples
05-05-2008, 03:17 PM
I used to watch the show but stopped after the last season finale. I just saw a promo for it and now there are people hunting them with assault rifles? Has the show just gone to shit?

Not even close. The show is at one of its highest points right now, and the next episode is supposed to be absolutely ridiculous. Can't wait.

05-08-2008, 09:07 PM
Live Notes
- Ben and John have the same mother name.
- Micheal's work isn't done yet I guess.
- Does the nosebleed mean time travel?
- Is the I used to have dreams line significant?
- Black smoke monster was the drawing.
- Is Richard time traveling?
- I didn't get the Richard scene. He is a great actor by the way.
- Is that Ben's mom or foster mom?
- The doctor ain't dead.
- The radio just got the transmission from Daniel.
- Is Ben stealthly bring forth John's downfall? I got that feeling during the conversation.
- I saw that "Don't tell me what I can't do" line coming from miles away.
- I think Micheal was sent to the boat to kill Keamy. He was originally sent to kill everyone, but Ben didn't want to kill the innocent. Keamy is not innocent.
- Is the captain putting on a hoax? Micheal said not to trust him.
- I am very curious to find out Abadon's role on the show.
- I am expecting a historic scene out of this cabin scene.
- What the fuck? Claire?
- Move the island?

The main thing I sucked out of this episode is a firm belief that Christian is not a manifestation of the monster. I started to firmly believe it but now I have doubts.
or maybe the monster speaks on behalf of Jacob for a reason.

This episode was good but dragged out. I gotta go to sleep and I'll analyze tomorow.

05-08-2008, 10:25 PM
Best episode of the season. Not dragged out at all. There wasnt anything I didnt like about it. I love how we now know that John was being groomed from the very beginning. Abbadon must be an orginal island inhabitant. He also must have know that flight 815 was going to crash. Claire??? what the hell

05-08-2008, 10:29 PM
-Abbadon is Jacob. Gotta be.
-Maybe Claire did die when her house exploded - dead people can be seen on the island, and Christian said she was brought to the cabin because she was supposed to be there.
-I also don't think the manifestation idea holds as much water anymore.
-In the drawing, it was obviously the smoke monster, but the guy it cornered must be Ben. The drawing had glasses, and Ben's the only character alive that wore glasses at some point. I don't know whether it already happened or not though.

Youk Of The Nation
05-09-2008, 12:42 AM
So does Sam finally stop leaping or what?

Oh, wrong show.

Coco's Disciples
05-09-2008, 02:19 PM
Best episode of the season.
-The first time we saw Richard in the hospital gave me chills.
-I'm confused about Abbadon now. Initially we saw him working for Widmore but now for the Others? I may be leaning towards him being Jacob as sotk said.
-Another reference to Michael not being able to die. I think the same goes for Locke, as the doctor said he survived a lot of different sicknesses in his infancy. He also got pushed out a window and Jack pulled the trigger on him and survived both.
-We're going to see the Orchid a lot in the finale (assuming thats the station on Keamy's folder). Thats probably the time travel station, which is how Richard goes back and forth and how Ben goes to Tunisia. Also because Richard in the Locke young child scene has the same bag we saw in The Brig.
-That whole scene with the 6 items was kind of like the Dalai Lama. Cool.
-I think Claire is dead, explaining her calmness and tranquility.
-Were the coordinates that Gault gave Sayid wrong? I thought it was 315, but Gault said 305.
-With the moving of the island, I think after one group of Losties is brought to the freighter to go home (The O6), the boat them brought them won't be able to return to the island. But obviously Sayid wouldn't be manning that boat anymore, maybe Desmond would.

05-09-2008, 03:02 PM
I'm starting to think Clair is dead as well, but I think whether she is dead or not her role from now on will be small appearances with the same mood she had last night.

05-09-2008, 03:26 PM
I dont think Claire is dead, something has happened to her, but she is not dead.

05-13-2008, 09:06 PM
I just am itching for Thursday. I'm expecting these last 3 hours to be epic.

Sucks for the 2 week wait though.

Coco's Disciples
05-13-2008, 09:17 PM
Surprisingly I haven't really been looking forward to it...I guess those aren't the right words, I mean obviously I'm excited but its not like I can't wait. I doubt this episode is going to be a classic, even though its technically called the finale, its really all setting up for the 2 hour show.

05-13-2008, 09:35 PM
CD, I may have an answer for you as far as Abbadon goes. I was just thinking about this...let me know what you think.

We did originally see him working for Widmore (or we assumed he was working for him), as you say, but we only REALLY saw him talking to Naomi about the team that he had chosen for her (Faraday, etc). We never see him talking to Widmore specifically. Take this into account: we see Miles and a few other crew members suggest that they don't know what Keamy and Omar's real intent is. Gault didn't know that they wre going to the island to kill everyone - he is now dead, and Miles said, when he found Rousseau and Karl under the dirt, that he "didn't sign up for this." I think that Lapidus, Faraday, Miles, and Charlotte are there ONLY to get rid of Ben. If we assume that Abbadon is Jacob, this makes sense because Ben admits in the most recent episode that his time is over, and Locke is now the one running the show. Perhaps Abbadon met with Naomi ONLY to give her the team's orders, and maybe he has nothing to do with Widmore. What I'm suggesting is that there were two different groups aboard that freighter with two different goals - Naomi's group (whose goal was to take out Ben per Abbadon/Jacob's orders so that Locke could succeed Ben as the "leader" or whatever), and Keamy's group (Omar, whoever else). I'm convinced that Faraday, Miles, etc. have no knowledge of Keamy's true intent - Faraday tells Jack that his group's primary goal is not to rescue them, and then Miles says their goal is to get Ben. I think Keamy is told by Widmore to take out anyone on the island, including anyone else that was on the freighter who does not know of this plan. Basically I'm concluding that Abbadon never worked with Widmore, per se, but that he worked with Naomi. I think he is really on the Others' side as Jacob.

I think there's some merit in there, but there are some loop holes. It wouldn't explain why Ben seems to be playing a game against Widmore, but I think there's something in there that's true. Maybe Abbadon is playing some undercover role within Widmore's chain of command?

I hope I explained that clearly enough. Please ask me to explain anything that seems a bit confusing. I was struggling with how to word it so if you ask clearly enough I'll be able to explain myself better.

Coco's Disciples
05-13-2008, 09:48 PM
It makes sense, because Lapidus, Gault, Doc Ray definitely don't appear to be on the same page as Keamy, Omar, etc. And when we saw Abbadon with Naomi, he only had the pictures of the helicopter folk, not the other freighter people.

The thing that this means, I guess, is that Alpert is really not on Ben's side. If he is on the same side as Abbadon, as they're both trying to get Locke to the island and fulfill his destiny, and if as you said, they want Locke to be the leader, that obviously means overtaking Ben...

Confusing shit, hopefully we get some sort of answer before the season is up.

05-13-2008, 09:51 PM
It makes sense, because Lapidus, Gault, Doc Ray definitely don't appear to be on the same page as Keamy, Omar, etc. And when we saw Abbadon with Naomi, he only had the pictures of the helicopter folk, not the other freighter people.

The thing that this means, I guess, is that Alpert is really not on Ben's side. If he is on the same side as Abbadon, as they're both trying to get Locke to the island and fulfill his destiny, and if as you said, they want Locke to be the leader, that obviously means overtaking Ben...

Confusing shit, hopefully we get some sort of answer before the season is up.

I don't want to be misleading here though. I don't mean to imply that Ben never had Abbadon's or Alpert's support, just that at this point in time, for whatever reason, they support Locke over Ben now.

05-14-2008, 07:59 PM
I think Abbadon purposely put those 4 on the ship. He put them on since they were innocence and he groomed them to help stop the bad people on the boat from taking over the island. I don't think Alpert is against Ben and I don't think Jacob is either. Locke is supposed to take over, but I think Ben is accepting it.

05-14-2008, 10:47 PM
I think Abbadon purposely put those 4 on the ship. He put them on since they were innocence and he groomed them to help stop the bad people on the boat from taking over the island. I don't think Alpert is against Ben and I don't think Jacob is either. Locke is supposed to take over, but I think Ben is accepting it.

I don't think those 4 were put on the ship to stop Keamy, Omar, etc. I think they somehow wound up on that ship and thought that everyone's aim was to take out Ben while having no idea about Keamy's/Widmore's true intentions. I think that Keamy might have been ordered to off those 4 as well once they got rid of Ben. And if they couldn't get rid of Ben for whatever reason, then Keamy would do it himself then kill the other 4 anyway, along with the survivors and other people on the island.

Coco's Disciples
05-15-2008, 02:15 PM
Crazy prediction-one of the twists in the finale is that when the Oceanic Six goes back to the main land, due to the time difference, they will have only been gone for a week or so, not the 3+ months we've seen in the show. No basis, just think it makes sense.

Also, I think perhaps the reason that the plane was found on the bottom of the ocean with everyone dead is because of the moving of the island, whether it be physical or in time. This is assuming Widmore/Ben didn't plant the plane, which probably isn't a fair assumption to make at this point...just throwin those two out there.

Coco's Disciples
05-15-2008, 08:21 PM
Guys, beware of major spoilers floating around Lost forums and such. I think I just got spoiled on who's in the coffin.

05-15-2008, 08:22 PM
I agree Coco. I am about 90% sure that will happen a second before the advertisement with the woosh soung.

I want to see the explanation of the planted plane.

05-15-2008, 09:18 PM
Live Show Notes:

This is going to be hot.
Who is that woman jack hugged? ****its his mom
People I recognized: Sun's father and mother. Hurleys father and mother. That's it though.
Jack needs to stop being so stubborn.
I'm very curious as to know when the story was planned.
I am 100% sure that Jin is alive now. On the island.
Well that wasn't subtle. The first six people survive. The island moves. Then the rest are allegedly dead.
Looks like we're going to see the temple.
LMAO at Sun fucking pwning her father.
Hurley's got wheels.

*THIS IS THE UNIFICATION* Jack and John will be in the same place. The group will be unified as one.

These Micheal encounters will be epic.
Is this why Ben thought it was important to bring Hugo?
I'm disappointed. I was expecting more of an epic way of Jack finding out.
Jin is so amazing.
Dayum that C4.
Amazin split scene ending.

05-15-2008, 09:23 PM
Crazy prediction-one of the twists in the finale is that when the Oceanic Six goes back to the main land, due to the time difference, they will have only been gone for a week or so, not the 3+ months we've seen in the show. No basis, just think it makes sense.

Also, I think perhaps the reason that the plane was found on the bottom of the ocean with everyone dead is because of the moving of the island, whether it be physical or in time. This is assuming Widmore/Ben didn't plant the plane, which probably isn't a fair assumption to make at this point...just throwin those two out there.

The plane was "found" before Locke was told to move the island, though. That was in Faraday's flashback, remember? Unless you're suggesting something else...? I think the plane was planted there.

Guys, beware of major spoilers floating around Lost forums and such. I think I just got spoiled on who's in the coffin.

My guess is Michael, but I don't really know. Don't say anything!!!

I agree Coco. I am about 90% sure that will happen a second before the advertisement with the woosh soung.

I want to see the explanation of the planted plane.
